Chapter 21

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Elazar pov

Putting my leather jacket on after I put my boots on I looked down at my watch " teo come on it's 8 pm " I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned against the door and looked down at the vodka bottle in my hand

everything feels so bitter but I am ignoring it, I am ignoring the fact what teo said last night I am ignoring the fact what I feel now I am acting like I am not hurting I am acting like nothing happened

"I am here now let's go " looking up I saw looking handsome like he always does wearing a black tight pants and black golden shirt you can see his chest through it

" you look handsome " he smiled and stood inches away from me "thank you and you have been quiet all day what's wrong " wrapping my arms around his waist I pulled him closer to me

" I am gonna ask again " he frowned I gently rubbed my thumb over his lower lip " what are we Mateo " his whole expression changed and after few minutes he swallowed " we are a couple " he took my thumb between his lips and I felt his tongue twirl around it

Just staring at his eyes made my knees go weak

' what's are you doing to me I am gone I am fucking gone '

he brought his hand down and felt him cup my crotch " your hard Elazar am I turning you on " he sucked my thumb slowly " I...we should go...yeah " he chuckled and let go of my thumb

he leaned closer and pecked my lips " we are together now I am not going anywhere " but why do I feel like you are teo, I felt his lips brushing against my neck and he's breath fanning on my skin shutting my eyes I tilted my head aside he placed a small kiss on my neck and turned around to walked out of the apartment holding his wrist I stopped him " promise " he looked down than turned to me

" I promise " he smiled and I let go of his hand and followed him out

" My car or yours, " I asked he pulled his keys out and showed me " my car " nodding and opened the passenger side door and climbed in

he closed his side of the door and put his seat belt on as I did mine, connecting his phone to the car he put the song bruises by Lewis Capaldi

As he started driving I leaned my head against the window and stared at the trees and lights we passed even though it was dark

I shut my eyes and sighed suddenly I felt his hand on my hand looking down I watched as he intertwined our fingers together blinking my tears swallowing the lump in my throat

" you okay? " I nod " yeah the song is just..." he squeezed my hand " I get it do you want me to change the song " you shook my head

I look over to him and saw him gripping the steering wheel tightly and he was deep in thoughts " Teo " he didn't turn his head I called him again " what ca...sorry "


" it's fine...what has your mind occupied " he chuckled more like a nervous chuckle " nothing...look we are here " he smiled slightly and parked his car

I hate parties

" let's go " he got out of the car and so did I, following him in the house that the Music was blasting loudly and I wanted to go back to my apartment

looking around all I saw was teenagers making out or drinking or talking ' really teo ugh '

" hey Elazar " turning around I saw jack " sup " he smiled and give me a small bro hug awkwardly I patted his back

" do you want a drink " I turned to teo but he was staring somewhere more like someone I couldn't see the face " come on " jack took my arm and dragged me towards the kitchen

The fuck he's annoying as fuck

Mateo pov

I feel like everything stopped moving I couldn't look away I am trying to move but I can't

I stared at as him as someone whispered something in his ear he turned around and looked at me all we did was staring at each other he took a step to walk towards me but I stepped back and walked towards the kitchen

what's happening I have so many mixed emotions I told Elazar that we are now together with the question is are we? I love him but the way he wants me I care about him everything is so messed up

Kissing him and flirting is too much but I am doing it to forget....carter that doesn't even think about me

God what do I do I should just let but of the go and forget that there is Elazar or carter I am done

after drinking I know I did something stupid that Elazar is not telling me I could see how dull his eyes were I am being so unfair to him I....

" drink drink drink! " I looked up and saw an annoyed Elazar that was getting angry holding a bottle of vodka he looked around and his fall on me and a relief expression come to his face

Ignoring others he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist " where were you I was looking for you " he rubbed my hips

" I..I was looking for you too and someone told me they saw you coming to the kitchen " he nodded and pecked corner of my mouth

taking his hand I lead him to the dance floor " are you having fun! " he shook his head and moved a bit " no! " I know he hates parties especially the one full of teens

looking down at the bottle in his hand I took it and took a couple of large sips " don't drink too much you can hold it so don't! " smiling he moved closer to him and leaned my back to him

He held my waist as I moved my hips " you should stop " he whispered " why you don't like it " he sighed and kissed the exposed side of my neck " it's not that I do like it and you only come close to me when your drunk " he said

Turning around I wrapped my arms around his neck " your too good for me you know that " he just stared at me " I am sorry for everything I did Elazar you de..." he didn't let me finish my sentence and kissed me

pulling me closer to his chest he cupped my face with one hand and kissed me slowly " you drive me crazy Teo " he mumbled and slid his tongue inside my mouth opening my eyes I saw carter staring at us from afar

his jaw was clenched and he keeps looking around but at the end, his eyes keep falling on us and I could see that he was breaking I know I am not the only one that was suffering

pulling away from the kiss I looked at Elazar " I will be back...need to use the bathroom " he nodded and I walk upstairs

as I walked in the bathroom I turned around to close it but....carter entered and closed the door

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