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. never on time


It was always twisted, backwards, and wrong.

When she first met Five-stranded in the middle of the apocalypse, eating years old twinkies and rats to survive-he knew nothing about her, but she knew everything about him. She knew about his fears, his hopes, his dreams. About how he wanted to stop the apocalypse and his siblings. About how seeing them dead, the light in their eyes smothered as they stared ahead, had shaken him to his core. He only been 15 perhaps and already he had come face to face with too much death and destruction.

She knew that underneath his hard exterior, was just a little boy too afraid to fail. How he always stuck to her side, worried about her when they were placed on separate missions, joked and laughed with her behind closed doors. She wasn't sure if she could say Five loved her or if she even loved him, but there had been something there, in the mist of their work. When he looked at her, she could see something build those gorgeous ocean eyes. Admiration? Desire? Joy? She wasn't sure, but it didn't matter now.

This Five was new, bleached and refreshed. And she was going to train him and go through all her memories with him all over again, and he would never know that she already knew all his secrets. How many times would she have to do this? When she thought about it, wouldn't all be a paradox? She'd lose Five again and have to restart all over every time. How many times would she have to carry the weight of their past memories, past life?

She wasn't sure she could relive it all again. Especially November 22, 1963, when she watched him disappear. That day stung the most.

Because he was going to stop the apocalypse, save his family, and he wanted her to come with him. He had done the calculations, finally found an opening, opened a way to travel back before the world ended. And he had looked at her with such hope in his eyes, stuck out his hands, and begged her to come. And she had chuckled, shook her head, grabbed the colar of his shirt, and kissed him. She had kissed him with all her strength, and with all her hope, and with all the broken, torn love she could muster. And when her lips left his, and their foreheads touched, and they gasped for the air between them, she had softly said, "I can't."

And pushed him in. He had tried to grab her and if he hadn't been dazed by the kiss or confused by her words, he would've. But he was too late and he fell back into time and away from her.

"This? Well this is your partner of course, Ebony."

She turned with the sound of her name. Her eyes caught his and a shiver ran up her spine as his crystal eyes stared her down. She never broke contact, even as she shook his hand.

"I'm Five."

She smiled softly at him. I know.

( . b o n n i e & c l y d e )

BONNIE & CLYDE    ⌊ five hargreeves ⌉Where stories live. Discover now