14. For Once

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A/N: the next few chapters are going to be backstories and world building! Hitoshi and Katsuki are gonna get a little more personal with each other. Trigger warning for explicit details about murder. 

Within the last few months, Katsuki has learned not to ask Hitoshi too many questions about what they're doing, where they're going, or the people that they go and see. He'd like to say that it's because it's best that he not know, but it's really just because Hitoshi is a cryptic bastard who's every response is usually a variation of the phrase "Don't worry, baby, I got you" and the fact of the matter is that it's as good as answer as he could come to expect of his lover. He seldom ever gets straight answers and bitching about it never seems to yield any results.

Hitoshi has an incredible amount of patience or else he'd have gagged Katsuki long ago, the blonde is sure.

Today seems to be one occasion where Katsuki feels it necessary to ask questions. They'd driven to some obscure, off-road location at least an hour away from the city where there's what seems to be a sort of warehouse in a large clearing surrounded by trees and a whole lot of nothing. They're just sitting in the car, presumably waiting for someone or something.

"This feels really shady."

Hitoshi hums, rolling the window down as he lights a cigarette and takes a long, sweet drag from it.

"Everything I do is shady." He points and while it's a valid argument, it's very obvious that he's tip-toeing around Katsuki's initial purpose in asking. The blonde side-eyes him.

"Why are we here, Toshi?"

"I told you already; daddy needs new guns, baby."

"Then shouldn't we be in a pawn shop or...I dunno, a store?"

"Katsuki. I murder people for a living, baby doll. Why in the ever-lovin' shit would I go register guns that I plan on killing people with? Hm?" He counters, a matter-of-fact-ish expression plastered to his face that leaves Katsuki blooming bright red from the neck up.


"Yeah. Use that big brain, baby. Trust that I know what I'm doin', yeah? This is an arms dealer of mine that I've been doing business with for years." Hitoshi discloses. It seems he's actually in the mood to answer questions today. Katsuki's going to milk it for all it is worth.

"So your dad was a mercenary, too?"

"Mmm. Kinda. Only difference really is that he worked for the government. Technically he was an assassin paid by the elites. I, on the other hand, work for crooks. Or... anybody who'll pay me, really."

"Why didn't you work for the government too? They paid him nice and it seems like he was able to retire without hassle too."

Hitoshi pauses, blowing smoke in Katsuki's direction with a narrowed gaze.

"Somebody's talkative today."

Damn. Did he milk it too hard?

Katsuki shrugs and Hitoshi considers him a moment before he turns back to look out of the window. He doesn't grace Katsuki with any other response then that and Katsuki sinks down in his seat with a sigh. Of course, that was Hitoshi's passive way of saying 'mind your business'. Katsuki wants to say that he should at least know the man that he's run off with more than this but Hitoshi has done him the courtesy of not asking any prying questions of his own. Probably to keep Katsuki from doing so. To keep the playing field fair.

From them to know each other as they are now and not who they used to be.

"Alright, be that way then."

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