5. Love Spell

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A/N: can you guys tell yet that this is a story about respecting sex workers and that I'm totally in love with platonic TodoBaku?

Katsuki wakes up to the abrupt and jarring noise of loud and obnoxious banging on the door. Shouto, who's limbs are tangled into his own, jolts up from his spot sprawled across the bed and nearly knocks Katsuki off of his chest in the process. His eyes are wide and confused, still fogged with sleep even though his heart is racing. Is someone trying to break in.

"I know that you're in there, Shouto! Open this door at once!"

Both teens sigh and drop back down onto the bed, eyes rolling as the knocking continues.

"He's so fucking annoying." Shouto grumbles under his breath and Katsuki, still exhausted from his shift, grunts his agreement. Every few weeks or so, Shouto's father comes to try and drag him home because he doesn't approve of his and Kaminari's relationship. Kaminari himself doesn't allow for the elder man to bother him with his nonsensical rambling---and ironically the man only ever seems to come when Kaminari isn't home.

"Wan' me to call 'a cops?"

"Just ignore him, one of the neighbors will do it."

They always do.

"Don't you ever get tired of this?"

Shouto scoffs.

"Well, yeah. Denki says we can move soon so I'm hoping it won't continue to be a problem anymore. That's why he's been working night shift. Well, that and to buy a car."

Katsuki can't help the way that the corners of his mouth turn upward.

"You nerds are so hopelessly in love."

He feels Shouto smile into his hair.

"As long as it shows. I'd never give up being with Denki to go home to him. Any time he can't get his way he throws a tantrum and thinks that threatening me is going to change anything. You know he threatened to hit me if I didn't come home?"

That makes Katsuki tense.

"What does Kaminari say about all this?"

"That he's got no qualms laying any of these fuckers out and that if any of them look like they're even thinking about touching me, they're dead."

And as much as Katsuki doesn't really like Kaminari, he appreciates that he does, beyond all odds, loves and protects his friend with his whole heart. Shouto is an asshole, yeah, but he's an amazing person and honestly incredibly sweet and loving. He deserves someone who's going to love him the way he should be loved.

"You guys are so cute that it's gross."

"I love you too, baby."

The banging does eventually stop and both teens look first to the bedroom door and then each other. It's uncomfortably silent, almost a ringing in their ears before they hear the distinguishable sound of Denki's annoyed voice yelling from outside---undoubtedly at Shouto's father.

"Didn't I fuckin' ask you not to come back here?! The fuck are you doin'?!"

"Don't you be crass with me, boy! I'm here to take my son home---"

"He fucking is home!"

"I refuse to allow you to keep whoring out my son---"

"Whoring him out?! You don't have the slightest fucking idea of what you're talking about, you fucking shitbag! I'd never do anything to devalue him---Shouto is the love of my life!"

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