this sucks

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Bakugou pov.

What if I...
Do like girls? I mean no one needs to know my real feelings I guess I could...
I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts..

I see this girl, she's from class 1B. Her name was kuriko Kanata...

I knew this was a bad idea but...



Oh hey! Bakugo, right?

Yeah whatever, I was wondering if you'd wanna go to that cafe a few blocks down on Friday?

Really!? Sure!!


I had this guilt feeling but.. I was scared.. what if he told all his friends, what if they think I'm weak for being gay?... What if.. he doesn't wanna be friends anymore?

I had all these emotions.

Maybe this was a good idea



Kirishima pov

- on Friday-

'Okay! Today's the day!' I thought.
The day I was gonna ask out my crush
Katsuki Bakugou! Nothing could go wrong.. right? I mean I swear I've seen him blush around me. Mina said that was a REALLY good sign.


Oh a text? It's last period, who would be texting me now?
It's from kami..

Broski 👌😔

Hey uh.. meet me at the gate after school. It's.. important!

Oh, k

I was nervous, a bit worried. I mean kami never writes serious texts.

*(Uhh bell sounds?)*

Oh I guess I should start heading over.
I finish up and walk to the gate. I see the squad.

" Hey guys!" They all look at me nervously. "who's gonna tell him?" Whispered sero. " Kirishima ejiro!" Said Mina " sweetie I know I told you to go for it but.." she wondered off "yes?" I asked. " HES GOING TO THE CAFE WITH A CHICK FROM CLASS 1 B !!" Kami yelled. I stood there.. frozen ".. and, he said he might.. ask her to be his.. girlfriend.."

" I'm so sorry kiri babe!" Mina said.
" But hey! I'm sure there's plenty of fish in the sea..right?" Sero looked at kami. Kami looked down.

I can't believe this..

"I-im fine guys!" I said with a shaky voice. "I n-need to go-" I sprinted back to my dorm.

I cried for what seemed forever..

' why am I never good enough?..' I wondered.

(Thanks for reading next chapter will be out in.. maybe a few days? I really hope u enjoy!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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