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So it finally came to an end. You’ve been preparing yourself for this fateful day but it still left you miserable and stupid. What to do? Here are ways to cope with a terrible breakup:

1.      CRY IT OUT. Crying is the best solution to relieving pain. Remember that it is not a sign of weakness. Go ahead. Grab a tissue, lock yourself in a room, and have a good cry. Shout if you must (but do it with a pillow so it’s a bit muffled). If it takes you a pail of tears then that’s okay as long as you are able to let all your hurt and anger out.  Let the pain consume you to the point that you become stronger with every tear you shed. Let it all out. Don’t do something stupid though. Just be sure that after all the tears (and snot) you will no longer cry because now you’ve probably realized that you are a strong person and you don’t need him in your life.

2.      GET BACK TO YOUR NORMAL LIFE. After a night of crying (or probably a day), go back to your routine. I know it’s hard to act like nothing happened but you have to try. Don’t let that breakup ruin your life. Instead, make it an excuse to make a difference. A better difference. If you’re at work then work harder; get ahead of the deadline. If you are at school, try to be better with your school projects and grades. Strive hard. In the end you will feel better about yourself because you have achieved good things despite the bad things in your life.

3.       SAVOUR YOUR NEW STATUS. You see, being single is not that bad. You get to spend more time with your friends, with your family, with other people and with yourself. With him in your life, it seems like he is consuming most of your time. You always seem to put aside some priorities because of him. But now that he’s gone…. Ha! You can do everything you want. Go buy that shoes or that dress that he doesn’t approve but you really like. Go out with your guy friends that you can never do when you were still with him. But again, don’t do something stupid.

4.      GET A HAIRCUT. I know you probably heard this. A girl who gets a hair cut is about to change her life, right? Make sure that that change is for the better. You don’t need a drastic haircut like a pixie or totally shaved head. Because girl, that is pathetic. Don’t be too obvious. It may be a trim or a new hair color. Just go to the salon okay? It’ll make you feel better.

5.      PIG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS OR BY YOURSELF. Do this only once. Don’t ever take your health or yourself for granted. Don’t let that breakup turn you into a whale. Do your best to be fit so you can still wear that bikini that’s a total head-turner.

6.      WATCH AN EPIC MOVIE. That one which leaves you in awe even after you’ve watched it.

7.      DISPOSE OF THINGS THAT WILL REMIND YOU OF HIM. You can turn that fancy dress he gave you to a rug or that stuffed animal to a punching bag. No. Seriously. Donate it.

8.      DON’T RUSH THINGS. Rebound is not a good idea because you may end up hurting yourself or knocked up. Just take it easy. Enjoy life and you will see that life is better without guys. I’m kidding of course. The right one will come for you. Be patient.

8 Ways on How to Cope with an Extremely Painful BreakupWhere stories live. Discover now