Chapter 1

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Elazar pov

The birds started chirping as the sun come out and brighten the sky and my breathing got heavier as I run faster and faster sweats roll from my forehead down to my neck making me feel the heat that won't go away very soon

I don't know for how long I have been running, I needed time to myself alone, today is the last day of my college, summer holidays Beginns tomorrow and I have to go...home

I haven't been home for months this is my first year at the college I wanted to focus on my studies and make new friends or maybe I just didn't want to go home

If I could call it home, home was always for me boarding school and now college maybe it was home until I was 15 but after that not

I stood on the bridge and looked at the water I feel alone so alone that sometimes I think it's better to die but I know I'm not I have my family but it's not helping all I think is him his the only one that is keeping me....sanity I guess

I run my fingers through my sweaty hair a..- I looked at my watch 7:20 shit I will be late for class if it was any other day I wouldn't have cared but today is the last day I need to pack and leave dad and Kaden are waiting for me to get home soon?

I don't want Ms colly to lecture me again I hate her as she hates me we are like enemy's at least she doesn't mess with my grades

I started running again until I saw my university sighing I took my keys out of my short and walked towards my dorm the hallway is pretty quiet just a couple of nerd boys are walking to there classes

I like them actually they are quite like me one time I tried to talk to one I swear I have never seen someone being so scared I mean I wasn't a ghost and he started running for his life like I wanted to kill him

the whole college made me scary bad boy maybe because I don't like much talking and I fight a lot I mean a lot but I have never bullied someone or was rude

I just have a bad temper I don't have bipolar disorder but when some guys talk shit I can't do anything other than throw a punch

As I walked in my room I heard nothing but silence Gabe is already gone, he has brunette hair and green eyes he is very happy guy I have never seen someone so happy like him but I know behind every smile there is something hidden

I like him his a nerd a book worm I think his the only one who is not scared of me I know him since boarding school we are close maybe to close but not romantically

I would have know if he liked me like that and I ask him always because I don't like to lead him on or break his heart his important to me...I guess

I stood in the shower as the cold water poured one me it didn't even make me shiver I'm used to it because I always shower with cold water

Will he be home, does want to see me, will he look at me like he did before he send me away

Just one mistake and he send me away he didn't even let me say sorry to him, for years when I would go home he didn't talk to me even for five minutes he just said welcome home son and would leave to work in his office

But this time I will make him talk to me I want my loving d.-I hear my phone ringing it's Gabe I'm sure

After taking shower I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a black tank top black ripped jeans a pair of socks and my leather jacket

After putting my clothes and styling hair I put my bracelet around my wrist and wore my boots I took my bag and walked out of my dorm not before drinking 2 glass of warm water

Fuck I'm late again

smirking I walked in the room and my beautiful professor turned around and gave me one of her Famous glare

" good morning Ms " I smiled widely I heard snicker the students loves when we argue

" your late again Mr. Wilson please tell me why " she raised her brow and smirked at me bitch what does she think of me some fuck boy because I'm not

" you sure want to know, " I ask she nodded

" Okay then, so I woke up 5 in the morning put my sports clothes on and go to the gym after an hour I left the gym and started running until 7:20 than I come back to my dorm I brushed my teeth, masturbate and I was thinking about who? I was thinking about I don't know anymore then I walked out the shower and dryer my Hair and opened my wardrobe than I thought what should I wear today for miss colly because she loves m.."

" that's enough, go take your seat I can't believe his 19 " she mumbled blushing I laugh lowly

" it's not my fault you said I should explain why I was late and I told you," I said she rolled her eyes

Smirking I look at the students they are all holding there laughter and I found Gabe between them his cheeks are red when I approached him he smiled at me

" hey, did you really masturbate," he asked raising his brow his a nerd but a hot nerd his not small and fragile he has muscles but not like me and he definitely doesn't blush with every word I say

That's why I like him his confidant

" of course not maybe I would have if I had time sorry to disappoint you," I said he snorted and rolled his eyes at me

" Okay so finally Mr. Wilson is here we can start today we are going to talk or learn about marketing and... "

First chapter how was it? If it was boring just wait I promise it will get exciting

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