The All Knowing | Chapter 2

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"Good morning" Naruto yawned rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning, Papa!" Himawari jumped on his and hung by his arm.
"Good morning, Hima" he said as he spun her around.
"Good morning, Naruto-kun" Hinata said as interrupted the spinning.
"Good morning, my love" he said holding Himawari in his arms properly now.
They both planted a kiss on both his cheeks simultaneously.
"Tou-chan doesn't need that much pampering, Kaa-chan" Boruto whined.
"It's okay, Boruto. I don't get a chance to pamper him almost at all." Hinata said as she kissed Boruto on the cheek as well.
"Hima, want to help me?" She smiled at Himawari who jumped down and ran to her mom.
"Yes. I'll help you Mama!" She cheerfully declared.
"Give this to Papa." Hinata said as she handed Naruto's lunch box to Himawari.
"Papa" Himawari stood in front of her dad wearing shoes.
"Your lunch" she held it out in front of him.
"Thank you, Hima" he said and kissed her on the cheek twice, "Give one to Mama, okay? Don't keep all for yourself."
"Okay. Bye Papa" she waved at him.
"Bye Hima!" He waved at her and left for the Hokage office.
"Mama!" She ran to her mother and asked her to kneel down.
"Papa gave this for you." She said and she kissed Hinata on the cheek.
Hinata blushed a little at the child's innocence and Naruto's sweet gesture.
"Thank you, Hima. I'll say thank you to Papa when he comes back." She smiled at Himawari.
"Kaa-chan," Boruto said finishing his breakfast, "I'm going to Shikadai's house. We had planned to spend time together since we are both off from missions today."
"Onii Chan, can you drop me at Inojin's house?" Himawari asked her brother politely.
"Why Hima?" He asked.
"Me and Inojin have planned to draw together today." She smiled.
"I'm sorry, Hima. I can't drop you today, but next time for sure." He smiled at her, but she frowned.
"I'll drop you, Hima. Don't worry!" Hinata said to make the kid smile again.
"Yay! Thank you Mama!" She smiled and finished her breakfast.
All of them put their dishes at the sink and Boruto left off for Shikadai's house.
"I'll clean the dishes after we come back, okay?" Hinata smiled as she looked at Himawari.
"Do you want to go like this or do you want to change?" She asked Himawari.
"I'll go in this itself Mama. If I wear something nice and something spills over it them it will become dirty." She reasoned.
"Okay. Take your art supplies and we'll go." Hinata smiled as her daughter ran into her room and got her bag ready.
Hinata quickly fixed her hair and straightened her clothes out.
"Let's go, Mama!" Himawari shouted from outside.
"Coming!" She said as she wore her shoes and held Hima's hand.
They walked through the city to get to the Yamanaka flower shop.
"Oh! Himawari-chan!" Ino smiled as she saw both of us entering.
"Hello!" Himawari exclaimed and Hinata smiled.
"Mama! She's so pretty!" Himawari said to her mom pointing at Ino.
"Yes. She is." Hinata smiled and handed Himawari her bag of art supplies.
"Nin Pou: Chouju Giga!" A voice was heard from the corner and a colourful bird sat on Himawari's shoulder.
"Inojin!" She exclaimed.
"Himawari! Ready for a drawing battle?" He smiled at her.
"Ofcourse!" She jumped and went to his room.
"Hey! Hima!" The kids had disappeared before Hinata could say anything to them and both the mothers just stood there smiling and chuckling.
"They sure have a lot of energy." Ino commented and they laughed.
"Thank you for taking care of her, Ino. I know she is stubborn sometimes, but thank you." Hinata said to her standing in front of her.
Just then, "Hello, beautiful!" A familiar voice echoed from behind. Sai hugged his wife dearly. "I'll be upstairs." He smiled at her.
"Hello, Hinata" he smiled at me and left us to our conversation.
"Reminds me of Naruto-kun whenever he comes home early." I chuckled a little.
"Who knew these people would become so busy and so important after the war?!" Ino sighed, "They've grown into fine men, considering how idiotic they were before." She continued.
"Don't say that Ino! But I agree. They have become great Shinobi." Hinata smiled at her.
"Be a good girl, Hima. I'll come to pick you up in the evening." Hinata called out to her daughter and left the shop.
Hinata was returned to her home and was doing her chores when the phone rang.
"Hello? Uzumaki household. May I know who's speaking?" She said recieving the phone.
"Hinata, Naruto needs a change of clothes." Shikamaru said from the other side.
"Oh, ofcourse! I'll get it in a minute. I'll be there in 15, okay?"
"Yes. Thank you." Shikamaru said.
Hinata packed her things and was getting ready to deliver them to the Hokage's office.
Meanwhile, at the Yamanaka's, Himawari was enjoying her drawing battle with Inojin. Sometimes, Sai would peek and slightly whisper, "Nin Pou: Chouju Giga" and their drawings would come alive. They enjoyed it too much to try an figure out how it was happening.
"Look! Inojin!" She held out her drawing in front of him, "This is Kurama!" She smiled.
"Who is Kurama?" He asked her confused.
"Kurama," Sai joined them in drawing, "Is the tailed beast inside Naruto."
"He's not a beast! He's Papa's best friend!" Himawari pouted.
