Tailed Beast Kurama | Chapter 1

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"Tadaima!" The Seventh Hokage had come home surprisingly early today!
"Papa!" Himawari threw herself at her father who she seldom saw. He lifted her up on his shoulders which he knew she enjoyed greatly.
"Oh! Seems like Hokage-sama remembers he has a wife and a daughter" Boruto taunted him like always.
"Boruto" Hinata stopped him.
"Welcome home, Naruto-kun" Hinata smiled warmly towards her, put Himawari down and stepped towards her. He hugged her softly and stayed there for a minute.
"You have to take of the kids, do all the chores and run all errands alone because of me, Hinata" he said softly, "I'm sorry."
"Don't make such a sad face, Hokage-sama" she looked at him as she broke the hug, "It's because of you that the village has developed so much! It is safe because we have you. If we have to make minor sacrifices for it, we don't mind at all."
"Papa" Himawari called, "Come here." She took his hand from the corridor and ran into the kitchen to the dining table.
"I made rice cakes today!" She held her plate proudly.
"They look very tasty, Himawari-chan. Can I try one?" He smiled.
"Mm" she smiled and offered the plate to her father.
"Mm. It's super tasty dattebayo. It's better than what your mom makes!" He snickered along with her.
"I heard that!" Hinata said from the background.
"Yeah!" Boruto yelled, "Mom makes the best rice cakes!"
He looked at Himawari's face and said, "But you will one day surpass Mom, if you try hard enough, Himawari-chan" nervously.
She made a face at Boruto and clung on to Naruto.
"Boruto! You can't say anything about the rice cakes unless you eat them. They are really good. You shouldn't say something like that to your sister!" Naruto pretended to yell at him to make Himawari feel better.
They sat down and ate their dinner in all smiles and cheers.
After the dinner, they sat down in the living room, just to talk. Hinata sat with Boruto on her side and Naruto had Himawari sitting in his lap.
"Papa" she asked, "People say you have a beast inside your belly?"
"He's not a beast, Himawari-chan." He frowned a little and explained, "He's my friend, in face he's Papa's best friend. He has been with Papa ever since papa was very little, like you. He never left my side and helped us with the war. His name is Kurama."
"Papa, I knew it! I knew you wouldn't do something mean! But then why do people say he's a beast?" She frowned a little.
"That's because he's not human." He smiled at her.
"Mama" she turned to her mom, "Have you ever seen, Kurama?"
"Yes and no" she laughed.
"What do you mean, Mama?" Himawari was confused.
"I mean, I have seen him in chakra form. I have also felt his chakra and I also feel his presence in Naruto-kun time to time, but I haven't seen him in all his glory." She put a hand to her chin.
"Tou-chan gets all his powers from Kurama." Boruto laughed at his dad.
"That is true." Naruto.
Suddenly, his eyes turned red and his seemingly harmless moustache became more prominent. His teeth became fangs and his hair stood up straight.
"Naruto," I completely different, deep and scary voice echoed from Naruto's mouth, "Don't sell yourself short because of this kid, even if it is your kid. I have no influence on your Taijutsu skills, Sage mode and your strength of resolve. This brat doesn't know what it takes to become a perfect Jinchuriki, he doesn't know the power required to overcome hate."
"Kurama!" Naruto went back to his carefree self.
"Mama!! What happened to Papa?" Himawari panicked.
"That wasn't Papa, it was Kurama-san" Hinata smiled at her, "He didn't like what Boruto said to Papa."
"He was standing up for Papa?" Himawari asked.
"Mmhmm" Hinata nodded.
"KURAMA-SAN!!!" she yelled in Naruto's ears as loud as she could, "I WANT TO SEE YOU!"
"Himawari-chan!" Naruto said as he closed his ears, "Kurama can hear you even if you speak normally."
"But he's inside you, ne?!" She widened her eyes.
"Yeah. But he can see everything I can see, he can hear everything I can hear and he can feel everything I can feel."
"So, why doesn't he come out?" She pouted.
"I don't know. I think you'll have to ask him." Naruto smiled at his angry cute daughter.
