1 Week Later

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Today was Valentines Day. Blood red roses arrived at my work, one week after our hookup. They said they're from Zak but I doubt that. Probably from the museum hoping I don't sue for fainting there. I roll my eyes heavily and proceed working at my desk, smiling occasionally at the thought of maybe, just maybe they were from him himself. I took them home to light up my apartment. I was cooking dinner while watching Entertainment Tonight. They were doing a special on the museum with Zak and...Holly Madison?! I stopped what I was doing and turned up the volume. Zak and Holly were a couple. They said they had been for a year now. The little fuck, he hooked up with me when he has another woman in the picture. I was angry. I've been in Hollys position. The one that gets cheated on. It's not fun, it sucks.

I wasn't angry at Holly at all. I felt bad for her. It was Zak that I was pissed at.  I decided to not think much about it and forget the hookup weekend fling happened at all. I did however, grab hold of the vase of blood red roses and threw it at the wall. Glass, water, petals and stems broke everywhere. Great. I was going to have to clean up this fucking mess among other ones.

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