06 An Unexpected Invitation*

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Father's POV


I've been starting my days an hour earlier since my Lilly began Alpha training 2 months ago. It's been a lot of long days but she's coming along nicely. She's looking like a real Alpha.

"Mail's here Alpha Mason."

"Thank you, Dorothy." I say taking the envelopes. More paperwork. I crack my fingers and flip through the mail.

"Trash, trash, bill, trash, what the? Alpha Anthony?"

At the bottom of the stack is a letter from one of my fellow North America Alphas. I rip it open.

"To my colleague and fellow Alpha Mason,

I have heard that your heir has shown herself a true Alpha. Rumors also tell of her great strength. I am looking forward to meeting her at the upcoming Alpha banquet and testing this strength. That is if the rumors are true. Not everyone can have a strong successor.

All the best,
Alpha Anthony"

"That... grrrrrrr!" I yell throwing my stapler across the room embedding it in the wall by the door.

"Is everything alright Alpha?" Dorothy calls from the other room.

"YES, Dorothy, everything is fine!" I retort.

"I just have to figure out what to do with Lilly." I whisper to myself.

Lilly's POV

I've been training 6 days a week for the past 2 months. I get Sundays off and no night training with Beta Carson on Saturdays so it's a nice little break.

I report to father at 4:30 each morning 8:00 training with Delta David and the warriors. Back to father after lunch and 4:00 endurance training with Beta Carson each night. It's alot! But I can say I sleep very well.

I can see myself getting stronger. I feel... Well I feel like an Alpha.

"That's because you are one numb skull!"

"Ahhh... The ever encouraging and loving wolf... Good morning"

"Yeah yeah, hurry up or you'll be late for father!"

I look at the clock. Dang it she's right. I need to get a move on.

"Told ya so!"

I roll my eyes at my wolf.

"Good morning father." I say as I enter his office. I place my work out bag on my little desk in the corner and take a seat opposite my father at his desk.

"Humm." Father mumbles looking up at me from the letter he is holding. "Yes, yes, morning." He replies. "Anyway." He says folding the letter and turning his attention to me. "Today we are going to talk about blood."

"Blood? Seriously? What about it?" I respond.

"Yes blood." He says "but more precisely Alpha blood"

"Where does an Alpha's power come from?" Father asks as he opens his pocket knife and begins fiddling with it.

"Well," I respond, "you've always said it comes from the pack."

"True enough." Father says. "But what ties the pack together? How are they connected to the Alpha?"

I stare at him without offering a response. I'm sure by the intro to this conversation the answer is, undoubtedly, "blood" but I can't explain why or how so I clam up and wait for him to answer his own question.

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