Chapter Twenty-Six

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Luke wasn't kidding when he said that he'll have her up all night. Round after round and Bridget wasn't getting breaks in between. It wasn't bad at all. She missed this, doing this with him. Being over the edge, on an all time high that's lasted hours with Luke. He knew exactly how to get Bridget to scream.

"Morning my love." Bridget said as she kissed Luke's back. Her arms were wrapped around him and she could feel him waking up.

"Morning baby. How are you feeling? I know I worked you hard last night." Luke turned around wrapping his arm around Bridget taking her in for a hug.

"It's still a roller coaster with you. I thought I would be use to it by now but you still know how to make me sore and weak." Luke smile widens. He still got it.

"So today you needed to handle breakfast and hopefully I'm good enough for lunch." Bridget said.

"Good. I'm glad you decided to stay in bed. I got this taken care off." Luke got off the bed mighty fast, making Bridget wonder if him going extra hard in her last night was to keep Bridget in bed today.

"Today I will handle everything. Breakfast, lunch, everything. You just relax and call me if anything." Luke said closing the door behind him as he left. What on earth is he up to? Bridget thought.

"She's in bed relaxing. I told her that I will do everything." Luke said through the phone. He kept his voice low just in case Bridget decided to come down. He didn't want her to hear his conversation.
"Yes of course she believes and I'm not making anything suspicious. I've always told her to let me do things around the house not her—just make sure everything is going according to plan. Okay, Bye Brent."

Luke hung up the phone with slight worry but he wasn't gonna let it bother him tremendously. He thought about nothing else but his family. He had breakfast to make.
Luke fed Jason first and he was back in the living room watching tv. Bridget sat across Luke while they ate and last night couldn't leave her head. She was also remembering other nights that she had with him and her thong was soaked. She was dripping wet onto the seat. She hasn't had sex in months and this is her body craving it and wanting more. Bridget wasn't satisfied.

"You okay Bri?" Luke asked. He could she that she was a bit agitated.

"Yeah of course." Luke didn't press her more and they continued to eat. Bridget slide her left hand under the table and lifted her skirt up.

"So what are you gonna do today babe? Go to work or—?" Bridget said trying to make small talk. She moved the thong to the side and gently rubbed her pussy.

"No, no work today. It's just the three of us today. However, I wanna take you out later on, so there's that."

Bridget couldn't ask where they would be going. She was so focused on fingering herself but also trying not to make Luke noticed. "That's cool to hear. Can't wait for that." Bridget said.

"Your not eating." Luke pointed.

"I'm full. I don't have much of an appetite anymore." Bridget said closing her eyes as she was drifting off to another high.

"Wow, so bold of you to do this right in front of me." Bridget immediately opened her eyes to find Luke lifting his head up from after looking under the table. He looked upset.

"Nothing was going on. I was just check...." Bridget eyes followed his as he came around to her side of the table.

"Yeah with two fingers buried inside you? You were making yourself even more wet and I'm sitting right across from you. What, you couldn't ask me for help?" He asked removing Bridget fingers from her pussy and seeing how wet they are.

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