18: Messages From Home

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After dinner Nova walked me back to my room and kissed me goodnight.

"Do we really have to sleep in different rooms?" I whined at her. "I'm not even tired."

Nova smiled mischievously. "We just have to make everything think we are sleeping in separate rooms." She handed me a phone from her back pocket.

"How long have you had that?" I snatched the phone from her hand and realized it was mine. I hadn't seen my cell since we stayed at the hotel. "Why didn't you give it to me earlier?"

"I honestly forget about it until today. Things have been so crazy. After I finally found you I got distracted and giving your phone back was the last thing on my mind."

She was good at making me feel guilty. "Oh, fine. Thank you."

"It's already charged. I'll text you when I'm sure everyone else is asleep!" I watched Nova's hips as she proceeded to the end of the hall where her bedroom was located.

I sat on the bed and waited. How long would it take before I could sneak out? At least I had my phone to occupy me.

Upon turning on my phone I was surprised by the notifications I had waiting for me. There was a missed call from my mom, but she left a message.

"Hey honey! Just calling to check in! Your dad and I are about to board a cruise to the Bahamas so you won't be able to contact us for a while. Hope you're doing well, love you!"

The Bahamas this time huh? My parents are in their late 60's and both retired. All they do is travel and live their best lives. It's honestly what I hope to be able to do when I'm retired.

The next three missed calls are from my boss at work. Shit. I completely just ghosted on that, didn't I? Oh, well. I could always find another job when I go back home.

Then it hit me. What if I don't go back home? If Nova becomes queen she surely isn't going to leave. It was strange to think that I might actually be in the place I will live for the rest of my life. At least, as long as I was welcome.

The only notification that concerned me was a couple text messages from Justin.


He's a fucking mess and won't tell me what's going on.

Hey I'm sorry for freaking out but Mason really needs help. I'm worried about him.

Where are you?

Shit. Justin was pissed. What could I even say? Mason doesn't want Justin to know or else he'd tell him right? Then again maybe Mason is ashamed that I left him for Nova. I decided to respond to Justin as honestly and vaguely as I could.

Sorry I lost my phone.

I had to leave town for personal reasons...

I really hope Mason is okay. I never wanted to hurt him.

Part of Justin's texts really bothered me. Why was Justin worried about Mason? Was he really struggling with our breakup that much? Then I decided to do something that would later haunt me. I texted Mason.

Hey Mase, I know you are probably pissed at me but Justin texted me and I just wanted to make sure you are okay. I'm really sorry.

I stared at my phone for a long time. My message was delivered, but Mason never responded. 

A couple hours went by and at about midnight I finally got a text from Nova.

Coast is clear. Get your sexy ass over here *kissy face emoji*

My heart started to race as my mind ran wild about what waited for me when I finally got to Nova's room. I turned off all my bedroom lights, slowly opened the door and peeked into the dimly lit hallway. I looked both way and didn't see anyone walk by, nor did I hear a single sound. Carefully closing the door behind me, I walked tip toe down the hall.

Slowly gripping the black bedroom doorknob, I entered her room and closed the door behind me before turning around. To my surprise Nova was laid out on her bed wearing some basic black silk pajamas and displaying a smorgasbord of junk food. There were chips, candy, snack cakes, and soda.

"You like?" Nova asked seductively.

"That's so hot." I said and bit my bottom lip dramatically.

Laughing, I joined Nova on the bed and helped her big out on junk food while we cuddled and watched movies on the huge flat screen tv that was positioned in the corner of her room. We stayed up so late I couldn't really remember when we fell asleep. It was like a typical stereo typical girls sleepover. Although the making out was an added bonus. 

The morning sun peered through Nova's bedroom window and shined a ray of light directly over our faces, making us both stir in frustration.

"I guess that's a sign to get up huh?" Groaned Nova. I snuggled closer to her and kissed her cheek. "You're so cute."

Siting up straight I lifted my arms over my head and stretched. I was still in the clothes Nova had given me the night before.

"Hey so, do you have any more clothes I can wear?" I asked.

Still laying in bed, Nova watched me with what seemed to be humor in her eyes.

"Oh yeah. I gave our staff a description of your style and told them to make sure to stock your closet today."

"My style? And what might that be?" I laughed. I didn't even know what my style was.

"Casual, yet sexy and edgy cinnamon roll." She giggled.

"That sounds absolutely chaotic." I grabbed the pillow and smacked her in the face with it. She grabbed it quickly though and threw it at me. I managed to dodge it, which made the pillow land on the floor. I climbed out of the bed to fetch it when I saw my phone face up on the carpet with a notification from Justin.

Call me.

"Hey, I'm gonna go back to my room and get changed okay?" I distractedly told Nova while shoving the phone in my back pocket.

"Okay, don't take forever!" She called to me as I walked back down the hall to the daisy themed room. 

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