Chapter 4

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The gang continued on a ways til Jacques finally called out. 

"Moonscar Island, dead ahead"

Once they reached the dock, the gang got off and thanked Jacques before following Lena in their van. The road was a bit bumpy as Shaggy, Scooby, Walter and the rest of the gang were all jerked around in their seats. 

Soon they arrived in front of a very old but very stunning house. 

"Wow!" Daphne gasped. "There's our haunted house" 

The gang drove up onto the grounds, when Walter spotted this man who appeared to be the house's gardener as he was seen planting some flowers. 

"Whoa, this place is amazing" Walter said in fascination. 

"Are you getting all of this, Fred?" Daphne asked her boyfriend. 

"Yep. Got it, Daph" Fred replied, having the camera out and recording. 

The gang then noticed all the numerous cats they saw roaming around the house. 

"Man, Lena wasn't kidding" Walter said at seeing so many cats. 

"This place is crawling with cats" Fred added. 

"Rats?" Scooby asked and immediately looked out the window, seeing that the gang was right once he spotted the cats. 

"Rats!" Scooby suddenly jumped out of the Mystery Machine and started chasing after the cats. 

"Come back, Scoob!" Shaggy called to his dog. 

Scooby chased after the cats all around the property, creating a hug mess. 

"Scooby, stop!" Walter called to the great dane. 

But Scooby wouldn't listen and ran straight through the garden, making a mess of the newly planted flowers. 

"Hey, you mutt!" The male gardener yelled at Scooby in anger. "I just planted those!"

Scooby soon got stuck under a wagon that was holding some pots filled with plants, while chasing after the cats. 

"Scooby, leave them alone!" Daphne called out. 

Scooby growled at the cats as they appeared to be mocking him and got unstuck from the wagon, but ended up demolishing it in the process. 

"Great with cats, huh?" Lena gave a scowling look at Shaggy. 

Shaggy chuckled nervously before then shouting out. "Scooby Doo, stop!"

Scooby ended up knocking over the gardener while he continued chasing the cats, until a blonde haired woman appeared as the cat jumped into her arms. Scooby tried to stop himself but ended up crashing right into the woman. Everyone gasped. 

"Ms. Lenoir!" Lena rushed over to help her boss up off the ground. 

Shaggy and Walter then grabbed Scooby by his collar to keep him from chasing after the cats. 

"Who brought this... this... dog?!" Miss Lenoir said, pointing angrily at Scooby. 

"Rog? Rwhere?" Scooby asked, looking around confused. 

"I'm terribly sorry" Daphne apologized, coming over to Miss Lenoir with the rest of the gang. 

"We should've been holding onto him better" Walter added. 

Daphne then held out her hand to Miss Lenoir, introducing herself. "I'm Daphne Blake of Coast To Coast"

Miss Lenoir only gave her a muddled look. 

Walter and Scooby Doo and the Mystery of Zombie IslandWhere stories live. Discover now