09 Party Prep*

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I wake up to Sam grabbing my arms and dragging out of bed.

"Wake up sleepy head!" She yells.

I look at the clock "6AM oh heck no! Its sleeping time!" I say looking back at my bed.

"Nope! spa day makeover!" she says.

"We don't have time for that" I snap.

"We do if you'd get up!" She responds.

"Noooo!" I yell and dive back in bed.

"Fine then." Sam says and walks out. When she comes back in I am soaked with freezing water and fly out of bed. "Now that you're awake get dressed we need to get going."

Fully awake now I grab a quick shower and head down stairs. Sam and Beta Carson are eating as I enter the kitchen. I grab two waffles and begin to apply butter and syrup.

"Come on!" Sam says grabbing my arm. I groan and grab some bacon spooning scrambled eggs onto a waffle as Sam drags me out the door.

"Don't get syrup all over my car." Sam says as I reluctantly as I slide into the passenger seat and bite into my improvised breakfast sandwich.

"Mmm hummm." I mumble.

We quickly drive to the nearest town where the spa resort is. Sam has the entire day planned. As soon as we enter we are led into a room where we shower and put on plush robes.

The morning and the beginning of the afternoon were spent being pampered. I needed this after months of intense training. I slept through my massage. I awoke with my body loose. I hadn't realized how tight I was until I finally relaxed.

A little after noon Sam came to get me as I am in a mud bath. Sounds gross, feels great.

"Shower and come on we have to get you ready for tonight." I dreaded coming but now I don't want to leave.

I drag myself to the shower and come out in my robe. "Where to now?" I ask.

Sam smiles and holds up her hand wiggling her fingers. Next thing I know I am in a chair with someone working on each hand. I see them glance at each other in shock when they see my hands. I hold in a laugh.

I cut my nails short, I mean extremely short. What? They get in the way. Callouses make my hands rough and I don't have the elegant long fingers that beautiful people have.

They pull out green shiny fake nails to fix the hack job I'd done on mine.

"Seriously!" I say to Sam. She just nods. Beta Carson was right it's best to go along with Sam. She always has her way. So I sit back and do my best to not scowl at the two working on me.

After that someone comes in to do my hair and makeup. She starts out but Sam butts in complaining that she is doing it wrong and takes over. Once finished Sam steps back admiring her work.

I reach up to scratch my nose but Sam swats my hand. "Don't touch!" She scolds.


"If you mess up my masterpiece I will bite your hand off." Sam smiles but I know she is serious.

I put on my dress and look at the finished work. Sam did good... though I don't know how to use my hands with these claws on.

"Leave the nails alone it's just for tonight." Sam says as she enters the room and zips up the dress "You look beautiful." She remarks with a sigh.

"Alright!" Beta Carson enters in a suit. "We need to get going. Long drive ahead."

"Time for the banquet." I think with a sigh.

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