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Reverend ANTON HAWKSMORE stands in full ceremonial garb on a podium, addressing a sea of people who have gathered to protest against the research carried out inside the facility. His hulking great BODYGUARD stands conspicuously behind him at the back of the stage.

Several news teams are on site broadcasting the protest, and there’s a heavy police presence to maintain order.


Our civilization stands on the brink of apocalypse.

A couple weeks ago people would have thought me mad if I said something like that – especially in front of a crowd like this. But given the events of the past few days, that statement hardly seems controversial.

Three days ago now, a sophisticated piece of military technology ‘went rogue’ in Afghanistan. Although the cause of the malfunction is not yet clear, we do know that six security forces soldiers were killed before the rampage was finally brought to an end.

HAWKSMORE gestures to the research facility behind him.


That technology was designed and built here, at the Agora Research Institute, and sold to security forces around the world to help combat terrorism. The company owners have already agreed to recall their latest models to prevent another incident of this kind… which is a start.

But – like all of you – I’m here today because I believe that’s just not good enough.

HAWKSMORE pauses while the crowd cheers and applauds.


We know that these measures treat the symptoms, but not the disease.

Again, the crowd cheers.


For years – since Agora started devoting its resources towards artificial intelligence research – I’ve warned against it. I said it would be used to wage wars, when the original purpose of this building was to pioneer new ways to treat serious medical conditions.

Then I was ignored, and now this company is responsible for ending far more lives than it’s saved. Worse, those same machines are putting the lives of service men and women all over the world in danger – and that is just unacceptable.


AARON and his wife YUKO have been watching the speech on the news over breakfast. YUKO, who’s heavily pregnant, is avidly listening to the broadcast and visibly agreeing with what’s being said. AARON on the other hand, has a stony expression on his face.


We cannot stand idly by while this kind of thing goes on. That’s why today I am calling for all operations inside this building to be suspended indefinitely, and for all the potentially deadly machines housed inside to be outlawed.

The broadcast is clearly making AARON uncomfortable, so (using the motion sensing interface) he turns it off.


I can’t stand that man. If he had his way we’d all still be living in caves.


You know what I think about AI research…


Yes, I do, and YOU know how much I wish you’d stop listening to those fear-mongering priests and clergymen.

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