part 5

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"morning guys ... " Forth smiled as he came to the class just in time and sat beside Phoom and Lam like nothing happened , when his two friends were nudging each other

"mmm .. Forth .. that's ..." Lam tried to start the conversation with Forth

"ai Lam , ai Phoom .. i'm really sorry about what happened last night .. you both are my friends but i always acted like a damn 5  .. i'm .. sorry na wey .."

Phoom and Lam's eyes widened as much as the nile river , he couldn't believe what they just heard ..

Jaturapoom Jamornhum said 'sorry' ?

Phoom and Lam even pinched themselves, to realize it's not their eyes and ears playing tricks on them

"Forth .. we"

"hoy !!! you bought chicken rice ? meeeh .. why didnt you buy me one ?" Forth's eyes caught the chicken rice on the table

Lam slowly handed the box "that's .. it's for you anyway .. i thought you haven't got your breakfast.." he awkwardly smiled , really wanted to hide behind his husband right away

Forth received the box with a smiley smiley face that not so him at all "really ??? thank you na ! you even bought it from my favorite auntie " Forth then took out his phone "oi Lam , can i borrow your powerbank ? my phone died "

"let me" Phoom took Forth's phone and helped to plugged it in , in no time Forth's phone turned on again


Forth was about to feed himself with the chicken rice but nearly screamed like a 14 years old girl that got a reply from her crush , when he saw a new line message from someone and he replied it in a flash

BBaramee :
i kept my promise .. have a good day .

ForthJ :
it's already a good day ..because of you  ...

Forth then continued to eat with happy face , ignored the confused face his friends made , seriously this morning was a really good and felt like a new day for him

*earlier this morning*

"you really dont want me to drop you off to you faculty Beam ?" Forth asked when Beam walked him to his bike

Beam shook his head and smiled "i only have lab class , and it's still at 2 , dont worry .. "

"or do you want to go somewhere? i can take you .." Forth realized he was too stupid to ask this , but the truth is he still want to be near Beam as long as possible "you said you have tutoring as well ?"

"mmm .. yes i have one near our campus " Beam paused for a moment and smiled "but .. i wont go teaching anymore.. because .. well ..i'm kinda busy now .. you know senior year .." Beam tried to laugh "you better go to your faculty now before late .."

Forth surrendered and nodded with a sad face "alright then .. " he started on his bike , Beam chuckled seeing Forth's face

"dont worry na .. we still have time to see each other .. " Beam said slowly

Forth's face turned as bright as the teletubies's sunshine again "really ? i can meet you again ? "

Beam nodded "as long as i'm here .. why not ? we're friends now .."

Forth was at the 7th heaven to hear that "ah right .. i still dont have your line id and phone number yet.." Forth took out his phone but it ran out the battery "shia !! i forgot to charge it .." Forth looked mad

[COMPLETED] still on my mind (forthbeam's story)Where stories live. Discover now