Now that the war between Railroad Police and icrostrich is over, that doesn't mean everything ended happily. Some characters have died tragically during the war and some were permanently injured during the aftermath. But out of all the characters, Jeremy has suffered the worst after the war.
Traumatized by what icrostrich had turned him into, the death of his caretaker and taking away Shabedoom's life by accidentally killing him, Jeremy begins to suffer from PTSD. Feeling miserable for their friend, his friends try everything they can to cure his depression. But when that doesn't work, his parents are his last hope! How will they cure their son's depression?
Chapter 1: Sky flying
"Mind telling me where we're going?" Grayson asked Shelby. The dragons had just rescued Jeremy, Chad and their friends and escaped from Railroad Police and were now flying in the sky. But the dragons didn't tell them where they were taking them. Even Ames was feeling very suspicious when they passed Rock Rail street which was their apartment.
"Where are you taking us?" asked Grayson. "Our home's that way!" Then she was pointing to the apartment. "Fio gets to go but not us?!" she asked Shelby.
"Fio's the chef," said Ames. "He has to prepare meals for Railroad Police and the other survivors. He'll be fine. Besides, we can't let them starve. Arson is going to be fed plenty of food when he's with Fio," said Paladin. "I agree," said Ames.
"We're not going to the apartment," Shelby said to Grayson. "Well then, where are we going?" asked Grayson, demanding an answer. "Just be patient," said Shelby. "Just wait." "For what?" asked Paladin. "You'll see," said Shelby.
Then Shelby looked at Chad, who was riding on her back. "Is Jeremy in good spirits?" she asked him. "Not even," sighed Chad. "He's still depressed." He looked at his best friend who hung his head down in shame. All he did was sigh, but he didn't do anything else.
"Just be glad he's with us again," Ames said to Chad. "It's not the same," muttered Ioni, who was riding on Kuda's back. Paladin and Nisshin were with her.
"True," said Kuda. "But as Ames said, he's back with us. He's going to recover soon." "But when?" asked Ioni. "He's not even talking to us."
"I'm worried about him," sobbed Chad. "Now that you think about it," sniffed Grayson. "So am I!"
Chad and Grayson started to cry. Then they were stopped by Jerico. "Guys, crying won't solve anything," he said. "The best thing we can do is leave Jeremy alone. Give him space. He's been and seen too much."
"We should be at Rock rail right now," muttered Grayson. But the dragons said nothing.
Devin was surprised to see a few Calloustriches next to him while riding on the dragon who rescued them. "So why did you guys leave icrostrich?" he asked Nisshin. "We wanted to see other animals," answered Nisshin. "We were sick of seeing ostriches all the time. Shonan was the one who wanted variety. Besides, I refused to be in the war anymore. So did Kaiko and Yushin."
"Devin, didn't you say that there were still some good ostriches in icrostrich?" Kyoshin asked Devin. "Yes, but it's not much," answered Devin. "I'm just glad to see the good in these guys."
Now at their destination, the dragon began to alight down.
"What's happening?" asked Ioni. "We've reached our destination," said Shelby.
Grayson gasped when she saw where they were. There was a house in the forest.
"What is this place?" asked Paladin. "It's the new house that your parents live in now," Shelby said to Jeremy.
"I'm home!" gasped Jeremy.
Chapter 2: Not much better
It didn't take long for Jon and Jessica to recognize who had just come to their new house, through the open door.
Jessica immediately ran over to her sons and embraced them. "Oh I missed you two so much," she said, sobbing. "I missed you too, mother," said Jerico.
But Jeremy said nothing.
"Oh mother, Jeremy, and his friends went to Railroad Prison Camp," Jerico said to Jessica. "What for?" asked Jessica. "Jeremy wanted to apply for a job, but he's going to be paid more than what he bargained for," said Jerico.
"Here, Jeremy," Jerico said to Jeremy. "Here's $800 dollars. You've done more work than what you did at The Park. "That will last you a long time. I'll be sure to pay you more money after you use it up."
But Jeremy still said nothing, even though he was given money. All he did was put the money in his pocket.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Jessica asked her young son. "Aren't you going to thank Jerico for paying you? Or you don't like the new house?"
