part 6

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a/n : super short chapter update about the dumb four na ! 😂


"you gotta be kidding .." Lam said
"you're joking right ? " Phoom added

both Phana and Kit shook his head as they show them a post from medical web page about Beam's death

"SHIA !!!!" both Phoom and Lam said in unison

"that's why we really need you help .. to help Beam and your friend as well .." Phana said "and we need you to go somewhere with us too .. "

Phoom and Lam couldnt think of anything else but just nodded and followed Pha with and left the campus with Kit's car , they drove for half an hour until they reached a temple, Phoom and Lam entered the temple , and found a coffin inside it with Beam's photo near it with lots of flower around it, but there's only few people , and they're just students like us

"Beam is our junior , as you could see , he didnt have family , he lived by his own here in Bangkok " Phana then sat in the chair and the rest following him "Beam didnt have many friends , he was quiet , but he's a good person .. Kit has the same student id number as Beam , so that's why we close to each other .. "

they were talking with each other then a monk came "Phana .."

Phana quickly paid him a respect "luang pho .. this is my friend .. mmm .. Forth's friend .. Phoom and Lam "

Phoom and Lam looked at each other the they wai-ed the monk as well

"please have a seat .. " the monk smiled "there's something i had to tell you .. maybe Phana and Kit already told you , it's about Beam .. "

Phoom and Lam nodded

"i can see your friend was with Beam's spirit this whole time .. his spirit still linger around because your friend didnt know that Beam was already dead .."

"Luang Pho .. but why only Forth could see Beam ? the other day , our security at campus saw Forth but he couldnt see Beam at all .." Phoom asked

"Beam and Forth kinda had strange bond to each other , that's unexplainable .. now it's been 3 days since Beam's passing , and the cremation will be held in the 7th day , if Beam's spirit wont come back before the 7th day , he couldnt be reincarnated and he would still be a wander spirit .. and you have to tell Forth the truth about Beam , until he realized that Beam was no longer alive .."

Phoom and Lam gulped as they looked at each other , it looked like a hard task , after they received some words and blessings from the monk , they paid respects infront Beam's coffin and went back to campus

on the way back to campus , they all went silent , as the heavy rain poured down as well , each of them are drown in their own thoughts

"ai Pha .. Kit .. " Lam broke the silence in the car and made them turn to see him

"i swear i'd burn medical faculty into ashes if this all was a joke .."

Phana turned his body to the back seat "do you think this is a hidden camera ? who the hell would paid a monk to lie , i dont want to go to hell .. please .."

"you know Pha , Kit , what we'd face aint like a gangster or stuff ! if so , we wouldnt be panicked like this " Phoom added "it's a damn ghost !!"

suddenly a loud thunder strikes and made 4 of them went dead silent

"ngg ... Pha , Kit .. do you think Beam could hear us ?" Lam held Phoom's hand tighter "why the hell you brought us into this impossible mission???"

"uih !!! because my ghost friend is with your damn friend !!!" Kit rolled his eyes "what the hell did your friend do until Beam stuck with him ? are they boyfriends or what ???"

"i dont think so .. we never knew Beam before , that means Forth met Beam when he's already ghost ! " Phoom replied

"wait .. Forth that we've been talking about is the head hazer right ?" Kit asked

Phoom and Lam nodded

"damn euy !!!! there's so many cute and hot girls and boys in the campus but why the hell did your friend choose a ghost .. " Kit complained

"enough guys .. now just let's think about the plan , how'd we tell Forth about this , and make him understand that Beam already left this world , then we could sent Beam back to heaven.. " Phana stopped them arguing "but i know it's not easy .. so that's why me and Kit need your help .."

Lam sighed "telling Forth maybe not a big problem .. but did you guys ever watched 'Pee Mak' ? "

Phana , Kit and Phoom nodded hesitantly

"do you guys remember , Nak is dead already but because his love for Mak , he could come back and deceived Mak's eyes so he could see her still alive , like nothing happened..

Nak was furious and killed everyone that tried to tell Mak the truth about her death , because she didnt want Mak to know the truth .. "

"one , two , three , four .." Phoom quietly counted them
"AI SHIAAAA !!!! " he cursed

"what the hell Phoom " Phana nearly done seeing Phoom's stupidity

"in the movie , Mak's friend are 4 , and we're also .." Phoom looked at them all , Phana , Kit and Lam couldnt hide their horror

Kit slowly said "well ... at least Beam was sweet and kind person ... i guess his ghost form wouldn't be any different.." he said that but he was unsure as well

"Kit .. Nak was also sweet , kind , and beautiful before she died , but he could turned into one of the scariest ghost legend in whole Thailand after she died .. " Phana replied "what should we do ..."

Phoom then tapped Phana and Kit's shoulder "guys , we have to believe ourselves, we can do it .. if we could take Beam to his world again , it's as we done a big merit , we also could save Forth .. "

Phana , Lam and Kit looked at each other and said in unison

"okay ! you tell Forth first !"


can this dumb 4 tell the truth and take Beam back to his world ?

will Beam be a scary ghost like Nak ?

[COMPLETED] still on my mind (forthbeam's story)Where stories live. Discover now