Chapter 3

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As I saw who walked in my jaw dropped. My eyes wide.


I noticed Zoey at the table next to me. She LOVED Ashton more than probably any one else in the world.

Aside from me and Zoey, no body else recognized them.

As my american history teacher, mrs. Highes directs them to there seats ASHTON ends up sitting next to Zoey. she looks like she's having the hardest time breathing.

I reach over to her shoulder and tap her. she looks at me tears of joy are about to run down her face, her smile as wide as ever. We give each other that little 'eek' screech and she turns back around.

World history is pretty boring as mrs. Highes talk on and on about random crap that no one is actually paying attention to her explain.

Two boys (who I'm guessing are caspar and joe since there not here yet) walk in late together.

"Are you two the exchange students?" mrs. Highes asks them.

"Indeed we are." One of them says.

Mrs. Highes points them both to their seats.

The blonder one turns out to be caspar I find out since he takes the open seat next to me.

As mrs. Highes begins to talk again, Caspar starts to talk to me.

"This is boring af." he whispers.

I giggle a little. "I know." I saw as I roll my eyes.

"I like your hair!" he adds.

"Thanks!" I say back.

I had dark brown hair and a blonde ombré at the tips. my hair was to the length just above my belly button. I personally loved my hair, just not when its natural. I had straightened it today.

Through the rest of history we continued to whisper occasionally while mrs. Highes wasn't looking. Good thing we sat in the back right corner.

Soon history ended.

"Alright U guys can go head to your next period." mrs. Highes told us.

Grabbing his binders and backpack Caspar said "You seem fun, mind if I have your number?"

I smiled. SCORE NEW FRIEND! "sure!"

We exchanged numbers and luckily didn't get caught with our phones.

Caspar said bye and left for math, his next period.

I knew me and Zoey had all our core classes together so I grab my back pack and walked out. I waited for her out side of the history room.

She finally walked out, talking with of course Ashton. I'm SOOO happy for her omg.

I tap her on the back. we exchange HEY!s and hug.

She turns to Ashton. "ashton this is my best friend Bethany!"

"It's really nice to meet you Ashton says hugging me." oh my lanta a hug. from Ashton arwin.

"What period do U have next Ashton?" I ask.

"Lunch." he says

"Oh cool us too!" me and Zoey say at the same time.

We look at each other and laugh. "jinx" we say again in unison. We laugh again.

We ask mrs. Highes if we can leave our back packs in her room and she says sure.

We all walk down the stairs and to the lunch room talking.

I brought my iPhone, thank god, and me and Zoey end up exchanging numbers with Ashton.

He told us to make sure we don't give anyone else his number. And of course we wouldn't.

As we walk into lunch I panic not knowing where to sit. most of me and Zoeys closer friends are in the next lunch period.

"Zoe where are we going to sit?" I ask her.

She doesn't even hear me, she's too busy drooling over the back of Ashton's head, since we were walking behind him now.

I nudge her shoulder.

She trips. but I catch her before she falls.

We start cracking up and Ashton turns around.

He has a big smile and confused eyebrows "What happened??" We just laugh as I help Zoey up. Her beach blonde straight hair flips back over her shoulders.

she had really pretty hair that was about to her boobs. a perfect smile and blue green eyes.

She wore a white shirt with a black peacock on it and a pink and blue and white flannel over it. she wore black leggings, and her white converse.

"Ashton we don't have anywhere to sit." I say.

"Here come sit with us!" he says.

Holy shitballs.

Oh my god I think I'm going to throw up.

Sitting at the table is:

Luke Hemmings, Calum hood, Micheal Clifford, and a few other boys.

I'm shaking so bad as I take a seat inbetween Luke and Zoey. Zoey is on the end across from Ashton who is next to Calum, who I am across from. Calum is sitting next to Micheal. then there are more boys who I don't recognize sitting down at the end.

Oh wait I do recognize one of them.

It's ~


*Another cliff hanger! Hehe oops.

Anyway remember to vote, comment thoughts or ideas for next chapter!

Also if u want to be in my book comment

1.) your name U want.
2.) three of your celeb crushes.
3.) what U look like and act like.

ILY ALL MY UM MY... my..

Also comment what i should call y'all!*

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