"Uh...Jeremy doesn't feel well," said Jerico. "He's feeling depressed," said Grayson. "And who leaves their front door open!" "They are home," Ames said to Grayson. "If it was a burglar it would be different," said Grayson. "Don't even start," growled Ames. "We don't want to make it worse for Jeremy."
"We just came back from war at Railroad Prison Camp," said Grayson. "We just came over there to visit Jeremy, but then we became Railroad Police members ourselves."
"What exactly happened during the war?" asked Jon.
Chad felt Jeremy shift. He was afraid of his father, since he was very strict and always yelled at him when he was little. He was closer to his mother since she always talked sweetly to him and comforted him when he was sad.
"Jeremy's too depressed to say anything," said Chad. "Not only that but we lost our caretaker during a war we were fighting in."
"Dana's gone?!" gasped Jon and Jessica.
"You fought in a war?" asked Jon. "The battle of Railroad Police and icrostrich," said Emery. "And we've lost a lot of people," sobbed Ames.
"Is seven considered a lot?" asked Paladin. "It's a lucky number, but to us, it's not lucky," sobbed Reggie.
"We'd like to hear about the war from Jeremy," said Jon. "Go on, Jeremy, tell us about this war and how many enemies you killed."
"Please don't consider us as enemies," said Kaiko. "We left icrostrich to join the good side. You have nothing to fear."
"You're from icrostrich?!" gasped Jon. "Get out of here at once!"
"Stop!" cried Claire. "They've joined us. So they're Railroad Police."
"That's enough, blue crow!" snapped Jon. "Now, Jeremy, tell us about the war."
"That's not a good idea," said Chad. "You're pressuring him! He's been and seen too much!" "Oh, if he doesn't want to tell us, he doesn't have to," said Jessica. "Don't pressure our son, Jon."
"Let me tell you something," Jon said to Chad, who was starting to dislike him. "It does not do any good to tell me what to do. I'm older than you and you should know that! I'm Jeremy's father and I have every right to ask him about the war. I don't care if he's depressed, he has to tell us about the war and how you all made it back alive."
"Not all of us," sniffed Reggie. He still thought about Bradley. "Fio stayed at the other apartment to look after the survivors."
"We're waiting," Jon said to Jeremy.
But Jeremy didn't want to face his father. Instead, he covered his face with his crippled wings.
"Stop it! You're scaring him!" cried Ioni.
"Jon, that's enough!" Jessica said to her husband. "He was always afraid of me," Jon said to his wife. "You can't keep hiding yourself forever!"
"Please forgive my husband," Jessica said to the remaining Railroad Police members. "He's a very strict parent."
Then Jessica looked at Jeremy. "Sweetheart," she said to him. "It's best to do what your father says. Can you try telling us about the war?"
Jeremy removed the wings from his face and nodded at his mother.
"It's about time," muttered Jon. "Now tell us all about the war."
"He wasn't at Railroad Police during the war," said Emery. "I want to hear it from him," said Jon. "Where were you during the war, Jeremy?"
Jeremy was scared. Could he really tell his own parents that he was originally on the evil side with icrostrich? He thought about those callous and cruel creatures that brainwashed and corrupted his mind to become one of them. And the fact that he was the one who led all those Calloustriches into war. Not to mention almost killing Chad in the process. He was afraid to tell them, but he simply had to say it in the most understandable way.
"Well dad..." stuttered Jeremy. " was just a battlefield outside of Railroad Prison Camp."
"We want to know how many enemies you killed," said Jon. "No offense dad," said Jeremy. "But I only killed one."
"One?!" asked Jon. "What do you mean you only killed one?" "It was an accident," sobbed Jeremy. "I didn't mean to."
"There's something you're not telling us," Jon said to Jeremy, who was now suspicious. "What really happened during the war?"
Jeremy was ready. "I... wasn't with Railroad Police," he began. "What?!" gasped Jon and Jessica. "I was originally on the evil side, icrostrich," said Jeremy. "I went there to visit them, but after I broke three rules at the place, my feathers under my wings were ripped out. They're still crippled."
"Oh, my poor baby," sobbed Jessica. "Continue," Jon said, demanding more.
