Chapter 13

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Ryan's POV

I was awakened by Sturgill pawing me. I couldn't feel my left arm. There was a weight on it, and that's when I realized Kelsie was sleeping on it. Shit. We had fallen asleep on her couch last night. I had been prepared to leave, but she had asked me to stay a little longer, she was feeling pretty emotional. I was more than happy to stay with her, I didn't intend on falling asleep though.

I carefully pulled my tingling arm from underneath her, being careful not to startle her, then got up to let Sturgill and his new BFF Riley into the backyard.

I watched Kelsie sleeping for a moment. She looked so peaceful that I hated to wake her, but I had no idea how long Mason would be asleep.

Everything Kelsie had told me last night had only made my feelings for her stronger. It made my heart ache to hear everything she had gone through. Her husband had been a real piece of work. If he were still alive, I'd kick his sorry ass.

I still didn't know exactly what Kelsie and I were. Yeah, we started out as friends, and are insanely attracted to each other. Our chemistry is off the charts. The sex was incredible. I know I said we didn't need to put a label on it, but I don't know shit about relationships. She said let's see where it goes, then she opened up to me. Does this mean we are together? She was a little freaked out about or age difference, but I don't care about that. I just want to be with her.

Deciding I needed to wake Kelsie, I tapped her arm. "Kels, it's time to get up." I said softly. She opened her eyes and smiled. Damn. How could someone look so good just waking up?

"What time is it? She asked with a yawn.

"It's a little after seven." I replied, looking at my phone.

"You stayed." She smiled again, stifling another yawn, then looked around her. "I guess I forgot just how comfortable this couch and recliner were."

"Very. I fell asleep myself." I grinned, but watched her smile fade slightly.

"Why are you so nice to me?" She asked, her voice tinged with a little bit of sadness.

Her question took me by surprise. I thought it was obvious. I wasn't here with her just to be "nice."

"Because you deserve it. I'm here because I want to be. I like being with you Kelsie." I answered as honestly as I could.

"I like being with you too." She took my hand and laced her fingers through mine, and ran her other hand through her hair, smoothing out the sleep tousled strands. The movement caused her shirt to strain against her breasts, and the bottom of her shirt to ride up, leaving an area of bare skin exposed.


I had already woken up with a boner, and seeing her sitting here looking so soft and sexy was not helping. I would have loved to be able to take her to her bedroom right now and spend the day making love to her, but Mason was upstairs sleeping. I probably needed to leave before he woke up.

"I would kiss you right now, but I really need to brush my teeth." She giggled. "If you want to freshen up, there's an unopened toothbrush in the spare bathroom cabinet."

"Are you saying my breath stinks?" I teased.

"I said no such thing." She shot back, before disappearing behind her bedroom door, and I had to fight the urge to follow her. Damn I was crazy about this woman.

After I took a quick shower (cold) and after I was satisfied that I was minty fresh, I made my way to the kitchen hoping that offer of a kiss was still on the table. Kelsie had changed into a light blue romper and had her hair pulled up into a messy bun. Her long legs were on full display and her exposed neck was just begging to be nibbled on. I needed to remind myself of Mason and keep my lustful thoughts to myself.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

Yeah, for her. "Not really." I shook my head in response.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. Her lips were so soft and warm. Her tongue enticed mine first, but then she was perfectly content to let me take control. I could completely lose myself over this woman. The kiss grew more intense, and I could feel my heart rate increase, and the familiar twinge in my groin. It was further fueled when she slipped her hands under the back of my shirt and touched me. Shit! Mason. Reluctantly, I broke out of the kiss. If I didn't stop now, l don't know if I ever would. I rested my forehead against Kelsie's.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly. Then she must have felt my hardness against her, and her eyes widened slightly. "Oh." She blushed.,

"I want you so bad." I admitted with a sigh.

"I want you too Ryan. I just can't. We can't. Not right now. Not with Mason. Soon, I promise. I'll figure something out." She also sighed.

I needed to change the subject.

"What time does Mason usually get up?" I asked.

"Around ninish, or whenever I wake him up." She replied.

"I have to go by the shop a little later. Do y'all want to tag along? Mason could get a little behind the scenes view, then we could grab lunch somewhere."

She flashed the smile that never failed to knock the wind out of me. "He would love that."


We arrived at the shop around eleven, and Mason broke out into a wide grin when he saw Todd, who waved to him.

"Hey bud. Good to see you again. What happened here?" He asked Mason, eying the cast on his arm."

"I fell off my skateboard. Ryan said I could get a lot of really cool autographs this weekend though."

"Well, it looks like you already got the best one." Todd said, pointing to my signature on the bright yellow cast.

They chatted for a few minutes, then Todd looked at me, and made a motion with his head.

"I have to go talk with Todd and the guys for a few minutes. Why don't y'all go check out the gift shop and pick something out. On me." I said.

Mason broke out in a wide grin, and Kelsie looked as if she was about to protest, but I waved her off. "It's fine. They like me around here."

After talking with my guys for a few minutes, I went to the gift shop to find Kelsie and Mason. Mason was trying to decide between a few different items. I picked up a pink number 12 hat and placed it on Kelsie's head, making her laugh.

"That looks cute on you. Don't want you getting sunburned tomorrow." I said.

Mason picked out a shirt and hat that he said he was going to wear on Sunday. He was bursting with excitement for the race, but he was also looking forward to watching practice and qualifying as well as getting autographs for his cast.

After lunch, we went back to Kelsie's house. As much as I hated to leave, I really needed a change of clothes, and I figured Kelsie and Mason probably needed a little time to themselves. I was sure Mason had a lot of questions for his mom, and it might make her feel awkward having me here.

"Would you like to come for dinner tonight? She asked.

My heart soared over the simple offer. I thought I would have to wait until tomorrow to see her again.

"I would love to." I replied.

I got Sturgill and we headed home, already counting down the hours until I saw her again.


A/N: Kind of a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed. I think it's safe to say YRB is in love. Lol

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