Chapter 31 : Nights and Smiles

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Gauravi settled back on the bedsheet that they had spread out on the balcony floor. He sat beside her, with his legs stretched out just like hers, with twinkling eyes. "Come on break the suspense. What game?"

"Truth and dare." He replied smirking.

"Truth and dare? With two people?" Gauravi's excitement dropped.

"Who said two people can't play truth and dare?"

"It wont be fun!" Gauravi pointed out, "we should play tomorrow with everyone, after dinner, it will be super fun."

"Shut up!" Nishaant replied. "You're giving no such ideas to anybody. After dinner time is for me. This the only time we can spend together."

Gauravi grinned and pulled his cheeks. "You can actually be cute!"

"I am serious, Gauravi!" He deadpanned. "Now, come on let's play." His smug grin made a comeback.

Gauravi stared at him cautiously. "It won't be fun. I will keep choosing truth and you'll keep choosing dare. Besides what dares can we even give in two people?"

"Who said we get to choose truth or dare? Besides, it's going to be a fun way to know each other better. We'll do a toss to determine truth or dare. Heads is Dare, Tails is Truth. You only get to do the toss. So, do you want to go first?"

"No, way. I am not letting you give me dares." Gauravi shook her head.

Nishaant smirked, "Seems like someone got scared. It's okay.. for you it will be only truths."

"No. I am not scared."

"Really? Then let's see. He got his phone out of his pocket and opened an online website to generate head and tails. Ladies first.." he said holding out his phone for her to click. "Click on that button, it's going to generate a toss result for you."

"Why should I go first? You first.." Gauravi shifted uncomfortably. As much as she found this an excellent opportunity to know more about him, she was scared. What kind of dares would he give her? The smirk on his face was her clue to know he had a lot in mind.

"Fine. Hmm, it's tails, so truth. So ask away!" He spoke showing her the phone screen.

" Hmm.. Have you ever been in a relationship before?"

Nishaant looked at her, a smile playing on his lips, "getting to the point right away, huh! Yes, I have been." He replied truthfully and then glanced at his phone moving it towards her.

"Tell me more."

"Miss Gauravi Rathore, I answered your question!" He exclaimed wearing a victorious smile.

"Nishaant!" She whined.

"Come on, click." He said not giving in to her pleading eyes.

Gauravi clicked on the phone screen. "Heads!" She read and her heart contracted as she looked up to find him smiling.

"I was so waiting for this." He spoke excitedly smirking. "Let's keep it easy this time.. kiss me anywhere you like."

"Nishaant!" Gauravi gasped in disbelief. The way he said anywhere you like, had her mind going to dirty thoughts.

"Come on, Gauravi!" He encouraged.

She pondered a little before leaning towards him, aiming for his cheek. He decided to have some fun and turned his head so that his lips were in line with hers.

Gauravi looked at him through the length of her eyelashes. She, however, still moved closer. Nishaant was surprised, nonetheless, happy. But the next thing he knew was she picked up his hand pressed a kiss against the back of his palm. She gave him a victorious smile. Smart move!

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