Alan needs us

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<few hours later>
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
After coming back from the hospital, Gordon had told John everything that happened with Alan and what he said about not wanting to go through the surgery without Scott and Virgil. When he was finished, John sighed and then said.
"Can't believe he went through all that when he was 8."
"Trust me John, I found it hard to believe when Alan told me. He's in a bad way John." Gordon replied.
"I know, I know." John quietly said.
As the two of them sat on the table they couldn't stop thinking about Alan. Just then John asked.
"Did Kayo tell you about how she found out about it Gordon?"
"She did. It was by accident, she overheard Grandma and Alan talking while I was out with Virgil and Scott on a rescue. Talking of which, how are Virgil and Scott today?" Gordon asked.
"Don't ask, Scott got a face on him since yesterday and Virgil barely said a word to me." John replied with a sigh.
"Great, Scott is in one his moods again. I hate it when he's in a mood." Gordon moaned.
"Tell me about it." John groaned.
Just then Grandma Tray then came in and quietly said.
"Boys, I think I've got something that might help you two get through Virgil and Scott."
"What's that Grandma?" They both asked.
Grandma Tracy then went up to them and place a photo album on the table. Gordon picked it up while John asked.
"What photo album is that Grandma?"
"It's a special one John. It has all pictures of Alan when he was in the hospital. Your Mum made it so it would help you boys understand what it was like for her and your dad when Alan was born." Grandma Tracy sadly replied.
John and Gordon then opened the album and started to look through it. While looking through it, John and Gordon couldn't believe on how poorly and tiny Alan was when he was a baby.
"Didn't know he was that tiny." John whispered.
"How poorly was he grandma?", asked Gordon.
"Very poorly. After he survived the night, the doctors kept him on life support. Your father and mother never left his side. They took it turns on spending the night, being with you four, kept praying and hoping for him to live. When Alan was able to breathe on his own and cry for the first time, we all were so happy and felt like our prayers had been answered but when the doctors told us that there was a problem with his heart. It worried us and it was your father who suggested to keeping a secret from you four while your mother and I didn't think it was but we went along with it for your father's sake." Grandma Tracy replied.
"Did Dad find it hard to accept Grandma?" John asked.
"He did John. Even after your mother's death, he still wouldn't tell you four about it and when I found out about Alan's collapse and that Jeff told him, I was furious with him. I argued with him about why did he tell Alan about his heart when he was just a little boy and why did he send him back to school. All I had back from him was that he was protecting Alan and didn't want to ruin Alan's education but he was soon proved wrong on the day I took Alan out of school." Grandma Tracy then said.
Gordon then remembered about what Alan told him so he asked.
"Grandma, did Dad find out about the way Alan felt after he sent him back to school?"
"He did Gordon because I was the one who told him after you boys went to bed at the ranch. He thought I was joking but he was proven wrong when Alan gave him the cold shoulder. Once he realised his mistake, he knew he was wrong for sending Alan back to school and wanted to make amends with Alan. So that's when he started to do the designs for thunderbird 3 and teaching Alan on how to be an astronaut." Grandma Tracy replied.
"Oh so that's when Alan began training as a astronaut. I thought it was when he turned 11." Gordon said.
"No it was when he was 8. He started to practicing flying Thunderbird 3 when he was 11. It was before Dad's accident Gordon." John replied.
"Oh right I remember now.", said Gordon.
"Gordon, John. I know that it's hard but please do try and get through to Virgil and Scott because Alan really does need all of you now more than ever before. It's a lot to ask but please try?" Grandma Tracy pleadingly asked while placing her hands on John's and Gordon's shoulders.
Both Gordon and John sighed and agreed with their grandma. Soon she left, Gordon asked.
"Which one are we going to talk to first?"
"Virgil. I can't bring myself to talk to Scott at the minute and I don't think neither can you. Right?" John asked.
"You're right, I can't either." Gordon quickly replied.
The two of them then got up and headed to find Virgil.
[by thunderbird 3]
John and Gordon found Virgil staring at thunderbird 3. Gordon whispered.
"How long has he been standing next to thunderbird 3?"
"All morning, it's either between doing this or doing work on thunderbird 2." John whispered back.
Once the two of them walked near to Virgil, John cleared his throat and gently said.
"Hey Virgil."
Virgil turned round and saw both John and Gordon. He then quietly said.
"Hey guys. Is something wrong?"
Both Gordon and John sighed and it was then Gordon said.
"We came to talk about Alan Virgil. We know it isn't a good time to talk to you about it after what happened but we think it is. Right John?"
"Right Gordon. Virgil, we all know it's been hard but right now Alan needs all of our support for this surgery because right now he's scared and he's been scared about this ever since he was 8." John honestly said.
"And he doesn't the 4 of us not talking to each other while he's waiting for this new heart." Gordon then added.
Virgil sighed to himself, then looked at both John and Gordon and realised that they were right. So he said.
"You both are right. Alan does need all of our support. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday and for how I acted towards you John when we got back."
"It's ok bro, we forgive you. Don't we Gordon?" John asked with a smile
"We do John.", replied Gordon.
The three of them then group hug each other. When they were done group hugging, Virgil just realised something so he asked.
"You two haven't talked to Scott yet, have you?"
"No." John and Gordon both replied.
"Wouldn't blame you, he's really difficult when he's in one of his moods." Virgil then said.
"Which is why we need your help because you're good getting through to him then we are." John pleadingly said.
"Say no more you two. Let's go and talk to him.", replied Virgil.
The three of them headed upstairs to talk to Scott.

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