Chapter 10: The Overlooked

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A strong storm quickly descended over Beacon Hills as Luna, Aiden and Ethan were with Deucalion and Kali as they told them everything that had happened at the recital. The three even told Deucalion that they had overheard Scott fighting with Ms. Blake and that she was apparently the Darach.

Luna, Aiden, Ethan and Kali waited for Deucalion to speak.

"Interesting," he mumbled before looking up to his pack. "Scott's taking her to the hospital." he said as his pack stood up straighter, getting ready for his new plan.


"Yes, father?"

"Tonight is the night Scott will finally see your true colors." "You mean...I'm finally going to show him and his pack that I'm your daughter?" she asked and Deucalion nodded. "I know you will not disappoint me. Now, you and the twins will go to the hospital to find Jennifer. Kali and I have something to do first and we will meet you three there."

Luna, Aiden and Ethan nodded their heads before walking out of the apartment and into the elevators. The doors closed and Luna leaned back against the wall and stared down at her feet. Usually, she would be feeling excited to do a mission like this but lately...she feels like she had lost her spark.

The doors to the elevators opened and Luna shook the thoughts from her head before walking out with the twins.


Luna, Aiden and Ethan were now at the hospital and in the elevators as they waited for the doors to open.

Aiden sniffed the air and was surprised to smell anxiety coming from Luna. "You're worried," he said in a shocked tone and Luna looked up at him.

"What? No, I'm not," she lied.

"Yes, you are," Aiden paused. "You're worried about how Scott is going to react when he sees you." Luna looked back down and Aiden scoffed. "Oh my God, you actually fell for him," he realized. Luna shot her head back up at him. "I do not!"

"Yes you do! I can't believe this. This is why you were okay with Ethan liking Danny." Luna glared at Aiden. "So what if I am okay with Ethan liking Danny. I know you like Lydia." "I do not." "And I do not like Scott."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Will you two shut up!" he yelled making Luna and Aiden look over at him. Ethan pointed to Aiden. "You like Lydia," he then pointed to Luna. "And you like Scott. You're both lying to yourselves."

Aiden and Luna glanced at each other before looking away. Luna cleared her throat. "So, any ideas on how I should expose myself as Deucalion's daughter to Scott?" she asked. Ethan sighed knowing that Luna had changed the topic.

"You could show up with us and shift in front of Scott," Aiden suggested. "Or you could pretend to be captured by us and then shift in front of him," Ethan suggested as the elevator doors finally opened. "I'll go with the first one," Luna said before the three of them walked out and strutted down the hallway of the deserted hospital.


Luna pushed a set of double doors opened. The doors made a loud smack as it banged against the wall. She and the twins spotted a man up ahead, struggling to carry a woman. The man turned around and Luna smirked when she realized that the man was Peter Hale and he was holding Cora, his niece.

"Now," she said as the twins nodded before transforming. Peter watched as the twins were now in their transformed state and it let out a roar. "Oh, hell no," he mumbled as Luna and the fused Alpha strutted up to him. He then quickly laid Cora down on the floor away from him so she wouldn't get any more injured than she already was.

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