~ Chapter 2: See for Yourself ~

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          Later that night, you slipped out of bed and quickly grabbed some clothes to slip on, your shoes, and hooded cloak to keep dry from the rain. You slipped past Yirel who was loudly snoring on his side of the bed. It would be nearly impossible to wake him up, not even a loud crash or bang could wake him. It was horrible, even if you needed to wake him he would be in an angry mood. It was like you were forever walking on eggshells, and you were forced to be in this position. Your heart ached when you dreamed of leaving it all behind and being free. Though with nowhere to really go, and the fear of Yirel finding you and telling your family of your foolish acts it stayed what it all was. Just a dream.

          Maybe you could get your fix of adventure tonight, those tents that struck fear into the people here could hold so much. You quietly shut the door to yours and Yirel's living area and crept down the steps and out the door of the shop. The night air was warm and humid as you were filled with the familiar sound of rain and people walking. Despite it being extremely late at night, groups of people still seemed to walk and chatter. They went to dine out late, or go see performances or even go for late-night walks such as yourself.

          You pulled your hood over your head and started walking to where downtown was. You had never gotten to take in the City of Tears as it was until right now. The humid yet sweet-smelling air from rain gave everything a mysterious and authentic romanticized feeling. Like the stories of love you once read where two characters met under the veil of night. As rain sprinkled down on them from above and washed away their facades, all that remained was love. True love, as pure and sweet as it was.

          Where was this for you? All you seemed to have was sorrow and despair. You were going to be locked into a loveless marriage. How would you both have children? Would you ever want to even have any if their fate would be like yours? You couldn't live with yourself if that would be the case. It was like you were a prisoner in your own home already, with every passing moment you begged for justice but none would come. What fate was this? Was this fair? What did you do to deserve this?

          You stopped in front of a fountain with a statue of an incredibly large bug standing tall. With large horns and dressed in a long cloak. From your stories, you remembered the shape as the Hollow Knight, a vessel made to try and stop the infection so long ago in this land. It still stood and as it did, you took a rest by the fountain and listened to the rain as you began to reflect on yourself...

          "Why am I here, just to suffer?" You mumbled and you felt your body grow cold something faintly whispered back to you,

          "Loss never comes to the unworthy..." You snapped your head behind you and saw nothing but the fountain, but you swore that the voice came from right behind you right into your ear. You stood up and then completely faced the fountain, but no answer came to you. Whoever spoke to you was not there anymore, but the fact that someone heard you made you much more uneasy. Making you continue on your way downtown.

          You kept walking in the rain as you followed signs to help you on your way, the street lamps helping you see through the rain that continued to pour. Sometimes it was just a drizzle, other times a mist, but you knew downpours could also occur. Right now, it was a steady basic rainfall, but it still helped to have the lamps illuminate the streets.

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