✿• Chapter 12 ~ old friend??

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When Daeyeol and Joochan was having their conversation and then we went inside. Someone was treating Donghyun's wounds. And then suddenly someone I don't know said...

???: "Are you Jung Mya?"

Mya: "Yes? But do I know you?"

???: "Well do you remember a boy name Jaehyun??.... when we were in high school?"

When he said that I was thinking and then when I realized something... my eyes widen and then I looked at him and said...

Me: "Wait! you mean you are Bong Jaehyun?!"

Jaehyun: "Yep! The one and only."

Me: "Oh my goodness Jae!" *hugs him*

Jaehyun: *hugs me back*

When Jaehyun hugged me back... someone said...

???: "Jaehyun? You guys know each other?"

Jaehyun: "Yes I do Jangjun Hyung."

Me: *eyes widen* "Wait... did you just say Jangjun as in Lee Jangjun?!"

Jaehyun: "Yes? That's him..." *points at the person* "Why?"

Me: "He was the pretty boy in class. And apparently he still is."

Jangjun: "Oh my... I remember that. And aww haha thank you Mya."

When he said that I smiled and nodded and sorta blushed at the same time too. Then Bomin said...

Bomin: "Yeah that's why all the girls love him."

Joochan: "Mya... it seems like you know almost all of my friends."

Me: "Well honestly I only know You, Haelynn, Jaehyun, Jangjun and Donghyun."

When I said that Joochan nodded... and hang on let me keep y'all updated... Joochan, Jaehyun and Donghyun was my high school best friends. But honestly I felt like Joochan is more then that... but it isn't the love sign though... I think... but it's like I feel like I known him when I was younger. And Jangjun was the pretty boy in our class that everyone adored so much. I mean... seriously how can we not... hes just handsome af. Anyways back to the present... then Joochan said...

Joochan: "Well... the 3 that are playing video games are Bomin, Youngtaek aka Tag, Seungmin... and boys this is Mya."

When Joochan said that they stopped the game and looked at me and they said...

Tag: "Hey Mya. You can call me Tag... It's nice to meet you."

Seungmin: "Hey Mya."

Bomin: "Hi Mya Noona!"

Me: "Well Hey Tag, Bomin and Seungmin! It's nice to meet you 3!"

When I said that they smiled and nodded and then they pointed at the game as in can they continued and I smiled and nodded. Then Joochan said...

Joochan: "Okay next... is... Jibeom... he's taking care of Donghyun right now. And of course Haelynn is helping Jibeom..."

Jibeom: "Hey Mya."

Me: "Hi Jibeom. It's nice to meet you."

Jibeom: "It's nice to meet you too."

When Jibeom said that Haelynn waved at me and I smiled and waved back. Then I looked back at Jibeom... he was just so focused on caring the bruises. And then Joochan said...

Joochan: "Okay next is the 2 oldest who are both on their phones... Daeyeol Hyung and Seongyoon Hyung."

Y: "Hey Mya... you can call me Y."

Daeyeol: "Hey Mya! It's nice to finally meet you!"

Me: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Daeyeol: "What I mean is that... Joochan talks about you a lot...ever since the day of the break up."

Joochan: *blushed* "Hyung! That was supposed to me a secret! Well that calls it I'm never telling you all my secrets again."

Jaehyun: "What?! Why?! I'm your best and I didn't say anything!"

Joochan: "Well beside you and Jangjun Hyung."

Jangjun: "Well then that's better."

When they said that I just smiled and laughed because they were all so cute. And I still can't leave that Joochan was talking about me. When I heard that I actually blushed.... then Bomin said...

Bomin: "Hyungs? What's for dinner? I'm hungry."

Jibeom: "Now that you mentioned it...we didn't eat dinner yet..."

Joochan: "Umm okay... so what do you guys want?"

Jaehyun: "Ooh can we have some home cooked meals?!"

Tag: "Yeah home cooked meals sounds so good."

Joochan: "Okay... but you both know the maids will be doing it right?"

Jaehyun: "Oh dang it."

When Jaehyun said that all the boys got sad and then I looked at Joochan and he looked back at me and then I smiled at him and then I said...

Me: "I can cook a home made meal for you guys if y'all want."

Jangjun: "Really?! That would be amazing!"

Jaehyun: "Yes it would! Thank you so much!"

Me: "Of course. And don't worry you guys don't have to help me... I can do it myself."

Joochan: "No it's fine! Bomin, Jangjun, Jaehyun and I will help you."

Bomin: "Aww why me? I want to play video games."

Me: "Okay Bomin you can play video games."

Bomin: "Yay! Thank you Noona!"

Me: "Sure Bomin."

Jangjun: "Aish this boy... always playing video games."

Me: "Not it's okay don't worry. If you guys don't want to help then it's fine too." *smile*

Jangjun: "No we are fine we will help you. Oh and also you haven't changed one bit. Because your smile is still as pretty as ever."

Me: "Aww haha thank you Jangjun Oppa."

Jangjun: "Of course!" *smiled*

After Jangjun said that we also started cooking together and then while I cooking and I wasn't paying attention to the boys but only the food... Jangjun went to Joochan... and whispered to him and said....

{ To be continued... }

{ A/n: Hey guys! Sorry this book is late! I had to focus on the other books because those are ending soon! So yeah! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and this book and my other books too! ❤️ }

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