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)yay ashton is actually nice in one of my stories, this is insane.)


"I'd like to strike a deal. Eight-thousand pounds for him."

Even Luke knew that it wasn't uncommon for servants to be traded between monarchs, but why did the king want a stupid little French boy?

The Duke was wondering the exact same thing, wondering what qualities of the confused, illiterate boy were appealing to the King of Helungar.

The King snapped his fingers impatiently. "Is there a problem, Duke?"

The Duke pressed his lips tightly together, wanting to barter for a higher price. "You have to understand that Luke is my favorite and therefore not leaving this castle."

"Twelve-thousand pounds," Ashton declared, "I will pay twelve-thousand pounds for Luke," now knowing his name, he used it appropriately, "is this a finalised deal?"

The Duke cast a glance at Luke, nodding once in affirmation of their plan.

"Oui," the Duke smiled slyly.


Seeing as Luke didn't own much in the way of clothes, the boy and his new owner left just as soon as the dinner was over.

They had a sweet conversation in French, Ashton asking Luke everything and anything he could as they rode home in Ashton's carriage.

Luke was infatuated with the horses, the tall, bulky animals who were trained to walk so nimbly. He liked the soleil, or the sun, quite a lot as well. He told Ashton that he hadn't been allowed out very much at all during his residence at the Duke's, explaining his ghostly white complexion.

Ashton tapped Luke's hand and pointed just down the dirt road to a huge castle, turrets standing tall and a large wall around the outskirts.

Luke could only imagine the fervour that the appearance of the King ensued upon the servants.

Seeing as Luke only knew minimal English and even less of how it worked, the words he meant to say came out awkwardly, with a thick French accent and little to no correct grammar.

"I... too servant?" He asked quietly, afraid Sir Ashton would scold him for trying to use English.

"No, no, love. You're only mine. Vous êtes seulement le mien."


Luke was overjoyed when they entered the brand new castle. He'd never been anywhere else but the Duke's castle, and seeing new things was one of his favorite passtimes.

"Il est si beau. Vous vivre ici?" 

Ashton nodded. "Oui," he sniffed, taking Luke's hand and helping him down from the carriage. 

"Votre première promenade en calèche?" Ashton asked. Luke nodded. It had been his first carriage ride, and he loved it. He petted the long hair of the horses and thanked them softly.

"I think first, what we must do," Ashton declared, sliding in to the castle's doors with Luke in tow, "is learn you basic English words.

Luke looked up, curious. He knew English.


Ashton shook his head. "English."

"Ang-... lish...?"

The young king sighed, and shrugged. "Alright," he said, taking Luke's hand once again and leading him along a long corridor to a large room with shelves stacked high with books.

little french boy. ➵ lashton ✔Where stories live. Discover now