Chapter 25

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The Ebon Hawk lifted off the hard floor of the spaceport docking bay floor. The docking hatches opened allowing them to fly out of the spaceport and ascend towards the atmosphere. The setting sun cast a warm glow off the surface of the water as they looked down on the ocean surface. The city was also cast in a shade of orange that seemed to glimmer as they left Manaan behind.

"Carth, you want us to bring you something?!" Venar called before stuffing some kind of fried seaweed in his mouth.

"That's ok I'll get it after we jump to hyperspace," he called back.

Venar stopped chewing as he saw Zaalbar sitting in front of him making impossible sounds with his mouth as he shoved fried seaweed, noodles, and something with tentacles into his maw. Sauce and grease dripped down onto the Wookiee's beard.

"If there is anything left later," Mission said. "Geez, Big Z slow down!"

"Mission," Bastila said sitting down with them at the table. "Have you had any luck with HK?"

"Eh," Mission responded after finishing chewing, "His programming is unlike anything I've seen before. I've reprogrammed a few droids but nothing like this."

"Military grade you think?" Venar asked.

"Looks like it."

"Canderous you're pretty familiar with military hardware," Venar said. "Would you know anything about reprogramming HK or digging into some of his hidden programing?"

"The only droids the Mandalorians ever used were the massive basilisks we rode on into battle," he responded. "I don't know much about droids other than that. Only how to take them apart."

"MOCKING RECIPROCATION: I would certainly like to see you try, meatbag!" HK-47 was standing in the doorway motionless watching them eat.

"It would be too easy," Canderous shot back.

"Hopeful Query: Master, certainly you cannot tolerate the presence of inferior meatbags aboard your ship... especially one as dull as this one. Shall I terminate him for you?" HK aimed and primed his blaster rifle at Canderous. The Mandalorian instinctively drew a blaster of his own and leveled it back at the assassin droid.

"HK stand down!" Venar said.

"Reluctant Compliance: I will do as you say, master," he said attaching the blaster rifle to his back, "but I am not happy about it." The droid stomped back out the doorway to a different part of the ship.

"I like that droid," Canderous said holstering his blaster.

"I will never understand how someone could 'like' something that just threatened to kill them?" Bastila said.

"It's all about the challenge," Canderous said.

"If you were Mandalorian you'd understand," Venar said.

"Hey Canderous," Mission said. "What happened to your armor? Don't all Mandalorians wear a full suit of armor?"

"After the Battle of Malachor," he began, "without Mandalore the Ultimate we had no leader. We were forced to accept we had been beaten by the efforts of a single Jedi, Revan. As part of the terms of our surrender we had to surrender our armor and our warrior way of life. Most of the clans scattered and now we're mostly nothing more than bounty hunters or thugs. It's... degrading."

"I am surprised you want to be part of our crew at all then," Mission said. "Being that this is, ya know, a Jedi task force and all."

"Task force might be too strong a term," Bastila chimed in, "but Mission makes a point. Why do you want to be with us."

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