11 The Test*

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I close the door and lean against it with a sigh. "Mate" it's the only word I can think of. I look up to see all the Alphas staring at me.

"This is the female Alpha?" A voice echoes through the hall with a laugh.

"Yes, Anthony, this is my daughter, Lilly." Father says. He nods to me and I make my way from the door to the mass of Alphas.

"She's so small though." Alpha Anthony says as he pulls himself up to his full height. It is true he towers over me as do most of the Alphas present but my father was still a few inches taller. Alpha Anthony is the largest Alpha in regards to his mid section but I wasn't going to mention that.

"She might even be weaker than Gabe's boy." Anthony says. "What Do you think Gabe?" He adds laughing. Alpha Gabriel looks away from the oversized Alpha.

"She's stronger than you think, Anthony." My father says ending Alpha Anthony's laughter.

"Well, let's test that then. Shall we?" Alpha Anthony says, an eagerness in his eyes, as he looks from my father to me. The other Alphas nod and murmur in agreement.

"What does he mean by test?" I ask my father.

"That's none of your concern, little lady." Alpha Anthony says.

"If you want to test her she needs to know the rules. No?" A smaller Alpha asks and Alpha Anthony shoots him a look causing the Alpha to sit down rolling his eyes.

"He's right Anthony." My father states.

"Fine." Anthony says and looks away.

"The Test," My father says, "is a secret challenge for future Alphas testing their mental fortitude." I begin to smile putting it together but my father gives me a look that straightens my grin.

"Ok Mason, your pup your choice. What is the command?" Alpha Anthony asks.

"We're not doing this!" A voice booms behind me. I turn to see Alpha Aaron has made his way into the hall and is standing apart from the other Alphas.

"Ahhh. Finally joining the party, Aaron." Alpha Anthony says.

"You're drunk Anthony. Why don't we just run and then you can go home." Alpha Aaron says.

"No!" Alpha Anthony yells pointing at Alpha Aaron. "You have no say! The challenge has been given and accepted. She is not a child you have no grounds to stop it. You are not her Father."

Alpha Aaron keeps eye contact with Alpha Anthony until he calms down and steps back. Alpha Aaron sits down apart from the group. "Continue." He growls through clenched teeth. Then he looks at me with... pity? In his eyes. Then he looks away. What was that?

"Come." My father breaks the tension. "A simple command... 4 steps... if she moves 4 steps she fails."

"Works for me." Alpha Anthony says as Beta Carson comes out with a roll of tape. My father takes it and lays a strip near the crowd of Alphas.

"Lilly" father says and I come to him. He places me on the line. "Four steps." He says to me and a walk forward 1...2...3...4. I turn around and he lays another strip of tape.

I stand with my back to the howling wolf. Empty tables line my right side. The stage is on my left. I face the Alphas. The group of tables in front of me are packed with Alphas sitting and standing clustered close together. My father sits a table away from them watching the others. Alpha Aaron sits to my right one table back separated from the other Alphas. He keeps his eyes on the table cloth not looking up.

They have all non Alphas join the Lunas in the other room. Ronald did not look happy to miss the show as they closed the doors locking him out. The only ones in the room were the Alphas and me.

 Alpha LillyWhere stories live. Discover now