Day 4: Mask

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And we've arrived to day 4.

The theme of the day is 'Mask/Red disked butterfly (power and big changes)'.

Don't forget to check the tumblr and twitter for more TanKana content (I'm so happy with the ones that have been sent!)

Without further ado, on with the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own KnY


Something was different.

That was the first thing Tanjiro thought when he came back to the Butterfly State; he had left a day after they dealt with that demon that was closing in to the place hoping to defeat a Pillar and the several missions he had to do had kept him busy enough that he wasn't able to go back for three weeks.

It's not that the change was that notable, most people probably wouldn't even notice it at first but, thanks to his nose and the time he has spent there, the Kamado could tell that something had changed.

First; the 'caterpillars', Kiyo, Naho and Sumi, seemed particularly happy, they were usually happy to see him but even before they noticed him they had wide smiles and gave off a happier scent than usual.

Second; Aoi's expression was considerably softer than most times he's seen her, he actually heard her humming when he went to greet her while she washed clothes and her usual serious expression was replaced with a small smile.

Third, and undoubtedly the most noticeable thing Tanjiro noticed so far; Shinobu's scent wasn't filled with anger, the anger was certainly still there but it was... 'buried', sort of speak, beneath a scent the swordsman easily identified as happiness and relief.

'I wonder what happened... well, whatever it was, I'm glad.' Tanjiro thought as he went to Nezuko's room, as dubbed by Naho since they make sure to leave that one open for when the Kamado siblings come visit, he made sure the curtains were closed and gently placed her sleeping sister on the bed.

"I'll come visit at night when you wake up, Nezuko." He said, giving her hand a squeeze before quietly leaving the room.

'Alright, I'm not tired yet and I don't have any injuries... I'll go see how Kanao's doing.' Nodding to himself, Tanjiro went to Kanao's usual spot but, to his surprise, she wasn't there.

He began to search around the place, using his nose to track down Kanao's scent, one of his favorites (something he feels he shouldn't mention to others... mostly Zenitsu).

'She should be around the corner... oh, Kiyo and Sumi are with her.' Tanjiro thought as he walked towards the source of the scent.

"Hm... Kanao-san." He heard Kiyo's voice.

"Yes?" Followed by Kanao's, as he rounded the corner and saw what was happening.

Two of the three young helpers were in front of Kanao looking somewhat conflicted while the Tsuguko was calmly waiting for them to talk with a smile on her face.

"Would you like to help us make some rice balls?" Sumi asked shyly.

And then Tanjiro saw it.

Kanao seemed about to reach for her coin but stopped herself, her expression turned into a frown for a moment before smiling again.

"I'm not really good at cooking... but if you can teach me... I would like to."

Kiyo and Sumi's expressions immediately brightened.

"We'd love to!" They said in unison. "Alright let's go to the kitchen and... ah, Tanjiro-san!"

"Eh? Ah... Tanjiro, welcome." Kanao greeted him.

"I'm back." The Kamado said with his signature smile. "I heard something about making rice balls?"

"Yes... oh, we should go find Naho and Aoi-san and tell them that Kanao-san will join us!" Sumi said happily as she pulled Kiyo along with her and left to find them.

"See you later." Tanjiro waved and the two waved back while walking away until they turned a corner and were no longer in sight.

" were your missions?" Kanao asked after a moment to fill the silence.


"Tanjiro?" The black haired girl called out when he just stood there smiling at her.

"I'm glad." He said, earning a puzzled look from the Tsuyuri. "Just now, you didn't throw your coin."

"Ah... yes." She nodded, taking said coin from her pocket and looking at it with a smile. "I... I can't say I'm making my own decisions yet... but they came asking me if I wanted to learn how to cook one day and... well, I think the thought 'they would be happy if I agreed' crossed my mind and that 'I would like to see them happy'... so I agreed without my coin." The Kamado listened happily as she put the coin away before continuing it. "I was kind of surprised when they asked me that... before I always threw my coin and it tended to land on 'no' whenever they offered, not to mention Aoi is a lot better at cooking and such than me, so I didn't think they would ask me again."

"What changed?"

"I'm not sure... I asked them once but they could only answer that 'I seemed more approachable than before', Sumi's words."

'I see...' Tanjiro's smile softened at her words.


"No, it's nothing; I'm just really happy for you Kanao." He answered before patting her head.


"Ah, sorry, it wasn't on purpose." He said a bit embarrassed, taking off his hand-

"Don't." Kanao quickly said, grabbing his hand with both of hers to keep it on top of her head. "I was surprised but... it's nice."

"Alright!" The red haired teen smiled again and continued to gently pat her head. 'That smile you showed them... I never saw you showing it to anyone but me.' He thought, not able to take look away from Kanao's smile and her blushed face. 'I felt mixed emotions from that... I'm ashamed of it but I was happy that you only smiled like that when you were with me.' He admitted to himself. 'But it was sad, that you never truly smiled towards others and just put on a mask to be polite...'

"I'm really happy for you Kanao." Tanjiro said out loud.

"...I'm happy too." The purple eyed girl answered, looking up at him with a wide smile; not needing any more words to know what he meant.



"...what are you doing?" Naho asked, seeing her two 'sisters' peeking around a corner.

"Shh." They said at the same time, turning towards and putting a finger to their lips before signaling for her to also look.

Naho peeked like the other two and her expression immediately brightened and matched her 'sisters'' at seeing Tanjiro and Kanao smiling at each other.


So... I like to think that everyone in the Butterfly State, and even some people outside of it, ship Tanjiro and Kanao together.

And now you know a bit more about me! ;)

With that said, I hope you enjoyed my contribution to day 4 and remember to check out the tumblr and twitter for more TanKana content.

Until tomorrow!

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