66: I'm Going To Tell Her

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Riddian's POV

I jogged back to the house and knocked on the door this time before I let myself in. Lady Wilsa rounded the corner with a frown.

"What now?" she asked.

"I forgot I had to tell you something important. It's about Vivian." When she didn't react, I decided to continue carefully. "When was the last time you saw her?"

She shrugged. "About a couple weeks ago. She was staying with me, why?"

I ran my hand through my hair nervously. Vivian was living here at the same time as she was plotting Nova' assassination. How was I supposed to bring this up casually?

"Did she say what she was up to?"

"Boy, just spit it out and tell me what you want to tell me." Lady Wilsa could always tell when something was bothering me no matter how I tried to dance around the subject.

"Alright." I sighed. "Vivian shot Princess Nova and she tried to kill Teegan recently. She's spiraled so far down, and I couldn't help her. I should've tried harder, but I just didn't even know it was happening." I was completely defeated and especially looking into the eyes of the woman who raised Vivian and I, I felt so ashamed.

Lady Wilsa glanced down in sadness before responding, "I was afraid of this. I could tell something wasn't quite right with her, but she's always been a good liar." She looked back up at me with reassurance. "This isn't your fault Riddian. Vivian is not your responsibility."

I gave a slight smile. It was nice to hear she wasn't mad at me. Her approval meant a lot to me and I hoped what I told her next wouldn't change that. "That's not all."

Lady Wilsa's eyes widened a little. "Did you kill her?"

"No! Nothing like that!" I protested. I wasn't going to mention that killing her was definitely something I had thought about before. "Vivian is human now."

"Excuse me?" her skepticism was expected, and I hoped I could explain it in a way that made sense.

"It sounds impossible, but I swear it's true. Nova witnessed it, too. Teegan touched her and then somehow, it's like all her Sprite abilities were stripped from her body. Teegan thinks it was the Carlisle the God who gave her the gift. He even told her to pass on a message to Viv and everything."

Lady Wilsa was stunned in fascination.

"I can't stop thinking about how alone and helpless she is now. What if something happens to her?" It was like word vomit and I couldn't stop my brain from spewing my quilty conscious from my lips.

"Stop. She made her choice by going down that dark path. Whatever happens to her now is not your concern." She walked towards me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Aren't you worried about her at all?" I asked softly. I refused to believe that Lady Wilsa didn't care about Vivian anymore.

"I will always hold love in my heart for Vivian. But she is an adult and I can't be there forever."

I nodded sadly and gave her a quick hug. She didn't like hugs, but every once in a while, she would make an exception.

"Now get out of here and take care of Teegan and your child. I better see you both back her next month." She demanded with a smirk.

"Yes, ma'am!" I left her house once again and finally joined Teegan in the car. I felt better about confessing the truth about Vivian to Lady Wilsa. Maybe now my guilty conscious would start to clear and I could focus on my next hurdle. Being a father.

End of POV

During the car ride home Riddian told me about his conversation with Lady Wilsa. I was surprised by her lack of reaction and honestly I didn't know if I believed it. It seemed too good to be true. How can someone basically just shrug their shoulders at the fact their child has gone crazy and has been left at the mercy of their own mind? My head was so jumbled I was starting to get a migraine. Why did it seem like I wanted to be punished for what happened to Vivian? She deserved what she got and yet... I felt guilty. No one likes to be alone, especially when they aren't mentally stable. 

I wasn't completely oblivious of my situation though. There was a supernatural half-ling growing inside of me and I couldn't stop it even if I tried. There was no doubt about it now. I couldn't keep any more secrets from her. 

"I'm going to tell Nova." I stared straight ahead and kept my eyes on the road while I waited for Riddian's response.

I could hear him sigh softly. "We'll do it together." 

Back at the mansion everyone was buzzing around like normal. Selene was preparing for the wedding by ordering the staff around while Leon continued overviewing the military and Carmen was off with her friends somewhere. I found Nova in the kitchen making herself a peanut butter and banana sandwich. 

I wrapped her in a hug and kissed her passionately. I tasted her lips with mine and let myself melt into her touch. I know I was going a little overboard for a "hello" kiss but I couldn't help hope that she would be less angry now after I break the news. 

"Hey beautiful! How was your trip?" She asked after finally breaking the kiss. 

"It was okay. Could you come up to my room in a couple minutes? Riddian and I need to talk to you about something." I kept my voice calm and tried to sound as casual as possible. 

"Yeah, sure. That's not suspicious at all." Nova raised an eye brow at me skeptically.

"I'll see you up there." I quickly escaped and headed to the Daisy room where Riddian was already waiting. My palms started to sweat from nerves and my headache hadn't subsided at all. If my luck was any indication on how this conversation was going to go, than I had better prepare for the worst. At least this time I wasn't the only one who would suffer. Riddian and I could wallow in our self pity together. 

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