"I went back there to redeem myself," continued Jeremy. "I performed so well there that they made their new Metal Claw. I was becoming more callous and cruel the longer I stayed and I've become corrupted with so much icrostrich power. Though I was able to save a few ostriches by giving them to Lux for safekeeping, it wasn't enough to withstand their powerful mind control. I have myself to blame. I was the one who led the Calloustriches into war. They killed members of Railroad Police, while I was fighting with Chad.
"I couldn't control myself. The mind control got the better of me. I tried fighting back, but couldn't. I almost killed Chad in the process. However, Gygar expelled me from icrostrich, breaking the mind control so I was reverted back to normal. Then Dana came over and said she would help us in the war. But then Shabedoom started attacking Gygar and Dana and I ran over to rescue him. It was then that Shabedoom killed her. I couldn't do anything to save her. I wanted to drive him off but he flew straight at me but got impaled by my beak. I didn't want to kill him, because I accidentally took someone else's life. Even though he was evil, it didn't seem right. After that happened, Gygar called off the remaining Calloustriches and took them back to icrostrich, ending the war. The dragons came to rescue us, but it was too late. Some members had died immediately just as they came. There were still some survivors. They even had a granite memorial to honor the deaths of their close friends including Dana. After that, the dragons flew us here. So here we are now."
Just as Jeremy had finished explaining what happened, Jon and Jessica were speechless.
"Those Calloustriches might be the reason why so many animals go missing," Jessica said to her husband. Then she said to Jeremy; "No wonder you didn't want to tell us. You went through too much."
"You had no right to join that group!" Jon said to Jeremy. "You should have stayed
away from there! You're the cause of that! You were responsible for the deaths of those people! You even had blood on your beak! You're as cruel as those evil birds!"
"Jon!" gasped Jessica. "He said so himself!" rasped Jon. "Get out! Calloustrich! And take those other Calloustriches with you!" Celandine, Nisshin, Yushin, and Kaiko all cowered down in fear.
Hearing this, Jeremy ran outside with tears rolling down his cheeks. His own father was against him and called him a Calloustrich! The young ostrich wanted to have some time alone.
Chapter 3: Ostrich boxing
As Jeremy continued his walk through the city, he couldn't get what his father had said to him out of his head. It hurt him deeply and he simply couldn't stand his father. He had left his old apartment in tears as well as his mother and friends. Nothing could help cope with his PTSD.
It got even worse as Jeremy saw a duck that looked very similar to Dana. "Dana?" he asked the duck. "I'm not Dana!" squawked the duck. "I'm not a female! I'm a male!" Then he slapped Jeremy in the head with his wing and flew off. "My apologies," sighed Jeremy.
It soon got dark and the young ostrich had no idea where he was going. He was stopped by an injured white ostrich who was walking away from a dark alley. "What happened to you?" he asked the young ostrich. "Please, don't go to that dark alley," he said. "It's dangerous." "What's there?" asked Jeremy. "It's a boxing match with ostriches, they call it Ostrich Boxing." said the young ostrich. "They have a really tough opponent. He's impossible to beat."
"I could try," said Jeremy. "It might make me feel better after all I've gone through." "You were in the war with Railroad Police and icrostrich?" asked the young ostrich. Jeremy nodded. "Please be careful," said the young ostrich. "Are you Jeremy?" "Yes, I am," said Jeremy. "It's best we don't talk about the war. I've seen too much during it."
"If you go there, I'll come with you to support you," said the young ostrich. "My name is Liam by the way. It's Irish for a resolute protector. Just be careful during that fight."
As the two ostriches made their way to the dark alley they saw many ostriches of all kinds crowded around to watch the fight unfold. They were rambunctious and made a lot of noise.
"Knock him out!" said one ostrich. "Get him!" "Take him down! Take him down!" said another one. They were all cheering for the large ostrich who finally knocked out his challenger.
The challenger was a Somali ostrich, very similar to Azeal, who was at icrostrich. His coach was also a Somali ostrich. The large ostrich whose name was Stryker was a white ostrich whose head feathers had a bit of red on them.
"You've done well, Stryker," said a white ostrich who was his coach. He was also the one who was taking other people's money since they made a bet on the wrong ostrich.
