Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I couldn't sleep what so ever. The entire night every time I closed my eyes, the back of my eye lids had Cole plastered to them. How he looked when he walked out of the bathroom. How he stood up for me at dinner. It was getting on my nerves. Why did he act weird yesterday when I fell on him? I mean it was different but nothing to freak out about. The most irritating thing is now I can't seem to stop my mind from thinking R rated thoughts about his body. I don't understand why I'm lusting after a guy that probably wants to harm me. It's like I can't help but think nonstop about him.

I slowly stood to my feet beside my bed and felt my legs refuse and send me crumbling back to the mattress. Gazing down at my once tattered up calf's, they were almost healed fully. That's weird. Normally I have to go a whole week with open gashes all over me before they even start to close up. Oh well, I'm not complaining.

Faint thud's of shuffling feet brought my attention to the cell door. In the dark room I vaguely saw a hand reach through the bars and touch the side wall where my light switch is, flipping it up for the dull light to flood into my room.

Once my yellow light was flickering on, I froze from the person who was on the other side of the bars. Cole had a simple white shirt with black pants making him look incredible. I noticed too late that I was gawking at him, before he cleared his thought. My eyes snapped to his blank ones immediately.

"Get up and come with me." He commanded me, making my body atomically get up and walk over to the cell door. He took out a tazer from his back pocket and turned it on before opening my door. I looked into his eyes with fear clouding my features. He wouldn't do that to me. Would he?

"Go to the training room." Cole spoke in a powerful yet demanding tone. Nodding I went to go around him but stopped to look at the weapon settled in his hand. Turning my back to him, I cranked my head to look at him, but he wasn't there. He was gone.

 I walked into the training room with my stomach lumping up in my throat. I felt as though I was being watched. I spun around only to find that one of the doors in the hallway was left wide open. Feeling a pull to go inside the room, I lumbered quietly until I was in the door frame. I heard loud crashing coming from within the room.

Sneaking inside I noticed I've never been in this room. Even though I have been here for years at a time, there were still too many rooms to count. All around the deep red room was random shattered decorations all over the floor. It was a large bedroom with one window on the far side of the room. The only window I've seen the whole time I have been here. A heavy sheer blocked the light from coming into the dim room.

"Why are you in here?" I turned to where the voice was and saw that in its place was a wary looking Cole. He looked like something was tearing him in two. Like he was having an internal battle. I started to walk backwards to the open door. Every step I took away from him, he took two towards me.

"I thought I told you to go to the Training room." His tone was questioning but not menacing.  An inch away from the door he caught up with me and grabbed my arm making electricity run through my body before pulling me down the hallway.

Biting my lip to hold in the cry of pain from how tight his grip was on my arm, I tugged my arm trying to get free from his hold. He stopped and turned to face me with solid black, sad eyes. He held his hand up and I flinched thinking he would slap me but instead he placed it lovingly on the side of my face.

"I'm sorry, love." He stated genially before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me into the Training room. Right as we entered, he dropped me on my knees making them sting. I thought I heard him wince but thought twice as he opened up his mouth.  

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