A Meeting Between Two Foxes

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A Meeting Between Two Foxes

I stood still as I gazed at the running figure of Isshiki Iroha slowly disappearing from the reaches of my sight. Why I did so, I'm not entirely sure. I could have just left when she ran you know? But no. I just stood there, probably looking stupid.

Maybe it's because I'm still conflicted. I did say that I have reservations over what I did. I do have some sort of regret. Even though I repeatedly say that I find Isshiki to be annoying to the point where I have thought of just getting rid of her for once and for all, deep inside my person, I always knew that I enjoyed her company and I really don't want to be want to be separated from her. I cannot deny that she is one of the few people that I acknowledge to be more than that of a mere acquaintance.

A part of me wants to go after her, hold her, and just say that it was just a prank. A very terrible prank. It would make me look stupid, and I might get smacked on the face for it, but I think it's only fair. Heck, I would be glad if she'd slap me just so that I can feel immediate atonement over whatever shit is that I've done. I know I may have sounded like a masochist, but I'm pretty sure that you'd be saying the same thing were you in my position right now.



Maybe not.

But still... you get the point right?

A part of me wants to call her and say that I've made a terrible mistake and that I am really sorry. That I didn't really mean any of what I've said. That I didn't really want to end whatever it is that we have, or rather, had. That I still want to be with her. That I want us to just pretend that what had happened has never happened. That things I want things to stay the same.

But I must stand by my decision. I did it with the best of our interest afterall. It'll be for our own good.


Why do I sound so insincere while 'saying' what I've just 'said'? Have I really thought of what is for the best of us when I've made my decision? Have I really thought of her and what this would do to her? Or was I only thinking of myself, of my own interest and no one else's, hers included?

Separation has never felt so painful up until just now. And it's probably because I have already considered her to be someone who's precious to me.

Damn. It hurts.

I know that I probably deserve this... this feeling of pain in my chest.

Damn does it hurt.


Ishhiki Iroha, what have you done to me? Months ago, you were just a stranger who I can't give a shit about. But now, you have become someone whom I cannot part with easily.

Really, what it is that you have done? What have you done to the creature that is Hikigaya Hachiman?


"No." I said firmly to the girl in front of me.

"But Senpaiiiii, you're the only one I can ask of this." countered such girl, doing so in her usual cutesy manner.

To anyone, or rather, everyone else, they might have taken Isshiki's words for their face value. What I mean is, they might only see her words as that, a cute kohai who is asking a favour from the only person that she can ask such favour of, her ever reliable Senpai. They'd only see a desperate cute girl trying her best to sway the heart of the boy that she always relies on.

Well, thankfully, I am not anyone, or rather, everyone else. I am Hikigaya Hachiman, a master of reading between the lines. Years of (unintentionally) observing various people and their idiosyncrasies has given me the ability to read the hidden meanings attached to words that have been let go off. And I have (incidentally) honed this particular ability of mine over the years. I also consider this as one of my 108 skills. I am that confident with this ability of mine.

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