Chapter Thirteen: Part 2

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“Who would’ve given you a Firebolt?” Anna asked in confusion - now feeling considerably better, the guilt of crashing Harry’s old broom practically gone, now that he owned a much, much better one. “Maybe it was Dumbledore.” Ron suggested eagerly. “He’s given you the invisibility cloak before!”

“Why would Dumbledore give him a Firebolt?” Anna deadpanned. “The only reason he gave him the invisibility cloak was because it belong to our Dad - he was just passing it on.” She reasoned. “Maybe…” Ron mused. “What about Lupin?” He suggested.

“If Lupin had the kind of money to pay for a Firebolt, I ought to think he would also get himself better robes.” Harry said. Hermione pursed her lips, but didn’t add anything to the conversation. Crookshanks suddenly came into the room, plopping himself in Hermione’s lap. “Don’t let him in here!” Ron yelled, scooping Scabbers into his hands.

“He’s harmless!” Hermione protested, stroking him gently. “No! He’s been after Scabbers since Day one - not on my watch!” Ron said stubbornly, his expression telling Anna that he would gladly kick the cat out the window if given the chance. Suddenly, Crookshanks pounced, sinking his claws into Ron’s shirt as he attempted to impale Scabbers.

“GET HIM OUT OF HERE!” Ron roared, spinning around wildly to try to get Crookshanks off of him. But Anna wasn’t focusing on the madness, but on the voice she had been hearing for months now - a voice with an accent she couldn’t really place. “Harry?” She blurted as her brother turned to her. “Is there anyone else here for the holidays?” Maybe it was another Gryffindor, still in their dorm.

Harry shook his head. “Just us and a few other students from different houses. Why?” He asked as Anna shrugged. “Just curious.” She answered, nonchalantly, but on the inside, she was panicking about the voice - wondering if she was really starting to lose it.

- - -

“Expecto Patronum!” Anna was back out trying to perfect the spell, but even trying her hardest, the best she could summon was a bit of silver mist - not nearly enough to defend herself from a dementor. She had been outside for hours, and her fingers were practically numb from being exposed to the cold for far too long.

She yelled in frustration, kicking a clump of snow from the ground before kneeling down to the ground and pulling her frozen hands inside the warmth of her parka. “I hate myself.” She groaned miserably. “Don’t worry. We’ve all been there.”

Anna stood up abruptly, taking her wand out as she backed away a few steps. “Who’s there?” She asked, though her hand was shaking slightly. “ can hear me?” Anna looked down to see Crookshanks - looking up at her with an alertness in his eyes that Anna had never noticed before. “Hey. How’s life up there?

She suddenly burst out laughing, wiping her hair from her face as she giggling wildly. “Haha! Um...what’s so funny?” Crookshanks asked. “I’ve gone mad! I’m hearing voices, I’m talking to a freaking cat!” She exclaimed, shoving her wand in her pocket as she pressed her fingers to her temples. “Okay, Anna. This is just a dream. It’s just a dream, and when you wake up, it’s going to be hilarious.”

Trust me, little lady. This isn’t a dream.” Crookshanks said and Anna’s arms dropped to her sides. “Okay, hypothetically, if this is real, why haven’t I heard you before? I mean, I’ve heard phrases - but you seem like you know a lot more than just two words.” Anna said as Crookshanks scoffed. “The reason why you haven’t heard me is because I don’t talk. I mean, why would I talk if I thought no one could hear me? The only reason I said ‘You’re lying’ is so that the rat could know I was on to him.”

“That does make sense..” Anna began, then shook her head. “Wait. If you’ve been...aware, and you can understand me...that means you should know certain things about me.” She said. Crookshanks lazily set himself on the ground, rolling onto his back. “Ask away.”

“What’s my real name that my parents gave me?” She began. “Pft. Too easy. Your full name is Lillian Eve Potter.” Crookshanks said cockily, moving his paws as if he was shooting a basketball. “Another one!” Anna narrowed her eyes. “My favourite color?”

Trick question! You love sky blue the most, because it reminds you of your foster family, but you also like green for some reason even though you’re a Gryffindor - I think you like it because of your eyes, but whatever.” Crookshanks said. “My favorite flavor?” He sighed. “You used to love chocolate, but you hate it now because you have to eat it so often, and your new favourite flavor is cinnamon.” Anna’s eyes were the size of dinner plates, processing that this moment was actually happening. “Do you need me to go on about your secret crush on Pablo Picasso, or-”

“Nope! I’m good, I’m good.” She reassured him quickly. She raised an eyebrow. “But I don’t understand. Why can’t anyone else hear you?” Crookshanks gave her a mysterious sort of smile. “That should be my question to you, Animagus.”

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