With every victory, Stryker got, the more money he got. His coach whose name was Steffan was nothing more than a gambler who always won and rigged the competition by allowing a strong ostrich to compete against weak ones. The somali ostrich was an example.
"Oh no, Floyd," sobbed the Somali's ostrich's coach. "You're going to be alright."
"I can't move my wings, Daryll," sobbed Floyd. "Pay up!" sneered Steffan. "I won!" "Take it!" said Daryll, giving money to the greedy white ostrich. As Daryll carried Floyd out of the dark alley, Steffan cackled evilly. "I can't lose!" he cackled. "Who wants to take him on?!"
"I'll take him on!" said a voice from the crowd. It was Jeremy. As he said this, he wiped Shabedoom's blood off of his beak.
"You?!" gasped Steffan. "A puny little runt wants to take on the undefeated Stryker? Fine! Who wants to bet on this hoodie wearing ostrich?"
A couple of ostriches placed their bets on Jeremy. "Don't be fools!" sneered Steffan. "I can take on this runt by myself!"
Then the fight began. Stryker tried to punch Jeremy but he ended up dodging most of his blows.
"Knock him out!" said one ostrich. "No, you can do it, Jeremy!" Liam shouted from the crowd.
Hearing this Jeremy managed to punch Stryker in the arm. But Stryker didn't seem phased by the hit. Instead, he punched Jeremy in the face, chest, and chin, sending him flying towards a pile of crates. They were destroyed as Jeremy was flung against them.
"Jeremy!" cried Liam. "I knew it!" sneered Steffan. "He didn't stand a chance!"
Liam ran over to where Jeremy was. "Jeremy, wake up! Wake up!" he cried.
But Jeremy didn't answer. He was unconscious and covered in bruises.
"Please help us!" cried Liam. But the other ostriches have already left, including Steffan and the undefeated Stryker.
As Liam fell asleep on the unconscious Jeremy, they were found by Kuda who was looking for Jeremy. He carried them back to his parents' place, away from the dark alley.
Chapter 4: Ioni with Kaiko
Speaking of his parents' place, Ioni was talking to Paladin outside the house.
"Paladin, I'm worried about Jeremy," Ioni said to her puppy. "I am too," Paladin said to Ioni. "He left in a hurry and Kuda is out there looking for him. I don't understand why his father was like that."
"I'm scared of his father," sniffed Ioni. "I'm fine with his mother. She's so nice and sweet. And very understanding. No wonder she and Jeremy were so close. I'm surprised that she allows pets. Jon just didn't say anything."
"Why are you guys outside?" Kaiko asked, coming from inside the house. "You're gonna freeze out here." Sorry, Kaiko," said Paladin. "We just love being outside. "When it's dark out?" asked Kaiko. "You're still kids. Don't you have any parents?" "I don't have any parents," said Ioni. "Then who takes care of you?" "Jeremy is my dad," said Ioni. "But I don't have a mom."
"And is he your puppy?" Kaiko asked, referring to Paladin. "That's just Paladin," answered Ioni. "He is more than just my puppy. He's my protector and friend." "I'm sorry but I never got your name," said Kaiko. "It's Ioni," said the polar bear. "Mine is Kaiko," said the ostrich.
Ioni hung her head down. "What's wrong?" asked Kaiko. "Did I say something wrong?" "No it's not you," said Ioni. "I'm worried about Jeremy. And I'm scared of his father.
"I don't like his father either," said Kaiko. "He almost kicked us out. I've tried to show him that we're good people but he keeps shoving us away."
"That's terrible," said Ioni. "I know it is," said Kaiko. "I have a feeling that he's in danger right now. He would have come home right now but he's still gone."
"Kaiko, are you friends with Jeremy?" asked Paladin. "I hardly know the bird," said Kaiko. "Sure I was a Calloustrich but I wasn't paired with him like most other ostriches. I did practice on a Calloustrich, but I wasn't able to hit my target so they forced me to sleep early. It's cruel at icrostrich. Good thing I left that place. But there are still others who are still..."
"Time for bed!" called out Jessica. "Everyone, go to sleep."
So Ioni, Paladin and Kaiko went inside the house and went to the beds that were set up for them.
