Chapter 7

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Shaggy and Scooby ended up eating in the Mystery Machine, thanks to Lena's suggestion.

Meanwhile, Walter and the gang were still eating their own dinner back inside the house. 

"What I'd like to find out is why these ghosts want us off the island?" Velma spoke. 

"It's not ghosts, Velma" Fred disagreed. "It's just guys in masks. And they're probably after the pirates' treasure"

"Or covering up a smuggling operation" Velma said, having another theory. 

"Or maybe there's oil under the island!" Fred even suggested. 

"Oh, my!" Simone gasped. 

"Really, guys!" Daphne scolded her friends. "For once, can't you accept that maybe there are some mysteries that have no rational explanation"

"She's not wrong" Walter mentioned in agreement. 

Walter soon went back to thinking in his own thoughts about his relationship with Jane. It was clear that he loved her very much and would do anything for her. But Walter soon frowned worry struck him. Maybe Jane might not be ready to make a commitment again so soon, after what happened last time that resulted in her loosing custody of her infant son Jacob. She could never forget how it broke her poor heart. 

The gang was now having desert while Walter was starting to wonder more about this mystery he and the gang needed to solve, when suddenly...


Everyone shot up in alarm as they heard Shaggy and Scooby's screams coming from outside. 

"Now what?" Fred, Velma and Daphne all groaned a little. 

"It's Shaggy and Scooby!" Walter gasped in a bit of worry, knowing that his two friends could possibly be in trouble.

"I told you zhe hauntings vere just beginning" Simone told the gang. 

The gang got up from their seats and prepared to go out to find their lost cowardly comrades. 

"Lena, get them some lanterns" Simone told her employee. 

"Right away" Lena replied. But then looked to Fred as she came up to him in concern. "But please, Fred. You must be careful"

Fred smiled and nodded back at Lena. That made Daphne even more jealous. 


The gang had soon gone out into the woods with their lanterns. Wandering around, searching for Shaggy and Scooby. 

"Shaggy! Scooby! Where are you?" Velma called out. 

The gang continued calling out to their missing friends, but there was no answer. 

"This is all my fault!" Walter started sulking, blaming himself for Shaggy and Scooby's disappearance. "I should've never let them go out there alone!"

"It's not your fault, Walter" Daphne placed her hand on Walter's shoulder, attempting to comfort him. "Let's just focus right now on finding them" 

"Daphne's right" Fred agreed, and the gang continued searching. 

They soon heard rustling in the bushes and turned their lanterns towards them and out came Beau. 

"So, it's you!" Fred glared at Beau like he was some bad guy. 

"What are you doing out here at this hour?" Walter questioned Beau, a bit less suspiciously then the rest of the gang. 

"Where are Scooby and Shaggy?" Fred asked Beau in that demanding tone. 

"Your crazy friends are near the bayou screaming about zombies" Beau explained. "I didn't see any"

"You never do" Velma said to Beau, starting to get suspicious. "And you're never around when these ghosts and zombies appear"

"Yeah" Fred added in the same suspicious manner. "Now isn't that a coincidence?"

"Save your suspicions for later, guys" Daphne told Fred and Velma. 

"Yeah, now's not the time," Walter reminded his friends what was important right now. "We have to find Shaggy and Scooby"

"I think we should split up" Daphne suggested. 

"Good idea" Fred said. 

"I'll go with Beau" Daphne said. 

"Bad idea" Fred then muttered. 

"I'll go with Beau" Velma offered, before whispering to Fred. "I won't let him out of my sight"

"Let's go!" Walter led the gang. 

The groups soon went off with Velma and Beau going together while Walter went with Daphne and Fred. Hopefully, they would find Scooby and Shaggy...

Walter and Scooby Doo and the Mystery of Zombie IslandWhere stories live. Discover now