1. Best Friends Forever

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" C'mooooon. It's in your forest anyway. Get outta the house for once! Travel!  "

Hat Kid crossed their arms, standing on top the red footstool to be closer to eye level with the spirit. Of whom was deliberately ignoring them right now, or so they could assume from the way Snatcher huffed and buried his face in deeper in his latest novel ( "How To REALLY Kill Kids" ). But HK was known for their stubbornness. They got off the stool just enough to push it closer, allowing them to pull the book down enough for them to rest their chin on it and smirk. Snatcher's utterly unamused expression only encouraged them.

" You're not being a chicken, are you, BFF? "

" Chicken! HAH. Please, kid! Unlike someone, I have better things to do than annoy the heck outta people. " The Kid stuck their tongue out, of which Snatcher quickly returned. " Didn't you already get all of your junk, anyway? " 

HK rested their arms on Snatcher's book, pushing it down further with a small hum.

" I got all the fixed ones. This one's gonna make a rift if I don't get it, and you don't want more of those. It'll be fun! If you come with me now, I won't bother you for the rest of the week. "

He rose a brow, scoffing. " That's a bluff and you know it!"

" Okay, okay.  You got me. The rest of today, though? I'll even do another contract after! " Time to pull out their secret weapon. Properly positioned on top the book, they gave him the biggest, sparkliest, most intense puppy-dog eyes they could possibly manage. It was a rare used tactic, but they knew their opponent's weaknesses. So they could only grin as he finally relented, plucking them up by the collar and dropping them on the ground nearby. He slammed his book shut, and it poofed out of existence just as he 'stood'. 

" Ugh, FINE. Just remember, kiddo! You promised me a break AND a contract! "

" Deal! " They squealed, taking Snatcher by the claw ( his hands were several times larger than their head, holding it was not happening ) and darting out the door before he could change his mind. 


" --And that's why cold food is an abomination! AHAHAHAHAHA! "

There was always such a shift to the Snatcher when he was out of the house, a shift that made them smile. It was as though the place meant for comfort aggravated him, for he was back to the hammy and over-the-top softy they were used to the second he was out and about. If they didn't know any better, they would have said the spirit was stir crazy. Regardless, he filled the air with his chatter, talking away as they focused on tracking down the Time Piece in question.  

Subcon itself was the same as always. Minions greeting the duo as they passed, Dwellers hiding behind trees and bio-luminescent mushrooms, the moon and stars visible past swirling clouds. They jogged down the dirt pathway, holding their hat in one hand and Snatcher's claw in the other. He continued to drift behind them like a balloon on a string, going about on his regular 'evil' tangents to 'harass' them. The Kid smiled to themself, shaking their head knowingly. What a dorky old man. 

" Hey, kid! " Speaking of his tangents, here comes another one. " Did you know people can bleed several gallons? It's endless! It makes a big mess, though, so don't make anyone bleed. Custodians have their work cut out for them around here as it is! " He cackled yet again, flicking his tail back and forth with enthusiasm. He started to say something else, only to be irritably cut off by HK extending their hand behind them. Before he could complain, though, he spotted what had spurred their pause: the Time Piece.

Even from a distance, both could tell there was something off about this one. The calm blue glow they normally emitted was a sharp purple, flickering and stuttering in the darkness. Snatcher followed behind the Kid as they approached it, umbrella braced. Not that an umbrella was going to do much, but then again, Snatcher vividly remembered getting whacked with it, several times over. Against his better judgement, he moved closer to the piece as well, tilting his head and teleporting to be on the side opposite of the Kid.

" Well, there it is. What's the hold up? Go on! Take it. I definitely DON'T want it. "

" No, no, this is... bad. This is really bad. " They bit their lip, halting their approach as they watched the Piece shutter and spark. The unease on their face would have been a total laugh to Snatcher, if he hadn't been hovering directly in front of the thing causing it. With both claws free, he was able to lean over it, brow furrowed in annoyance... when a bolt shot off the thing and zapped him. Snatcher jolted back, the collar of fur around his neck puffed up-- hissing angrily, he shot collectible a sharp glare as he rubbed his arm. Even Hat Kid had backed away, glancing frantically between Snatcher and the Piece.

" Seriously?! Kid, just smash the stupid thing! "

" I-- I've never seen one do that before! Hold on, let me look at your arm. "

They took a single step forward, and a loud CRACK shot through the air. Even Snatcher stiffened, looking rapidly between HK and the Piece. 

" Kid-- "

" Snatcher, ru-- "

The Time Piece burst, engulfing both the ghost and the Kid in a swirl of electric purple. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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