Chapter 1

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Rule #1: Never EVER, even if you really super extremely want to, never like the same guy your BFF likes/is dating. Why? 'Cause then it gets ugly...

'Cassie! Wait up!' I run laughing as my three best friends, Jessi, Tammi and Maya, try to keep up with me as I race to the ice cream store down the street from my house. I had specifically told them(well, without warning) that we were going to race to the ice cream store. I mean, really. I run a bit past the counter before completely stopping.

'Hey Max!'

'Hey Cassie! What can I get for you today?' Max, the man who runs the store, Life Is Sweet, smiles at me. He's awesome, and like an uncle to me. There are no other words to describe him.

'Nothing yet. I'm still waiting on the slowpokes.' I say as I jab my thumb towards Jessi, Tam and Mayam who are slowly running towards us.

Max laughs and we both wait until Jessi and Maya reach the counter.

'Took you long enough!' I say giggling.

'Well, we're not the stars of the track team!' Maya says, putting her hands on her hips, panting.

'And the basketball team, and the softball team, and the-'

Maya cuts Jessi off as she lists all the sports I play and am pretty okay at. Fine, I'm the best on them. So what? It doesn't make me a goddess or something.

'So, Max, can you get me a cookies and cream double scoop in a large cone, Maya a butterscotch milkshake, Tam a single scoop rainbow sherbert and Jessi a...' I tick them off my fingers, but then I stop on Jessi's. It's the most complicated.

'A triple scoop raspberry chocolate cone, with gummy worms, Oreos, and Reese's pieces on top.' Jessi says as she gets up from the ground, where she had been panting.

'And that.' I say, handing Max exact change before he even told me the total, as usual.

'Cassie, I still don't know how you do that.'

'Max, come on, we've been ordering the same things from you for years, I think I'd know what the total is by now.'

'Right you are, smart one.' Max ruffles my hair before he hands us all the things we ordered.

'Thanks Max!' We say in unison before we all walk back to my house to sit in my backyard and do nothing but enjoy the weekend while it lasts.

A/N: I know the Rule hasn't started to make sense yet, but it will. I will put the Rule at the beginning of every chapter, just so you don't get confused.

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