Chapter 9: The Girl Who Knew Too Much

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Aiden went and slammed himself against the lockers as he stared his brother down. "This whole thing with Danny has to stop."

"He's harmless," Ethan said not batting an eye before looking at his brother. "And Lydia is the one that we should be worrying about," he said pointedly.

Aiden backed up a smidge. "Then why are you still talking to Danny?"

"What difference does it make?"

Aiden smirked at him. "What do you think we're doing here? You know that we're not actual high school students, right?"

"You know if we weren't werewolves we would actually be high school students."

Aiden and Ethan turned their heads to see Luna walking up to them. She stood next to Ethan. Aiden glared at her. "What? We would be." He rolled his eyes. "We're here to eliminate a threat, and make our pack unstoppable. Not hold hands and pass notes in class." He said a bit mockingly to him.

"And now we know he's harmless," Ethan said sternly. "Threat eliminated."

Aiden and Luna's smirks widened. "You're starting to like him."

Ethan shrugged and looked away. "So what?"

"So if Deucalion asks you, would you kill him?"

"If Deucalion asks you, would you kill me?" he shot back.

Aiden's jaw tightened. "Stop, talking, to Danny," he warned him. "Or, I'm going to rip the flesh off his face," he said moving to leave. "And eat it," she hissed into his brother's other ear. He then savagely shut Ethan's locker shut before walking away.

Ethan sighed before opening his locker again. He glanced over at Luna who was now leaning against the lockers next to his. "What? Aren't you going to order me to stay away from Danny and threaten to eat his face?"

Luna shook her head. "No. His face is too pretty to eat," she said making Ethan chuckle under his breath. "Danny's not a threat and if you like him, so what? You two are actually adorable together." Ethan blushed at Luna's words. "Listen," she said making him look at her. "I'll talk to Aiden and make sure he backs off Danny, okay?"

"Why are you helping me?"

Luna scoffed. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because according to have no heart." Ethan smirked at Luna's shocked reaction. She slapped his arm and Ethan just laughed. "FYI, I do have a heart." "Okay."

Luna sighed. "The reason why I'm helping is because I can tell that you really like this guy, like...a lot. Don't worry, Aiden will back off when I tell him to because after all...I am Deucalion's daughter," she smirked.

"Thank you, Luna." "You're welcome. Now, I have to get to English since I am very late. See you later, Ethan." she said before leaving.


Ms. Blake walked across her class as she continued her lecture to them as a whole. She stopped when the door to her classroom opened. Everyone turned toward the door to see Luna walking in.

"Luna, why are you late to class?" Ms. Blake asked as she crossed her arms.

"I had a doctor's appointment. Here," she said handing Ms. Blake an excuse note. "I have a note." Ms. Blake read over it and nodded. "Okay, take a seat."

Luna nodded before making her way over to her seat and smiling at Scott before she sat down in front of him. "Hey," Scott breathed out. "Hi," she breathed out. "Hey." he said again as Luna laughed quietly. "Are we going to do this every time we greet each other?" she asked with an amusing smile on her face.

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