Chapter One

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It was the first day back at the boarding school. I couldn't wait to get to my dorm. I needed to claim the big bed before the other four idiots do. If they do claim all the big beds, I will never hear the end of it. I grabbed my bags and started to run towards my dorms. I nodded at the people who called out my name or waved at me. They knew why I was in such a hurry to go to my dorm. They knew how competitive my friends and I were. It was in our blood to live for competition. As I hurried down the corridor, I accidently bumped into someone, but it wasn't a major one. So, the person I bumped into just stumbled a bit. I didn't even know whom I bumped into. I didn't even know if it was a boy or girl. I just turned my head around and yelled.

"SORRY!" I exclaimed and turned my head back and continued to run.

I turned right then turned left. I then ran all the way down the corridor and to the last dorm in the hallway. It was the biggest one in the girls' dormitory. On our first year here, we were so happy to find out that we keep the same dorms until we leave the school. I grabbed the key from my pocket and opened the door. I was relieved when I found that no one was here yet.

"OUT OF MY WAY! I NEED TO GET TO THAT DORM BEFORE MY IDIOTS DO! MOVE! PLEASE! THANK YOU! SORRY! HEY! GOT TO GO!" my idiot friend, Violet, screamed as she ran down the hallway to get to our dorm.

Hurriedly, I grabbed my bags and tossed them on the biggest bed, which was in the far corner and ran quickly over. I got my phone out and put my earplugs in. I blasted my music and plopped down on my bed. Just then, Violet entered the room.

"Dang it! I wanted to get the bed this year! You've gotten it four times in a row! This is so unfair!" She huffed out and claimed the second biggest bed, which was on the other side of the room.

"Hey! I came earlier than you because I wanted the big bed more than you did and I am the captain of the track, soccer, volleyball, and lacrosse team for a reason," I say after taking my earplugs out.

"Well...I am team captain of the basketball, swim, and tennis team. They require more energy than all your sports combined," Violet said as she sat next to her bags on the bed.

"NOT TRUE!" I exclaim.

"YES IT IS!" she yelled back.








"No...wait you agreed with me," Violet said.

"No I didn't. I said sí, so that I could trick you into saying no." I stated as I started to unpack.

"You still agreed with me!" Violet sung as she started to unpack.

"So untrue!" I cried out.

"Whatever floats your boat!" Violet says.

"HEY GET OUT OF MY WAY!" says another one of my idiots' voice from outside the dorm.

"SORRY TO BREAK IT TO YOU LUCY, BUT THAT BED IS MINE!" says the last of my idiots' voice.


Charlie's back was facing us as she was just outside the dorm.

"SUCKER! THE BED IS MINE!" Charlie said and turned around to see Violet and me in the dorm room.

Her mouth was agape while Violet and me just snickered.

"HEY! WHAT'S THE HOLD UP!" Lucy said trying to push Charlie out of the way.

The two of them came tumbling in with Lucy on top of Charlie.

"Looks like you two are getting the full size beds," Violet says while the two idiots get off the floor and brush themselves off.

"This is so unfair. I have to wait for this girl to get ready and spend her precious time in the bathroom. Dad wouldn't let me go without taking her. Her stupid car is at the car place to get it cleaned. She just had to get it cleaned for a new school year even though she bought the car like a week ago. Lucy is a spoiled brat I tell you!" Charlie was exclaiming as she threw her stuff on the bed that was closest to me while Lucy put hers closest to Violet.

"Can you blame me? It's senior year. I'm dressing to impress this year," Lucy said.

"You dress to impress every year!" I state.

"Anyways, do you think that I do more sports that use more energy that Kelsey here?" Violet says.

"You both don't play sports with the most energy. I do! Captain of the dance and cheerleading team is tough work people!" Lucy says as she unpacks.

"Sure it is! I play the sports with the most energy. Captain of the softball and football team is hard work!" Charlie says as she unpacks as do the rest of us.

"Yeah...well it's not like you play four sports," I say.

"Just...whatever. Kels wins end of discussion," Lucy says frustrated that we are yelling over sports rather than cute guys in our school or hottest celebrities.

"Yay!" I say as I do a mini dance.

"This is why dance is important!" Lucy exclaims points a finger at me. "It should be illegal for people to dance when they dance horribly!"

I threw my soccer ball at her.

"Shut up!" I say.

Lucy throws her hands up.

"Alright, alright. I surrender. You don't have to throw anything at me.

I shrug my shoulders and continue to pack. I won't admit it to their faces, but I miss them a lot over the summer. I wish they could've gone to Europe with me. Going there was so boring without them. I wish Dad didn't make me go to the meeting there, but he said that if I wanted to take over his business then I would have to. After we finished unpacking, we talked about our summer and how we should spend the winter break together no matter what.

"Let's go get some ice cream. I am starving!" Charlie said.

"You're always starving!" Lucy complained.

"This is why I am happy that I don't have a twin!" Violet says.

"Where's the popcorn, I want to watch this quarrel," I say.

"SHUT UP!" the twins say simultaneously.

"Whatever, let's go get that ice cream," Violet says.

"RACE YOU!" I say as soon as I was half way down the hallway.

"HEY!" they shouted and ran after me.

I chuckled. I love these people. I don't know what I will do without them.

A/N I hope it didn't stink like I think it does. This is my first book on Wattpad. I hope you liked it. I will update as soon as I can. Please don't get criticize my errors. I wrote this on an iPad, and I am not the best speller on this planet. I am also human. Anyways, I hope you would continue to read it. I feel like this was a short chapter. I hope it wasn't. I will try to make the next one longer. Once I get a really good writer to help me, you will be reading the story with more excitement to it. Also, my companion in this writing, will help rewrite this with more details and more sparks to it. I also want someone to make my cover. The writer will get credit in this book. Also, I am really bad at making covers. So, can someone help me? Winner gets this book dedicated to them. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving meal. I am thankful for all the people involved in my life. But, I am most thankful for the soldiers out their that are fighting for my country. I am also thankful to all the soldiers who ever served or died serving my country. I am also thankful to you guys because you took a chance in reading my book without knowing if you are going to be wasting your time reading a bad or good book. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving break. VOTE! COMMENT! FOLLOW!

"Right now, you are the oldest you will ever be yet the oldest," said my favorite teacher

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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