~ Final Thoughts from High School ~

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And he was right, too. College was an incredibly drastic experience that left the shittiness of high school miles behind. Being away from home was freeing. Sometimes it felt like high school, but most of the time, it was a completely different experience. For some, it was an odd experience, having peaked in high school. There are times now where I wish I could go back and relive it.

Ryan and I stayed together for my freshman and sophomore year, ultimately finding the perils of long-distance relationships. My junior year, finally unable to stand the distance, we decided to take a break.

The break was relaxing, but it was really boring. Actually, though. We were on a break for about a month and a half, and I was so bored through the whole thing that I could've found anything more interesting than that. I wanted to get back together with him, but Ryan insisted that taking a break from the relationship could be good for us.

In the long run, it was. We both became more independent people, while still relying only a small amount on each other. Ryan only really needed me for some light support, and I needed him for the same. Besides, it's also nice to talk to someone who's so unashamedly in love with you.

But it also taught me that taking breaks from stuff is good. There was an emphasis on "me time" and "friend time", which was quiet and relaxing. It allowed me to explore the college environment freely without having an unnerving thought that Ryan would, for some reason, disapprove.

I joined the school's newspaper as an amateur editor. I joined the swim team, though that ended up being a poor decision. I joined the culinary club. I interned at ThinkWell Group in Burbank during the spring semester of my junior year, and then for the entire summer. I drew for the school's comics sometimes, though they weren't really even good.

After my sophomore year, I switched majors from graphic design and graduated in industrial design, though this decision forced me to spend another semester beyond my original graduation date.

When I, or Ryan, tell people our story, they said we were extraordinary - we were that couple that found each other when we needed each other the most. Like we were storybook characters. I don't necessarily believe we're extraordinary, but it's fun to think about.

Ryan and I had our fights. We have our fights. There's a few we still haven't completely resolved. We have our joined disappointments. There are times where we're disappointed in each other. Hell, there are even times where we can't stand being in the same room. We're in a relationship. But we always try to support and be there for each other in the end.

He began telling me, my senior year of college, that he was going to marry me someday, and how he never really doubted that I was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Not even for a second.

And, of course, I freaked out, but it was only for about three seconds. Because I believed him. Because, despite being wishy-washy, I never really doubted for a second that I wanted to spend my life with him, either.


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