Day 7: Free Day

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Ok, so the theme for this day is free of choice or 'Coin toss' I went with free of choice since I already had this idea in my head.

In any case, I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own KnY.


"I'm worried about Kanao." Tanjiro said, his expression conveying that feeling.

"Huh, what about?" Inosuke asked.

The two were currently walking back to the Butterfly State after finishing a mission and earning some rest.

"You see, lately she seems kind of sad and I can't figure out why." The Kamado explained.

"So? Maybe she is just hungry." The Hashibira answered.

"No, sometimes she is upset right after we finish eating lunch together so I don't think it's hunger." Tanjiro answered, completely serious.

"Well... I don't know, why don't you just ask her or use that ridiculous nose of yours to figure it out?"

"I have asked her if something's wrong but she always says everything's fine; I'm not sure if I should push her about this."

"Then... hmm." Inosuke crossed his arms as he tried to come up with some advi- "Wait, why am I helping you? Figure it out by yourself!"

"I just thought Inosuke's point of view could help me." The red haired swordsman answered with a smile. "But I get it, if I don't know then it would be difficult for you to have a better idea about it."


"I appreciate that you listened to me, though." He added calmly.

"Don't look down on me, damn it! I can figure out what's wrong with Hanao in a heartbeat!" Inosuke suddenly yelled.

"Really? Thank you so much, Inosuke!"

Although he said that the masked demon hunter couldn't give him any explanation... well, any 'reasonable' explanation, there were a lot of theories, though.


After so many times of going to the Butterfly State, Tanjiro felt like there was only one appropriate way of telling the other members of the place.

"I'm back." He called out after Inosuke had gone to the garden on the opposite side to do who knows what.

He heard footsteps and a moment later saw Kanao turn around the corner.

"Welcome back, Tanjiro." She greeted him with a wide smile that made him run to her and hug her.

"I missed you." The Kamado whispered as he nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck.

"Me too." She answered, corresponding to the hug. "Are you injured?" The Tsuyuri asked after a moment, moving back a bit and looking him over.

"No, I'm good." He gave her a reassuring smile that turned soft after a moment as he moved one of his hands to cup the side of her face.

Tanjiro's gaze softened even more when Kanao leaned into his touch, he couldn't help it, he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Kyaaa~!" The spell was broken when they heard three voices cry out in delight.

"Ah, Kiyo-chan, Naho-chan, Sumi-chan, I'm back." Tanjiro called out.

"Welcome back!" The three answered in unison.

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