♥️Hidden Feelings 💙

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Holy fuck, finally a non depressing chapter. I feel like this book is too depressing already and I might need to lower it down so here's a tomtord chapter...
I'm incredibly sorry for not updating quickly enough, I'm losing ideas and I keep forgetting this.
I just had a friend who faked depression and betrayed me, so I need to write a bit to let go of it... I'm sorry once again. Stay safe with the corona!
This book does not deserve views hshsh-
I love y'all <3

(3rd POV)
"Hey..Tom?" The British male asked.
"Hmm?" Tom hummed in respone, raising an brow.
"Matt and I are gonna go shopping, would it be ok if you stayed here with Tord a bit?"
Tom hesitantly nodded, and Edd smiled.
"Great!" He exclaimed. "Thanks, Tom".
Tom smiled back and said 'your welcome'.
After a few minutes, he heard the door close.
He stood up and stretched, it was a lazy Sunday.
Where most people would eat poptarts and watch netflix, or play a video game with some friends.
It's different for everybody.
Tom stalked upstairs thinking about Tord. It was weird to think about it, a former friend who exploded your house and betrayed you.
But Tom was worried, he changed and he seemed...different.
He stood in front of Tords door, and knocked on it.
He heard some shuffling inside, then a creak as the door opened.
The room had no light, he could barely see anything. All he could see was Tord.
He seemed nervous, he had big fearful eyes like a little kid seeing a stranger, and he had small eye bags too.
Tord seemed really tired, but looked cute.
He had a red oversized sweater that covered his knees.
"Hallo Tom", his accent rang through and opened the door more.
"Hello Tord", Tom replied.
"Are you hungry?"
"No no, I'll eat something eh..later".
Tom nodded.
"Is it ok if I go somewhere?" Asked Tord.
Tom paused, but sighed deeply.
"If you wish", he said. "Can I come though?"
"Why do you wanna come?"
"I don't want you getting hurt".
Tord was confused, after all of the betrayal he wants to come?
"Sure", was all Tord said as he closed the door and darkness slid in.
He felt bad for closing the door but what else should he say?
Tord rested a hand on the door, it felt like he could feel Toms emotions.
Tom on the other side, stared off worriedly but turned and walked away.
Tord at the same time slid his hand off the door, and turned to get changed.

~Time Skip~
Tord came down with a red hoodie and some grey jeans.
Tom looked up from his phone and turned off the fanfiction.
"Let's go", Tord said.
Tom stood up and walked over to Tords side.
He noticed that Tord kept his gaze foward as Tom looked at him.
"So..how are you Tord?" Tom asked.
"I've been doing fine. What about you?" Tord asked hesitantly as he looked at Tom from the corner of his eye.
"Great! I've just been playing songs with Susan!" Tom exclaimed, trying to lighten up the mood a little.
Tord chuckled. "That sounds nice".
"It is. I think you should try, I can teach you", Tom said.
"No no, I won't be good at it", Tord said worriedly.
Tom made it to the door and opened it.
The two males stepped out as Tom turned around and closed it.
"That's what I thought when I first started, but it got pretty easy. As long as your having fun; your good at it."
Tord lightly smiled.
Tom felt happy for the smile.
He blushed just thinking about it.
"So, where are we going?" Asked Tom.
"Its a secret!" Tord replied cheerfully.
Tom shrugged it off and followed.
"What happened after the end?" Tom asked Tord.
Tord stayed silent for a second.
"I got kicked out... I almost died but luckily Paul and Pat took me to the base and I got healed there. It hurt so much... I was weak so I got kicked out, it's not like I can do anything anymore. So I lived through the city as a homeless person", Tord explained.
"Wow," Tom commented. "I'm so sorry..."
"Its ok, I'm glad to be with you guys again."
Tord left out a lot of details, there was still secrets hiding..
"Me too", Tom replied.
They were walking for a while, until they reached a park. It was a large park, it was grassy and there were trees here and there along with a playground.
It was sunny, o the light was creeping in between the branches.
There were two benches and kids running around laughing with a few adults doing what their doing (OOH~ k I'll stop).
"Wow, it's pretty here!" Tom said and looked around.
Tord nodded.
"So you've been going here a lot lately?" Tom asked.
"Yes", Tord replied. "It's my favorite place".
Tom and Tord went to go sit on a bench and watch everyone. There were also flowers dotted everywhere.
Tord got off the bench and cpruchdd to the ground.
He reached out a hand and pulled out a couple dark blue roses.
They were growing in a small patch, and Tord had to be careful of the thorns.
"Blue roses?" Tom asked. "I've never seen those".
"Oh I have!" Tord exclaimed. "They are very rare and hard to find tho, it's weird to be growing here at this time... last time I saw them was when I moved out".
Tom nodded slowly.
"They look pretty," he said.
Tord took a few minutes making a flower crown and gently tying them together. Finally, Tord was done as Tom stood in amazement.
"Here you go!" Tord gave it to Tom.
Tom lightly blushed and took it.
He put it on his head.
"Wow, thanks Tord!"
"No problem!" Tord chuckled.
Tom adored that laugh so much, but kept his opinion to himself.
"Well, let's go home", Tord added.
"Yeah. I'm gonna buy some Smirnoff on the way, is it ok if you come?"
They both got up, and walked out of the park together talking and laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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