🌊You have reay changed.🌊

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(Tord's POV)
As I exlained how I got kicked out of the army, how I was homeless, was very injured, why I was still alive. Everyone looked shocked.
Even Tom.
He even looked a little concerned.
"Tord I'm so sorry!" Edd gasped.
"Its ok.." I reassured him.
"No it really isn't Tord. You may have done a lot of bad things, but your in a bad state right now and I think... I think you deserve a second chance". He smiled warmly at me.
My eyes widened and my heart sank.
'I have done so much..wait No no no, I don't deserve this I don't deserve this I don't deserve this'
I started to get a bad headache. It ached like hell.
I could feel my vision getting blurrier.
I held my head with both of my hands.
"No no no no no no no", I said, tending up. I know what's going to happen.
I pulled onto my hair tighter and sank my hands into it. It hurts, but I felt like I couldn't stop gripping it rightly.
"Tord are you okay?" Edds worried voice asked. I looked at him, but he was blurry.
I felt a zap on my neck as my headache got bigger.
My stress level.
I knew what was happening, I grew very angry and upset when it first zapped.
I held the control chain (ok it's not a chain, it's not a necklace either-
Idk it's one of those silver things that go around your neck and control you or zap you??? These are called control chains but they are not chains. Just a loop with buttons.) Around my neck. I gripped it tightly. The electricity grew higher and higher, and I got angrier. I covered part of my face with my hand.
I screamed in pain as I felt pain fall onto me. It feels like the harpoon stabbing through me...
Tears pricked at the edge of my eyes and I started crying.
I heard footsteps run to me but I backed away more.
I leaned onto the wall, feeling weak but crying even more.
"TORD!" Someone yelled. It felt like a murmur.
'What is happening to me?!'
I felt more and more electricity flow through me, causing more pain.
It was too much. So much that I want someone to just kill me already.
I felt like I was gonna die today.
All what I felt was electricity and pain.
I hope they stop this, they always make the electricity stop when I'm in too much pain.
Cause they wanna keep me alive for something.
The electricity was starting to die down, and I felt better but My body still ached. Especiay my neck. Tears were still spilling out and I probably look like a broken mess.
That's because I am.
I felt hatred, but I mostly felt weak.
"Tord? W-what happened?!" I heard Tom.
I was panting lightly, I looked up to see a scared Tom.
Everyone was scared.
I felt two wrap around me.

"You have really changed".

✨I Will Fly Us Out Of Here✨ TomTord AUWhere stories live. Discover now