Alan's birth shock

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<few minutes later>
[Tracy Island]
[in the living room]
(Third person P. O. V)
After arriving home from the hospital, the guys came into the living room and was greeted by John.
"Hey guys, how's Alan?" John kindly asked.
"He's fine. A bit groggy from hitting his head after he collapsed but other than he's ok." Scott replied.
"But we don't know what caused his chest pains." Virgil then said.
As the four of them sat down on the sofas. They all tried to figure out on what caused Alan's chest pains. Meanwhile, grandma Tracy, MAX, Brains and Kayo were talking down the kitchen.
[in the kitchen]
After getting by the doctor about Alan's heart failure, grandma Tracy, Brains and Kayo were worried about how to tell the boys about the his heart failure and what happened to him when he was born.
"I've been dreading for this day to happen for fourteen years." Grandma Tracy sadly said.
"How are the guys going to take it that their little brother has heart failure from a heart condition he's had since a baby?" Kayo sadly asked.
"If I know them four which I do. They're going to take it badly. Best go and tell them." Grandma Tracy replied.
Grandma Tracy then got up and made her up to the living room but before she left, Brains supportively said.
"Good luck telling them."
"Thanks Brains. I'm going to need it." Grandma Tracy replied while smiling a little.
She then made her way up to the living room.
[in the living room]
When grandma Tracy was in the living room and the guys saw her. They were about to say thing but she held hand out to shush them. She then took a big deep breathe and gently but sadly said.
"Boys there's something that I need to tell about Alan and why he had those chests pains in his chest today."
"What do you need to tell us grandma?" Virgil asked.
Grandma Tracy then sat next to John and very slowly said.
"The reason why Alan had the chest pains is because he has a heart condition."
Scott, Gordon, John and Virgil were all shocked after hearing what Grandma Tracy has just said about Alan and his heart condition. Gordon while still shocked asked.
"A heart condition. How did he get it?"
"Since he was born. You see, Alan wasn't born the same way you four were born. He was born 3 months early before his due date." Grandma Tracy sadly replied.
"Grandma, you saying that Alan was a premature baby?" John quietly asked.
"Yes John I'm afraid he was. Something happened to your mother while she was pregnant with Alan." Grandma Tracy replied.
"What happened Grandma? Why was Alan born 3 months early?" Scott worriedly asked.
"I'm going to tell you four now about what happened. Before Alan was born, your mother was still doing her charity work and she had a friend, who she'd been friends since they were in school, invited her and your Dad to charity auction ball where they were raising money for this wildlife reserve in Africa. Everyone invited to this ball were donating jewellery, medals and antique things for the auction. The things your mother donated were a antique pocket watch which belonged to her Grandfather and a beautiful gold diamond necklace which was left to her by her grandmother after she died. When they went to the auction, all the guests there loved the necklace and were willing to bid for it but little did both your mother and father know there was someone else who really wanted that necklace more than anyone else who liked it." Grandma Tracy began saying.
"Who was that person grandma?" Virgil asked.
"I'll tell you that soon Virgil but let me continue. When the auction began there were lots of bidders on some of the things that were being sold. The pocket watch went for good money and that made both your mum and dad happy. When it came to the necklace, everyone at the ball wanted to bid for it especially the man who liked it more but he wasn't going to bid for it. He went up to your mother and asked her to take the necklace back and give to him so he could check the value for it but your mother told him no and your dad told him to go. After the necklace was sold to the bidder who paid the highest price for. It was the only thing that raised the highest amount of money in the auction and was enough to help the charity. Both your mother and father were proud and were thanked by her friend for their contributions to the charity but trouble began because the man who really wanted the necklace held everyone hostage and revealed his actual self to everyone." Grandma Tracy said while taking a breath.
"Who was he Grandma?" Gordon asked.
Grandma Tracy took another deep breathe and slowly but quietly said.
"That man was: The Hood."
The guys faces were all stunned with shook. They were so shocked that the only thing they all could say.
"What happened then?"
"After The Hood revealed himself to everyone including your mum and dad, everyone was scared about what he was going to do. He wanted the charity money raised from the auction but he heard someone shouting his name and that person was your dad. When The Hood saw your dad he was annoyed with him for being there but when he saw your mother and her bump he had a very horrible slyly smile on his face. Once your dad saw the Hood looking at your mother, he then stood protectively in front of her. The hood went up to them and said horrible things to your father, trying to test him and blaming him for losing the necklace. Sadly for your mother, she was panicking and getting stressed about what that villain was going to do but there was luck. Someone had already called the authorities and they've had already arrived but the Hood had already escaped without the money thankfully."
"So what happened after that villain left?" Scott sadly asked.
"That was when your mother began to have pains. So your dad rushed her to hospital and the doctors took a scan to see what was causing the pain. The results were that because your mother was scared and stressed it distressed Alan and it caused your mother to be in early labour. The problem was that because your mother was only 3 months pregnant the Doctors decided to do a Caesarean section. After they delivered Alan, he was rushed to the special baby care unit to help with his breathing."
"Was there something wrong him grandma?", asked John.
"It was to do with him being early John. The Doctors put him on life support and they didn't think he was going to survive but your dad being stubborn as he was told them that Alan was going to survive because he was a Tracy like the rest of you. So he and your mum stayed by Alan's side all night and by the next morning the Doctors were proved wrong. Alan did survived but they had a long way to go before Alan could be discharged. They did numerous tests on Alan and they showed that there was a problem with his heart. When they told your mum and dad they said that his heart was very weak and he would need to new one by the time he was teenager which is now."
After grandma Tracy finished, the guys were silent. They were shocked and upset that fact that Alan has a heart condition since birth and the Hood was the cause it. It was then grandma Tracy suggested that the boys all should go to bed. Once they all left, grandma Tracy silently cried and was more worried about telling the boys about Alan already knowing about his heart condition and had kept it from them ever since Jeff disappeared.

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