Chapter 2 : What's in a name?

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Gauravi finally nodded when he looked away from her. "Impressive Miss Gauravi Rathore." He said clearing his throat.

He has a nice voice too!

"Shut up!" Gauravi muttered to the voice in her head.

Her luck couldn't get better, could it? The other person who stood beside Nishaant asked her to take a seat.

As soon as she settled, she heard her friend whisper a string of curses followed by questions asking her why she was late.

"Who is he?" Gauravi asked, ignoring her friends words. Her eyes fixated on the man in the sky blue shirt who was now paying attention to the next presentation.

Was he the doppelganger of the man she had kissed, by any chance?

"Nishaant Sir, we all will have to report to him. He is going to be our manager throughout the duration of the internship." The world around Gauravi froze as she registered the words in her brain.

She had kissed her manager.

What an amazing way to start your career!

As the session proceeded with other presentations Gauravi tried not to make eye contact with her manager. However, she did end up doing just that more than once.

What was worse was he was looking back drilling holes into her! He was definitely the same man who had the charcoal face pack on his face and his mouth on hers.

She would definitely go down in history. Not just for kissing her boss. But also for being fired even before her first official day at work began. His looks said it all.

He took the mic and began addressing the interns in general. Gauravi tried to focus on the projector screen behind him.

However, her eyes drifted to his tall and muscular form. How could a girl look at anything in the room when he was right there?

His hairstyle made him look hotter. He was literally a model out of magazine kind guy. He wore black-framed spectacles, which enhanced his well-sculptured face, slightly covering up his thick eyebrows.

During their earlier encounter, she hadn't noticed what he was wearing. His eyes had all her attention then. And his lips.

Currently, he looked dashing in the plain blue shirt tucked neatly into his black trousers. Her eyes zoomed on his lips as he spoke. Yes, definitely the same ones she had kissed.


Why on earth was she checking him out, again?

She had no clue what he was saying. She covered her face with her hands, talking to herself in the head.

"People kick start their career but you had to kiss start it. Gauravi, you're dead. Like so dead."

Her ears perked up, and she looked up when she heard the word, Oberoi. "What Oberoi?" She muttered looking up.

"Shh, Gauravi what's wrong with you today!" Viddhi muttered.

"What was said about Oberoi?" Gauravi asked only to see bewilderment cross her friend's face. She knew she sounded stupid. But today was her lucky day.

Very lucky day!

"Rohit Sir was thanking Nishaant Oberoi!" Gauri's eyes widened and she turned to the podium. She had kissed an Oberoi.

Weren't they all away? Fudge, Fudge, Fudge!

"He's an the Oberoi?" She questioned.

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