Herobrine Battle

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"B-boss, don't do this," said Entity 303 as he backed up. 

"You betrayed me. I CAN'T HAVE MY NUMBER ONE MINION BE A WALKING, TALKING PIECE OF JUNK TRAITOR!" Herobrine screamed, and the world shook. Every stomp of his foot made the world shake, and he grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger. He was then thousands of feet tall. They looked up, and couldn't even see his head. He extended up above the clouds. He was ginormous. Then, a huge sword of incomprehensible size came slashing down at them. They barely moved out of the way to dodge it. Then, Abby and Namir walked out from the house. 

"What's going on out he-OH MY GOSH." 

"How are we going to beat him?" Roman asked. Then, Herobrine grew taller and bigger, until the earth began tipping side to side. He was bigger than the planet now. Huge cracks began forming in the earth. They ran as fast as they could away, but one step forward of Herobrine's foot sent himself forward thousands of miles. Christian turned to Roman. 

"I have no idea." But then, Roman thought of something. He scrolled through his spell book, until he came to the right page. 

"Aha! There's two very powerful spells. And when combined, become even more so. But you guys have to be up for it," said Roman. 

"Well, what is it?" Asked Christian and Entity 303. 

"Basically, we can preform and enlargement spell on all of us, and then preform a morphing spell. Dangerous, but that's the our only chance to success." 

"I'm up for it," said Entity 303. 

"That makes three of us," replied Christian. Roman muttered some words, and they all grew huge in size. 

"Now, for the morphing spell, we need a loved possession. Doesn't have to be expensive, size doesn't matter, but it has to be something that someone loves deep with their hearts. That object, or possibly person, will disappear in expense for the spell," said Roman. 

"I-I don't have any loved possessions," said Entity 303. 

"Neither do I," replied Christian. Just then, Roman and Entity 303 looked at Christian. 

"What are you guys looking at. Oh no, you can't possibly be thinking of Abby." 

They both nodded. 

"No you can't! You can't use her!" Roman walked over to Abby. 

"ROMAN, NO!" Screamed Christian. But Roman didn't listen. He had to do it. The rest didn't have any loved possessions -on them anyways- and it was either Abby dying, or the whole world. He walked right in front of Abby. He muttered some more words of an unknown language, and beams of light jolted from his hand, and it went into Abby. Then she began to melt. 

"The ritual is complete!" Said Roman as they all melted together into one being. They began growing up above the clouds, until they were eye to eye with Herobrine. Herobrine swung his sword at them, but they deflected it. 

"You will never destroy us, or this world. So give up," the hybrid said in a hideous voice, that all three of their voices morphed into one. They slashed at Herobrine, and a huge wound appeared on his chest. He shrank down, and ran away. 

"This is not the last you'll see of me!" Said Herobrine, slowly fading away, until he was no longer seen. Then the hybrid shrank down. Entity 303 and Roman shank hands. 

"Good work," said Roman. 

"Same to you," replied Entity 303. They turned around, but Christian was on the ground crying. He was saying the word Abby. 

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