Day 6: Kiss

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Another day, another chapter!

The theme of the day is 'Kiss/Narcise butterfly (beauty, freedom and happines)'

As always, I hope you enjoy! On with the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own KnY.


"Tanjiro, stop it!" Zenitsu yelled; he and the aforementioned were resting in the Butterfly State after getting some minor wounds from their latest mission.

"Wha... stop what?" The Kamado asked with a puzzled look.

"Ever since you confessed to Kanao you keep making this disgustingly sweet sound day in and day out, do you have any idea how hard it is for me?!" The blond asked as he put his hands on his ears, hoping to muffle the sound.

"I... don't think I'm making any strange sounds, though?" Tanjiro asked, still puzzled by his friend's complaint.

"Ghhh... just forget it, I'm just going to go somewhere else, you go make out with Kanao or something." He said, getting up from the bed and moving towards the door.

"Oh, we haven't done anything like that yet." The red haired swordsman answered.

"...what did you just say?" Zenitsu asked, stopping just before leaving the room.

"Kanao and I haven't kissed yet." Tanjiro answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"...remind me, how long has it been since you confessed?" The Agatsuma asked, giving his friend a strange look.

"Today would be two weeks."

"And you spent how much of those two weeks with her?"

"As much time as possible, I made sure to complete any missions quickly so I could go back to her, then we'd sit on her favorite spot of the porch and talk while holding hands or cuddling together; she has really soft hands, you know? I was even a bit worried about holding hands since mine are too rough due to my training but Kanao assured me she doesn't mind and..."

'This guy...' Zenitsu could feel a vein on his forehead about to pop at his friend's words. 'If I didn't know any better I'd say he is bragging.' He thought while grinding his teeth.

"Zenitsu, are you alright?" Tanjiro asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." The blond said through gritted teeth before sighing to relax. "I just don't get it, holding hands and cuddling sounds nice but I thought you would have kissed at least once by now."

"Well... it's not that I haven't thought about it..." Tanjiro admitted sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. "I've actually been trying to think of a way to bring the matter up to Kanao... but I think I'll just talk to her about it next time I see her."

"Really? You'll just go and say 'hey Kanao, want to make out?' like that?"

"Of course not!" The Kamado denied. "I'll just ask her if I can kiss her and do so if she says yes."

"Isn't that the exact thing I just said?!" Zenitsu yelled.

"The meaning maybe... but Tanjiro's wording is better." Murata chimed in.

"Oh... I had forgotten you were here." The Thunder Breath user admitted.

"...anyway." The senior demon hunter said, pretending that his junior's words didn't hurt. "It's not like there is some sort of rule or measure for when a couple has to kiss, you two just take it at your own pace and everything should work out."

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