"Uh, Kaiko?" Ioni asked the ostrich. "Yeah?" asked the ostrich. "Do you want to be friends?" "Sure," said Kaiko. "I like you already. You're so adorable! You're not like how the Calloustriches describe as lower species. They were wrong."
"How come the Calloustriches hate us?" asked Ioni. "They hate anyone who is not a ratite," said Kaiko. That's how it's run."
"How did you come to icrostrich?" asked Ioni. "I was found by a Calloustrich soldier and he led me and a flock of other ostriches to icrostrich," answered Kaiko. "We were sent there to work under icrostrich control. I wasn't in the lucky four but I was selected to be a Calloustrich soldier. Many of the ostriches were chosen to be Calloustriches as well, but the others were chosen for slave labor. Not all the ostriches are..."
"Do you mind?" asked Grayson. "I am trying to sleep!" Then she threw a pillow at Ioni and Kaiko.
"What was that for?" asked Ioni. "A lot of us are trying to sleep!" muttered Grayson. "I don't want you guys yapping all night! The war tired me out and I want to sleep!"
"Then why don't you?" sneered Kaiko. "I heard that!" rasped Grayson. "You may be on the good side but I've still got my eye on you!" She closed one eye but kept her other eye open as it peered at Kaiko.
"We get the idea!" growled Ioni. "Well then sleep and stop yapping!"
"You stop yapping!" said Ames. "I can hear you from the room!"
"So can I!" said Chad.
"I'm over here!" said Reggie.
"Well that's just great!" growled Grayson. "They're mad at us!" "You're the one stalling," said Ioni. "And I'm worried about Jeremy." "UGHHH!" groaned Grayson. "You're worried about Jeremy again?! Of course you are! You got adopted by him when you were 2 months old!"
"No need to bring up the past," Ioni said to Grayson. "I'll deal with you tomorrow!" hissed Grayson. "I need to get some sleep!"
As Grayson went back to her room with Ames, Ioni and Kaiko fell asleep, not wanting to disturb anyone else's sleep.
Chapter 5: Slowly recovering
Kuda had taken both Jeremy and Liam back to his parents' house. But as soon as they got there, everyone was already asleep. So he placed Jeremy in his bed and had Liam sleep with Grayson.
Though Liam slept peacefully, Jeremy, however, didn't sleep well. He was muttering in his sleep and tossing and turning in his bed. He dreamed that they were back at Railroad Prison Camp and the war was going on. Shabedoom had just killed Dana and was advancing towards him. But was then impaled by Jeremy's beak. Just as he saw Shabedoom gasping and coughing up blood, he heard a familiar voice.
"What were you thinking boxing an undefeated ostrich?!" Jon asked Jeremy as he woke up from his bad dream. He was on his bed in his new room. "Kuda told me that he found you and some other ostrich in a dark alley where ostriches box at night. And how dare you leave this place when I was talking to you?! Also leaving the door open!"
"I heard that!" said Grayson. "You left it open!"
"Dad, this isn't the best time," Jeremy said, rubbing his wound on his chest. "Oh, look who's trying to get away from me again?" sneered Jon. "You're not leaving me again! Not this time! You were such a hard child and you still are!"
"You're not going to ask me if I'm okay?" asked Jeremy. "I don't care about your stupid wounds!" growled Jon. "You were my least favorite! Jerico is so much better than you! After all, he came first!"
Jeremy was shocked when he heard this. He began crying and begged his father to stop.
"Don't try this on me, Jeremy," sneered Jon. "It won't work on me."
"Jeremy!" Jessica cried, running to her son. "Mom!" Jeremy cried running to his mom. They both embraced. Right next to her were Kaiko, Ioni, Liam, and Paladin. "Oh, Jeremy, is your father bothering you?" she asked her son. Jeremy nodded. "Jon, leave us alone!" said Jessica. "I'd like to speak with my son."
"Where's Chad, Jerico and Claire and the others?" Jeremy asked his mom. "Chad was waiting for you," Claire said as she came into his room.
"Jeremy! Are you alright?" Chad said, hugging his best friend and shedding tears. He saw his best friend was covered in bruises. There was even a bandage on the side of his head.
"Not really," answered Jeremy. "It was a terrible mistake to fight with that ostrich."