"Kurama-san, why don't you come out?" She asked him.
"That doesn't concern you, little kid." Kurama said scoffing at her and putting a hand on her head.
"Miss. Hyuga, I'd like stew for dinner tomorrow if you don't mind." He demanded and went back to sleep.
"Ofcourse, Kurama-san." She smiled.
"Papa" Himawari tugged to his shirt, "What does he do inside you?"
"He mostly sleeps and rests, but whenever I need him, he helps me fight, he protects me, he improves my healing and he keeps a watch on me if I do something stupid." He chuckled a little.
"Papa he must be really small, ne? If he can fit inside you like that?" She asked him.
"He's not. He's bigger than I am. But he can change his form and convert himself into chakra. That's how he lives inside me." He answered.
"You should come out sometime to play with me, Kurama-san." Himawari pouted.
"Who needs Kurama-san Himawari, you have your Onii chan, ne?" Boruto looked at her and smiled.
"But onii Chan is always so mean to Papa. I don't want to play with you." She said and turned her head angrily.
"That what get brat! I like this kid!" Kurama laughed.
"Okay. That's enough. Let's all go to bed now." Hinata said and Naruto agreed.
"Let's go, Hima! Yosh!" Naruto picked her on his shoulder and dropped her off in her room and proceeded to his and Hinata's room.
"Let's go? Boruto?" Hinata smiled at her son.
He offered his hand and she took. She dropped him off to his bed and proceeded to her and Naruto's room.
"Those kids are a handful sometimes." Naruto sighed and dropped onto the bed.
"Naruto-kun," Hinata sat next to him and he turned to face her, "I'm sorry Boruto behaves like that with you."
"Hinata," he took her hands and his and kissed them, "I know why he behaves like that. I understand that he wants me to be present for him. He wants me to be around but I can't. But what I also understand, is you are doing your best." He smiled for her his usual wide sunshine grin.
"Naruto-kun" she blushed and she hugged him.
"It's been a while since we were together and both awake, ne?" He asked hugging her.
"It has." She whispered close to his chest.
"I love you, Hinata." He said as he tightened his hug.
"I love you too, Naruto-kun" she replied with a coy smile.
"Hinata, thank you for all your efforts. I'm not home and just leave everything to you. I wish I could help you more. Is there anything I can do for you? He sighed.
"There is one thing you can do." She smiled at him, emerging out of the hug.
She patted her cheek with her finger, while looking at him.
"Hinata" he smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek she patted. He also gave one the forehead.
"Naruto-kun," she said to him taking his hands and put them near her face almost caressing it, "I don't mind doing this to help you. You are here with me, you love me, you have a family with me and you have achieved the dream you wanted."
"Hinata," he touched his forehead to hers and used the other hand to caress her face, "You're so amazing Hinata. I don't know what I would do without you."
"There's another thing you can do for me, Naruto-kun!" She smiled.
She quickly jogged to her dresser and joined him.
"This" she gave him a comb in his hands and turned around and sat in front of him.
He glided the brush slowly through her soft purple hair. Occasionally, massaged her head a bit and continued combing.
"Arigato," she smiled at him after he was done.
"You look beautiful, Hinata." He said to her and hugged her.
"Shouldn't we sleep now, Hokage-sama?" She snickered a little.
"You sleep. I'll drink water and join you." Naruto said and tucked her into bed.
"Be back soon." She told him as he rushed down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Oye, Naruto! What are you going to do about what your kid said?" Kurama asked.
"Boruto is always going to be like that." Naruto sighed and finished his glass of water.
"Not that brat, the other kid. I have a feeling she won't let it slide so easily." Kurama sighed.
"Don't worry. She'll forget about it by tomorrow." Naruto laughed, "But I am glad she talked to me about it. I am glad she doesn't see you as something to be scared of. I'm glad she wants to be friends with you." He ended.
He realized that he had reached their room while having the conversation. He kissed Hinata on the forehead and got into bed with her. He held on to her tightly, as if trying to protect her even in his sleep. She crept further into him a little and both of them fell asleep together in bliss.

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