"Oh! Ofcourse. I'm sorry Himawari-chan" he apologized.
"Nin Pou: Chouju Giga!" Inojin said and Himawari's Kurama drawing came to life.
"Is that how he looks Papa?" Inojin turned to his father.
"From what I have seen and heard, he looks something like this." He started scribbling something on his notepad.
"Nin Pou: Chouju Giga" he said and the Kurama he drew came to life. It looked similar to the Kurama Chakra Mode but not the actual Kurama.
"Hey! What's going on?" Ino peeked as she asked them to lunch.
"Himawari-chan, do you want to help me get the plates? Let's all eat together?" Ino suggested.
"Yes!" Himawari cried and went along with Ino to the kitchen.
"We should also go have lunch." Sai urged Inojin and they all sat around the table.
Meanwhile, Hinata reached the Hokage office and went inside.
"Shikamaru? Naruto-kun?" She knocked on the door, "I've got the change of clothes!"
"Come in" Shikamaru said.
"Ah! Hinata! Thank you so much." Naruto said and got up to take the bag from her.
He took the bag from her,she turned to leave but Shikamaru followed her and stopped her.
"Hinata, I want to know something." He said in a very serious tone.
"Yes?" She answered.
"Is anything wrong? Did something happen yesterday?" He asked.
"Nothing unusual. Everything is the same. What happened? Is everything all right?" She was concerned about her husband. He was often the target because of the tailed beast inside him and this was no secret.
"Naruto is behaving strangely since he came back from yesterday. He has been talking to himself and Kyuu-bi a lot. He doesn't complain about paperwork and seems like something is bothering him." He explained.
"Himawari said she wanted to meet Kurama, but nothing other than that if it's considering him." She said as she put a hand on her chin.
"Shikamaru" they heard a familiar voice.
"Sasuke. Good you're here. I have a small side mission for you." He said turning to him.
"So, I'll leave now." Hinata said and Shikamaru stopped her.
"Wait, Hinata. Just a minute." He said.
"Sasuke, I want you to find out, out this saint called "The All Knowing". All we know about her as of now, is that it is a woman. Naruto is in the office, just wait. I'll join you guys." He instructed and turned to Hinata.
"Hinata, I need your help too. Remember we went on the mission to the moon. Remember Toneri Otsutsuki? He must have some information regarding this "The All Knowing" woman. I need you to talk to him, somehow. Only you can do this." He instructed me.
"Okay. I'll be on it." I said.
"Also, this is a secret mission. So, nobody other than Naruto can know about this." He mentioned.
She agreed, took his leave and met Naruto-kun as she was leaving.
"Thank you for the clothes, Hinata." He said walking up to her.
"You're welcome, Naruto-kun." She smiled at him and left the premises.
"Hinata!" He called out to her as he ran towards her.
He hugged her tight for a moment and then let her go, "I'll see you at home, Hinata" he smiled and left towards his office.
"I'll see you too, Naruto-kun." She blushed and made her way to the door.
She came home and went about her day usually. Before she noticed it, it was already time to go and pick Himawari from Ino's place.
"Himawari-chan! I'll drop you home!" Ino said as she called out to Himawari.
Just then, "Hima?" Hinata said entering the Yamanaka flower shop.
"Hinata!" Ino came downstairs along with Himawari.
"Mama!" She ran and hugged her mom.
"Mama! Me and Inojin and Sai-san drew so many pictures! And they also came to life! And we had so much fun!" She started telling her mother everything.
"I'm glad you had so much fun, Hima." Hinata smiled at her and turned to Ino.
"I hope she didn't give you a lot of trouble, Ino. Thank you for having her." She said politely.
"Oh, she was a delight." Ino smiled at her giving her a sunflower.
"Come again! We'll have more fun! Bye Hima-chan!" Inojin waved.
"Your daughter is really cute, and calm. Seems like she took after you, rather than Naruto." Sai joked and the parents laughed together.
"Let's go now?" Hinata turned to her daughter who was busy admiring the sunflower.
"Thank you once again, Ino." Hinata thanked her and they left.
As the walked around town,
"Mama, I'm hungry." Himawari tugged to her mother's skirt.
"Hima, we'll get home soon. Then I'll give you dinner?" Hinata kneeled in front of her.
"No, Mama. I am hungry now." Himawari insisted.
"Okay. We'll stop at a dango place?" Hinata asked her.
"No. Thunder Burger!" She pouted.
"Okay. But just one burger, then we have dinner at home, is that a promise Hima?" Hinata put her hand ahead and Himawari put her hand on Hinata's.
"Promise, mama" she exclaimed and they headed towards Thunder Burger.
"We'll have 2 meals parcel, 1 here and 1 burger please." Hinata ordered as Himawari sat and kept a watch on Hinata's purse.
Hinata paid and they sat down at their booth.
"Mama, are you okay?" Himawari looked at her mother who suddenly looked all weary and tired.
"I'm just very tired Hima." She smiled and got their orders.
She ate her burger, Himawari was more excited about the toy than the food and they grabbed their parcels.
They reached home and Hinata was more tired than she had ever been.
"I'll get you dinner, okay Hima? Have some rice to fill your stomach." She smiled at Himawari and stepped into the kitchen.
She could barely manage to stand up, but she did all her chores. Boruto came back and sat at the table as they had dinner together.

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