"You fought with someone?" asked Jessica. "It was a champion boxer," answered Jeremy. "A boxer?" asked Jessica. "Boxing does help with PTSD, but you don't have the strength to fight. There are other ways to deal with this problem."
"Nonviolent ways?" asked Claire. "Meditation, relaxation are good examples of dealing with PTSD," said Jessica. "You got exercise when you were out walking yesterday. The best option to relax on your own. You don't want to be near people during your current condition. Chad I'm okay with you, but you?" she asked the blue jay. "I'm Claire," said the blue jay. "I'm one of Jeremy's friends. I'm sure he'll be fine with me."
"I need to be with him because I am his mother," said Jessica. "I'm sorry, but it will take a while for him to recover. I believe that it would be much better to let him live in peace."
"Uh peace isn't necessary, mom," Jeremy said to his mom. "I don't want to be left alone. I do want to be with people I love. I just don't want to be near my dad. I can't believe he said that about me!"
"Oh, sweetie, Jon is just frustrated that you originally joined an evil organization," Jessica said to Jeremy. "He's not alright with the ostriches who were originally a part of icrostrich as well. Kaiko has tried everything he could to convince my husband that he was good, but he was instead driven off. He didn't understand that some ostriches, despite their terrible ways, still have some good in them. There's always good in everybody. But Jon just doesn't listen to me."
"Jon is very mean!" barked Paladin. "Why is he so strict?" "That's something only Jeremy's mom knows," said Ioni. "But just be glad he's not in the room with us." "I shouldn't have brought it up," sniffed Paladin.
"Mom, can I stay here for a couple of weeks? Maybe a month or two?" Jeremy asked his mom. "You want to stay here?" gasped Claire. "Just let him," said Chad. "It might help with his PTSD."
"Mom, I had a bad dream," sobbed Jeremy. "I can't get it out of my head." "You dreamed of what happened at the camp?" asked Chad. "Dana's death and Shabedoom's death?" Jeremy nodded.
"Don't listen to your father," said Jessica. "You know he doesn't mean it." "He sounded serious," sobbed Jeremy. "Oh don't cry, sweetie," said Jessica. "You shouldn't worry. You're more than welcome to stay here as long as you like. I just want you to feel better. Now I need to go check on the others. Are you fine here?"
"I'll be fine, mom," said Jeremy. "I've got my best friends right here." "I'm just worried about you, son," said Jessica. "I hope you feel better when you are with your friends. That way you'll be ready to see someone."
"Jeremy will get better," Ioni said to Jessica. "I'm sure he will." "If it wasn't for Jeremy, I could have been beaten up to death," said Liam.
"Oh, you're the other ostrich that Kuda found?" asked Chad. "You're friends with Jeremy?" "We became friends yesterday," said Liam.
"Uh, Jeremy's mom?" asked Chad. "Who are we going to see later?" "Oh you'll find out," she said, smiling. She thought it was best to leave Jeremy and his friends alone since they were having a conversation since she had to pick someone up. "You should stay here with your friends," she told Jeremy. "Confiding with people you trust will make you feel better."
"I'm starting to feel better," Jeremy said, smiling. "Chad, Liam was cheering for me in the crowd. Even though I was knocked unconscious, I'm sure he begged for me to wake up." "That I did," Liam said, blushing.
Jessica smiled as she saw her son was slowly starting to feel better and he was socializing with his friends. She thought it was best to leave him alone with his friends.
As she left Jeremy alone with his friends, Jessica had to ask Jon if Jeremy and his friends could stay there for a few months. But she was worried that Jon might say no. After all that he had said to Jeremy, it didn't seem right to have him angry at his son. "I need to speak with him," she said. "But someone has to be with me." She knew exactly who to pick. She went to the guest bedroom where Shelby slept. Thankfully the dragon was wide awake.
"Shelby?" she asked the dragon. "Yes?" asked the dragon. "I need you to come with me," said Jessica. "I need you to be with me to talk some sense into my husband."
"Jon scares me," said the dragon. "Please, Jeremy said he wants to stay here with his friends for a few months," said Jessica.
"Is that so?" asked Jon. He was behind them the whole time. "Jon, please Jeremy needs..." "Don't you Jeremy me!" rasped Jon. "He can't stay here!"
