Chapter 13

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I'm sorry for the late update but here a long chapter:)

Mateo pov

I woke up as I felt a sudden brush on my hair, I didn't open my eyes I know it's his fingers, I can just hear his breathing and his hand on my hair and neck

" I know you don't love me " his deep voice cracked as he whispered, I didn't move I don't want him to think I'm awake I can't face him after last night

I'm breaking him

" But it's fine I know my love always be one-sided " he let out a sad chuckle making my heart ache more, I want to comfort him so badly, hold him in my arms and tell him that I'm sorry

I'm hurting him

" just...I don't want you to love me as I do, just keep your heart open for me I just want a little place I don't want all of it, just a little it's enough I need a little love "

fucking hell

" I need you, Mateo, I don't want to feel empty anymore to feel alone, it hurts but when I'm with you everything is perfect I'm happy, I will let you go if you didn't want to be with me or love someone else "

He's fucking lying

" I know you think I'm a bad person that I'm a selfish man, but I changed for you because I love you, Mateo I will do anything for you, just don't play with me please I can't handle it "

Are you laying to me Elazar?

" Just please give me a chance I will make you happy and love you till I die, please don't break my heart don't leave me, I will go crazy without you " he voice Is lowering I can't even hear his voice anymore

I heard him move the blanket and stand up before walking towards the bathroom, I opened my eyes and laid on my back and felt something wet touch my ear, frowning I touched my face and noticed my eyes are wet, tears are falling down from the corner of my eyes

why the fuck I'm doing this I mean carter doesn't love me even like me then why, why I'm pushing someone like Elazar away, his perfect no one is perfect but for me he is, his everything a woman and a man needs, he loves me so much and I'm hurting him

I have to let carter go and be with someone who loves me more than anyone

I have to give him a chance and make him happy

Elazar pov

I opened my eyes and sigh, I rub my hand over my face and flinch it's cold slowly I sat up and look beside me Mateo is on his stomach and the blanket around his body

That's why my hands and feet are cold

yesterday night I fell asleep in his arms and now both of us on each side of my bed, last night was kind of I don't know he was upset I hope he's okay

pulling my hand from his hair, I stood up and walked in the bathroom, I don't know why I said all of this, I think I just needed him to know even though he was asleep and didn't hear me at all

I'm not good at talking about my feelings not even with the person I love, I'm just different, I'm just like that but sometimes I don't want to be like this, I want to be affectionate I want to be a normal lover...I guess

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