✿• Chapter 22 ~ its time?!

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When he said that I stayed quiet because he was right...  but I still want to be away from everything for while. Then I nodded and Donghyun patted my head again with a smile on his face. Then when they left I started unpacking. While I was unpacking I started thinking who that girl was... she looked very familiar... then suddenly my eyes widened knowing who it was... and it was one of Nancy's friend.. Anne...who look similar to Nancy of her style... but the make up is a total different style from Nancy. But little did Joochan know it was her though...

{ Meanwhile with Joochan }

Joochan has gotten rid of the girl... that girl was nothing but a fake... she lied to make you leave and break up with Joochan. And now he's looking for you all over the place and he decided to go to your penthouse. When he did he rang the doorbell and Subin opened the door and without saying anything... Subin have Joochan the letter and closed the door again. When he did... Joochan was speechless... and then he stood there in front of your door speechless... and started opening the letter...when he did it said...


Dear Joochan,

Hey Joochan... by the time you read this.. I'll be away already... don't look for me... with or without our relationship things are still difficult. I love you and all but... I just need a break... So I'll be away for a while.. and as for the company... I already finished everything and but if you need anything.. Jangjun will help you out with it. Take care of yourself Joochan. Again I love you and I'll be back soon."
Jung Mya


When Joochan read the letter... he was crying... then he left and went home. And Subin...who was inside was looking through the monitor camera for the front door and he was also crying too. He felt bad but there's nothing he can do... he knows that you needed a break. So he left to his bedroom.

{ Back to you } { a week later }

(P.s ~ this is GoldenChild's Donghyun) (vv)

It's been a week since I was living with my best friends. and I'm having so much fun and I'm so relaxed. I'm not gonna lie... I miss Joochan... but I needed a break from the whole mess. But I still kept in contact with Subin and Donghyun (GoldenChild) though. And they have been telling me things about Joochan...Like if he's okay and if he's been coming to the cafe and not eating... and he's been spacing out a lot. Subin asked him who was he here instead of the company... he just said that Jangjun and Donghyun (GoldenChild) was handling it. Donghyun even said that Joochan stopped being in the mood to do things.

Honestly when he said that I tend to get worried though. I just want to be away from things. I get stressed easily, Joochan is always around girl... or more like other way around.. where girls are always around him. I know Joochan... he's one of my childhood friend after all. I'm worried about him and also I miss him too though.


{ Time Skip } { A month later }

( A/n: This is AB6IX Donghyun now.)

Now I'm at the mall with Rylee going baby clothes shopping and then after a while later, when we were done.., we went in the car and then I saw Rylee breathing heavily and her water broke... then I widened my eyes and said...

Me: "Don't worry I'll bring you to the hospital! Just try you best!"

Rylee: "Unnie!! It's hurts!!"

Me: "Yes! I know!! Please calm down!"

When I said that she was calming herself down and then I drove them to the hospital. After a few moments later when I did I brought them inside and the doctors brought Rylee to the emergency room. When they did I followed but I sat outside knowing that I couldn't go in. Then I took my phone out and called Donghyun. When I did and he picked up and said...

Donghyun: "Hey Pumpkin! How's the shopping?"

Me: "Donghyunie come to the hospital!"

Donghyun: "What why?! Are you both okay?!"

Me: "Yes we are fine! But Rylee is giving birth so bring the baby bag too!"

Donghyun: "Okay! We are on our way!"

Me: "We?"

Donghyun: "I'm sorry I say "we"?I meant "I'm"... sorry I got excited."

Me: "Haha don't worry I understand. Now come to hospital."

Donghyun: "Okay pumpkin!"

When Donghyun said that I hanged up and then I looked at arms and it hurts and it's all bruised. It's only bruised because I was helping Rylee not bumping into things... that could effect the baby. Then I kept gently rubbing it because it hurts. Then after a few minutes later, I felt a figure in front of me and I looked and saw...

{ To be continued... }

Endearment ~ Golden Child Joochan { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now