"Jon, please reconsider," sniffed Jessica. "You want him to stay here so he can get your support!" said Jon.
"Jeremy's father, we could agree to allow Jeremy to stay here with his friends," Shelby said to Jon. "You scaly reptile you!" rasped Jon. "You won't change my mind and that's final!" "Jeremy is suffering from PTSD!" cried Jessica. "Do you want to make it worse for him?!" After saying this, the room filled with silence.
Jon looked at Jessica. "Did he tell you why he fought with an ostrich?" he asked his wife. "Yes, he was boxing to help cure his PTSD. "You're sure about that?" asked Jon. "Yes, he really wanted to cure it by letting out his anger," said Jessica. "But he told me that he was too weak from depression to fight. Not only that but he had a nightmare of what happened at that camp."
"Fine he can stay and so can his friends," grumbled Jon. "But I don't want him to be near me. He'd better stay away!" "Alright," said Jessica. But Jon angrily stared at his wife as he left the room.
"Should I tell Jeremy that he can stay here?" asked Shelby. "I'll tell him," said Jessica. She went back to Jeremy's room to tell him the good news. "Uh, Jeremy," she asked her son. "What happened?" asked Jeremy. "Did you tell dad?" "I did and he said you could stay here but to stay away from him."
"We'll be sure of that," said Kaiko.
"This is great news isn't Jeremy?" Chad asked his friend. "We get to stay here!" "Yeah I guess it is," sighed Jeremy. He felt relieved of not getting kicked out. Now that he could stay at the new house with both his family and friends, Jeremy knew that he was going to recover from PTSD. But he knew that it wasn't going to be right away. It was going to take time.
"I guess spending time with mommy will cure it in no time," Jeremy said to himself. "Next time I just want to have a full day with just me and mommy. That's all I need." He sighed happily knowing that his closest friends and his mom were there with him when he needed it the most.
End of PTSD
Characters of Regular Life PTSD
Jeremy: white ostrich (Struthio camelus) the young son of Jon and Jessica and the little brother of Jerico. Ioni's adoptive father. Also known as Metal Claw. An ex Calloustrich soldier at icrostrich
Chad: brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) Jeremy's best friend and the new leader of Railroad Police
Ioni: polar bear (Ursus maritimus) an orphaned polar cub who was adopted by Jeremy
Grayson: Virginia opossum (Didelphis Virginiana) a jealous and hot-tempered possum who has a grudge against Jeremy. A member of Railroad Police
Reggie: Southern brown bandicoot: (Isoodon obesulus) a cowardly bandicoot who has a good heart. A member of Railroad Police
Shelby: orange dragon: a vegetarian water dragon who is based on the Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus)
Emery: Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) The original leader of Railroad Police. Also known as Elijah
Paladin: Dalmatian (Canis Lupus familiaris) A little puppy that got adopted by Ioni
Jerico: white ostrich (Struthio Camelus) the older son of Jon and Jessica and the older brother of Jeremy. A member of Railroad Police
Claire: Blue jay (Cyanocitta Cristata) A member of Railroad Police
Kuda: An ice dragon and a retired member of Railroad Police. Also known as BarryKuda
Ames: Virginia opossum (Didelphis Virginiana) Grayson's long lost sister and a member of Railroad Police
Jon: white ostrich (Struthio camelus) Jessica' husband and father of Jerico and Jeremy
Jessica: white ostrich (Struthio camelus) Jon's wife and mother of Jerico and Jeremy
Kaiko: white ostrich (Struthio camelus) An ex Calloustrich soldier of icrostrich
Liam: white ostrich (Struthio camelus) rescued by Jeremy from a dark alley
Stryker: white ostrich (Struthio camelus) a champion ostrich boxer
Floyd: Somali ostrich (Struthio camelus molybdophanes) ostrich opponent
Daryll: Somali ostrich (Struthio camelus molybdophanes) Floyd's coach
Steffan: white ostrich (Struthio camelus) Stryker's coach
Last episode of Regular Life Season 1
Regular Life episode 12: PTSD
FanfictionNow that the war between Railroad Police and icrostrich is over, that doesn't mean everything ended happily. Some characters have died tragically during the war and some were permanently injured during the aftermath. But out of all the characters, J...