Birds of a feather flock together

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  Secrets are such a funny thing to keep. Just clusters of information that we try our hardest to conceal. Try as we may its impossible to keep some under wraps, unknown and undisclosed.

  Funnily enough it didn't bother me as much today of all days. Walking down the crowded hallways with the manila folder in hand I made my way to my first class of the day. There was a welcoming ceremony for the freshmen which I had decided to skip with as much fervour as one could possibly contain in their tangible mesh of existence. Boring, boring, boring. That's all I could think of as I walked. It seems like there's nothing exciting left to life any longer, no exciting people, no exciting little problems, and definitely no exciting love lif-.

  In the next instant I looked up confused as I suddenly found myself on the ground. I may be the captain of the ship called clumsiness but I know  for certain that it wasn't by my own devices or schemes that I had managed to kiss the colorful (and probably crawling with diseases) floor of the college hallway. The culprit of this dreadful act rolled over in front of me as if mocking me with its sense of being. I kicked the ball away angrily as I ignored the hand being offered to me and got up on my own, "I'm so sorry, my brother is an as*" A voice mumbled quietly above me.

  "Yeah, he sure is." I thundered finally looking up at the owner of the dumb nasally voice. Too chirpy and too fricking early.

  "I really am sorry though, he was trying to catch me by surprise. Its just this stupid game we came up with, his ways are always so fatal though," Chirpy chirped on and on, rambling for a good 5 minutes as I pretended to listen smiling enthusiastically replying with a uh huh every two minutes.

  "Okay," I nodded excitedly, "but see the thing is that I don't care." I let the smile fall off my face. I bump my shoulder against hers as I skip past her to my class. I look down at my schedule, room 111, is it? Well it obviously isn't room III, you stupid bitch. Honestly, you'd think one would be smarter. I really hate myself so much. 'Fuck you fuck you fuck' I think to myself. Always targeting and bullying me. Stupid.

  I roll my eyes at my antics, I might just be the only one that can actually manage to crack myself up.

  "Wait!" I hear the sound of heels slapping against the floor violently. How unpleasant and ridiculously annoying. I really wish I had my oreos with me right now. The thundering of the heels fades to a slow tap as a figure joins me by my side, huffing and panting. "Let me show you around! My brother is a junior so I know this place like the back of my hand. Think of it as me making up for what my brother did!"

  I immediately start to say no when I realize that this might just be my only chance at making a friend here. I try to reconsider her offer but my voice betrays me as a firm, "No." leaves my lips.

  "Oh," a quite voice mumbles as I turn round a corner looking for my assigned class. These hallways are way too long with a labyrinth-ey feel to them.

  "My name's Halley by the way, what's yours? You look like an eve, is your name eve? I really hope it isn't eve cause my ex boyfriend cheated on me with a girl named eve. You're nice though not like anyone here." She follows me chirping away as I turn down another hallway. Where's that stupid class again? "By the way you're going the wrong way. Room 111 is at the other end of the college." Halley peers over looking at the schedule in my hand.

  I halt to a stop abruptly as I turn to look at her. "My name is not eve, it's melody and you couldn't tell me this earlier? What kind of a tour guide are you?" I jokingly glare at her, amused at the look of despair that passes across her face. She may be annoying but even I'm smart enough to not be mean when I know that I've been bested. Plus her persistence is admirable and I could use someone to help me get around the college. God knows I'll get sucked into the labyrinth of pain if I walk any further  without any sort of help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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